>tfw no modern holy orders fighting ISIS protecting innocents
Tfw no modern holy orders fighting ISIS protecting innocents
>tfw people still romanticize the crusades which were 100% political with a religious facade to get people involved
>tfw people actually went across the Mediterranean sea to try and take the holy land and die in the attempt because the pope lied to them and said "their sins would be forgiven"
>tfw people think taking any life in the name of god is holy and very clearly cannot fucking read the bible
>tfw people try to misconstrue a peaceful religion into some fierce warrior nigger tier faith
>tfw all these bootlickers and idolizers are ISIS tier in their belief that killing "them" is going to fix anything
>tfw they don't realize that ISIS is purely political and uses the same rhetoric as any other religious extremism to justify violence
>tfw "killing ISIS" is just going to leave another power vacuum for an ambitious man to fill in, where he will indoctrinate young men into using religion or some other high concept for justification
ahh to be young again
d-deus vult
>frogposters calling people young
Ahh, to become retarded one day
nice one dude you got me
Fucking roasted. A good 99% of the people who post these threads aren't even Christian; they're just LARPers like Brevik who want to cloak themselves in the aesthetic.
Crusaders were pagans with a crosses painted on their chests. The crusaders had the disposition of a Roman legion, and all sort of mental arabesques have been cast by Christians to justify it since. Ironically the Church became the very pharisees Christ rebelled against--- and this was a good thing!
Source on pic? Who are those guys?
>tfw you will never be a teenage nihlist again
>tfw you now realize people need purpose and religion
>tfw realize the human ego needs to fight for values in a value-less world in order to sustain itself
god is dead
Shiites and Kurds are doing exactly that.
The Pères Blancs or "White Fathers", a French missionary society of apostolic life, dedicated to spreading Catholicism in Africa and the Maghreb and fighting slavery. They were actually quite successful, and often were often the vanguard of French interests, setting up missions in the middle of nowhere. It still exists, though I doubt they still go around looking like 19th century crusaders.
We have based PKK spreading Marxism and secularism in the Middle East
Saladin pls go
>holy orders
>protecting innocents
Pick one.
>Fucking roasted. A good 99% of the people who post these threads aren't even Christian; they're just LARPers like Brevik who want to cloak themselves in the aesthetic.
t. nigger worshipping SJW
You just proved his point
"his" point was that he wants Islam to dominate the west, like all leftists
in b4 someone posts this map thinking that it is accurate in any way, shape or form and not totally made up.
>All battles fought by Muslim nations against Christian ones were Jihads, and this same logic cannot be applied to Christians.
>The Crusaders literally only fought 13 battles.
look at his post he didnt say that. youre just projecting your insecurities
no u
Touched a nerve, eh? Hit a little too close to home? Face it, you're a bunch of atheists trying to glom onto a crusader image with a Medieval Times-tier understanding of history and Catholicism. I'd bet my life savings that not even half of /pol/'s "Deus Vult" LARPers have so much as recited a single Hail Mary.
It's all aesthetic and no substance.
>>tfw "killing ISIS" is just going to leave another power vacuum for an ambitious man to fill in, where he will indoctrinate young men into using religion or some other high concept for justification
Or we create a modern Crusader state lead by the Church, a bastion of stability in the middle east, that will bring back the church to those who for so long have been following the heretic mohammed.
So you want to repeat the Children's Crusade, but with anime this time?
>tfw want to call user a dumb frogposter but can't because he isn't actually dumb
>If your not an SJw like me, you don't know shit!
fuck off, you anti white faggot
>I'll use strawmen to defend the white race
:^) Well meme'd, friendo. Maybe one day you'll actually read a papal bull or two.
>we create a modern Crusader state lead by the Church, a bastion of stability in the middle east, that will bring back the church to those who for so long have been following the heretic mohammed.
it's called israel
>this man disagrees with me!
>i am white
>of course! he is anti white!
The Church is more left wing than the average US congressman, and actively promotes borderline DemSoc economic and social policies. The bulk of Catholic adherents are increasingly Hispanics, Latinos, Filipinos, Africans, and Slavs. The "Church" you've invented in your head doesn't exist.
>yfw the Knights Hospitallers still have active troops under arms
I'll pray for you, user.
Then the Maronites, Byzantines and Melkites will have to lead the way, to purify not only the region but the fallen Latin Church.
pick one
>let's go slaughter the largest, most powerful Christian organization on the planet
Nice try, Muhammad.
Can't say I agree with your assessment of the Islamic State other than power vacuums, but your crusades assessment was spot on
Thank you user, I appreciate your fair and level headed criticisms.
>Crusades against Tunisia and Egypt aren't even on the map
>it's another Jewish kikes and their muslim pigdogs are triggered by the holy crusades episode
Just a reminder that the list of what Muslims hate goes in descending it's as such:
Christianity is a Semite-derived religion that worships the same God as Arabs and Jews
Native European traditions are the most nationalistic spit in the eye to muzzies you could have.
>inb4 LARP pagan hurr durr
With all the Doos Vult pretend-crusaders there is absolutely no room to talk here
>purely political
lmao no. Keep thinking you're woke, jackass
He didn't even make a criticism or say anything else, how can you say he's being fair? Just because he agreed with you overall, you say that.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is left wing! Only leftists are mean to /pol/ :DDD
When will /pol/ realise that their reasoning skills are on par with an SJW?
probably for the best
holy orders usually suck at fighting muslims (I guess the Hospitaliers were an exception but they were mostly defensive)
How utterly based.
>If you don't agree with all my SJW shit that means that you are just as bad as me!
fuck off leftypol
>>tfw "killing ISIS" is just going to leave another power vacuum for an ambitious man to fill in, where he will indoctrinate young men into using religion or some other high concept for justification
>d-don't kill my pet Muslims
>they cost you alot of money
>t. Barack Clinton al-Saud
>the crusades were 100% political
that's absolutely incorrect though, and you would know that if you had spent even 10 minutes reading about the state of the western world just prior to the onset of the first crusade. if the crusades truly were 100% political we would have seen a lot more 4th crusade type conflicts.
It's okay, you can stop now, /pol/, we have seen enough
aww, the leftist is triggered :(
How conceited are you faggot, he didn't even criticize you, you just want to stroke your own ego.
"Look at how calculated and contained I am haha, unlike THOSE /pol/fags"
It's funny how people have a "us vs them" mentality with the crusades when for most of Christianity's history involving warfare, it's Christians killing other Christians.
It's easier to swallow than to pervert the Atheistic of the crusaders
all warfare involves man killing his brother, it's not unique, nations and peoples act in their own interests outside of general uniting philosophies
really, your post is worthless
You're the same one who just said "sieg heil" because someone said sjw in another thread, this is very low quality
>couldn't handle the bants