ITT: people who did nothing wrong
ITT: people who did nothing wrong
>its another "romanticize liberals that cut peoples heads off if they disagree" thread
>it's another reactionary jackass making ahistorical statements about historical figures as if 18th century french liberals are anything like modern day liberals and they beheaded the aristocracy because they "disagreed" with them
What the fuck do you think you're doing on a history board? The aristocracy got what was coming, bootlicking cuck.
>if you disagree with the jacobins you must be a monarchist aristocrat
thermidorians my man
you are using that word but it does not mean what you think it means
Golden Boy of the party. Literally did nothing wrong. Purged only cuz popular and champion of NEP after lenin died.
the conservative wing of a given revolutionary movement
unironically this
It's either that or wait until the right does it to the people they disagree with.
No, its a reaction against the radicalism of a given revolutionary movement. Thermador was the reaction of the French against those that were at the head of and supported the revolution. So they are not a conservative wing of the revolution, they are conservatives who are anti-revolution.
According to some historical philosophers every revolution has a thermador that follows because people are upset by the rapid change and radical ideas that are often brought to fruition.
ITT: People who did everything wrong
Fuck off fucking jacobin.
Petain was a traitor and a coward who deserved to be strung up from the Arc-de-Triumph.
>did nothing wrong
Well I guess mentally ill people don't have control over their actions so in that case you're not wrong.
"reactionary" is a stoopid and meaningless term
prove me wrong
t. reactionary
i dont get it, what did the sun king supposedly do wrong?
>Their ideological spokesman, Saint-Just, was a former noble, a beautiful would-be dandy who remade himself in the image of an iceberg. He even went to his own execution at the end of the terror (he was 26) without apparent emotion - whereas Robespierre, his jaw shattered by a bullet, screamed in agony as the bandages were ripped off to fit his head into the slot.
leibniz was my favorite french monarch too
Ask the guy who posted Robespierre
Danton was one ugly guy.