This kills the united Christendom

This kills the united Christendom

The problem is Latin grammar vs. Greek grammar. Filioque was never a problem until some autistic language nerd said "hey, wait a minute..."

Miaphysitism, on the other hand...

>implying Catholicism didn't kill Christendom by forcing Christendom into a different religion called Catholicism.

>consubstantiality of Father and son
>Holy Spirit only proceeds from Father

Pick one

>Catholicism killed Christendom

What about Pre-Chalcedonians, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant?

Protestants fucked Christianity forever, they're at a point where there are protestants of protestants of protestants of protestants of protestants, it's embarassing

>Protestants fucked Christianity forever
lol. This is what Catholics actually believe.

>Church founded literally so a King could get a divorce
>Church founded because dancing is a sin
>Church founded because modern convenience is a sin
Protestants are such fucking meme churches, Lutherans get a pass

>he continues to pretend the reformation just spontaneously "happened" and wasn't literally centuries upon centuries in the making and would have happened many many many times over the years if it wasn't for the barbaric and murderous suppression by "muh church" and he continues to ignore the countless amount of times sects broke away previously
Yep. He's a Catholic all right. Funny thing is, I am a Lutheran.

People used to die for this

Christians are so fucking autistic

>The posters counter didn't go up
What did you meme by this?

I don't criticize the Lutherans because they had legitimate reasons to leave the church (even if most of them were rectified during the counter-reformation), it's every church after that that's fucking retarded

Are we wrong?

how to make Christians kill each other for a thousand years, merely present a semantics argument and let them tear each other apart over which is 100% truth and which is 100% false, never thinking "heh maybe we're both idiots and religion is for sheep"
"nah bro, semantics matters, God will either send us to heaven or hell depending on how well we do on this theological grammar pop quiz. This is definitely worth creating a 2000 year split between catholics and orthodoxy whilst a united muslim front pushes on europe until the modern era

>Autistically following the post counter
What did you mean by this?

Princes wanting more temporal power isn't very legitimate. The reformation stopped being a populist rebellion rather quickly and Luther was quick to turn his back on his original peasant supporters. And as you said: The church addressed the legitimate complaints of Luther during the counter reformation without butchering Christian theology like protestants.

Hold on. Do you guy's not consider Lutherans as Protestant?

But nothing of that would have ever happened if the reformation had never branched out at the scale it did

Quite the opposite, I see them as the only legitimate protestants, everyone after was an attempt to centralize power of the state in its inception

Interesting. Thanks for the clarification. I mean, I don't disagree, I guess.

The Muslim world was in no way United when the great schism happened.

>United Muslims
>Murder each other over a dead caliphates successor
>Still doing it now

Then when you invade the Muslim world you refuse an alliance with the enemy of your enemy(fathamids)

Divided over an arrow.