Is there any argument to say that Christianity is European that doesn't also submit that with a few hundred years of Islamic Europe, الإسلام would be just as European?
Is there any argument to say that Christianity is European that doesn't also submit that with a few hundred years of...
Yes: the New Testament was written in Greek and composed within the Roman Empire. The first churches were in Greece and Romans play an integral role in the Gospel narrative. These facts give Christianity a distinctly European character especially when compared to the Arabic religion of Islam.
It was brought in by Jews, created by Jews, and came from Roman-Occupied Judea.
That's not exactly the Greco-Roman heartland.
Furthermore, it spread to many places, it saturated MENA before Islam came along, a religion that holds Jesus as a great prophet.
It also spread to India possibly at the beginning. And on the opposite side, the most revered theologian in the West was north African. Also, some think NT wasn't written in Greek.
Now I propose that, just as Christianity came out of Judea and Islam out of Arabia, and as Catholicism was the European-established churches (as opposed to the Oriental Orthodox churches), what if European-brand Islam did the same?
Do we not see Islam as a Arabic/Turkish invention that infected Albania and Bosnia?
>the most revered theologian in the West was north African
Who was this?
Corinth, Thessalonika, and Phillipi are all in the Greek heartland and were all centers of early Christianity, even Rome itself had a church. Furthermore, all these places are immortalized in the New Testament and even one of the Gospel authors, Luke, was an ethnic Greek. Obviously there is Jewish influence as well but concepts like the "Logos" are Greek in origin and Christianity is a ultimately a fusion of Jewish and Hellenic spirituality.
Islam has no comparable ties to Europe because it is a purely Arab religion.
Augustine and he would have identified as a Roman first and foremost.
St. Augustine
The point is that Christianity has had ties to Europe from it's very inception whereas Islam only found a foothold in Europe centuries after Muhammad's death.
However, these early churches were established by Jews coming out of Judea, not Greeks in Greece.
The Stoics laughed at them, and when the Christians took power, they declared it a pagan philosophy and the schools shut down.
The majority of Greeks converted on their own accord because they were persuaded that Christ's teachings were superior to the those of the philosophers. No Christian army conquered Greece and forced the religion on the people, they freely chose to follow Jesus.
We cannot say the same about Islam's influence.
Still doesn't qualify it as European, and you can bet your ass that when they took peaceful majority, they became violent convertors.
>The majority of Greeks converted on their own accord because they were persuaded that Christ's teachings were superior to the those of the philosophers
Honestly Abdul, the concept of "Europe" didn't even exist until Charlemagne who was a very hardcore Christian so in reality "Europe" itself a product of Christianity.
What we've been debating so far is whether Christianity is "Western" which in the 21st century is synonymous with "Europe" and that's why I didn't correct you earlier. However seeing as how you refuse to acknowledge even the most basic facts such as how important the Greek language is in the development of the church this conversation has become tedious. It is clear you are blinded by your ideology so I'll shake the dust off my feet and leave you to your straw grasping.
Gb2 /pol/
>muh European religious
>muh deus vult
So I get that this is about all your argument amounts to, but in all seriousness if I'm arguing for a native faith in opposition to a semitic one, you're Schlomo and I'm Johnson or Arminius or something.
>Europe as a concept
You're wrong
Not an argument, and theology and ethnology belongs on Veeky Forums
Yes, it BECAME a thing westerners did, it isn't Western in origin.
This goes back to the OP, where if in the 22nd century we made our own Islamic schools with Western flair with Latin script and architecture and shit, would they be Western too?
is that clown meant to be terrifying??
>western version of islam
it's very possible and it looks pretty comfy tbqh
>is greek or arabic more european?
>>is יהוה or الله more European?
europe as a cultural entity not a fairy tale and this is what christendom was
what language is the new testament written in?
What deity is revered in the New Testament?
>what is Interpretatio Romana/Græca/Germanica
>europe as a cultural entity
three distinct cultural regions
>what is christendom?
>What are local cultures that are so divisive as fuck, the EU is seen as a problem.
yet by the grace of god they fought together to reclaim the holy land
No nationalism at the time. Just a bunch of dudes following warlords around.
they shared a purpose, a god and their leadership even shared a tongue
Lol barely
To them
Mars was Tiwaz was Ares
Mercury was Wodanaz was Hermes
Jupiter was Thunraz was Zeus
There were no religious wars, unlike schisms in Christianity
You clearly don't know how Interpretatio Romana worked
Respectable, were it not for that the Church shut down Stoic schools they took it from
Like that crusade where Catholics sacked Constantinople in an act of solidarity?
What did he mean by this
This refutes nothing, the deity is still semitic
There is only one God for all people.
t. Jewish Apostle about YHWH
>ἀλλ' ὁ ἐν τῷ kρυπτῷ Ἰουδαῖος kαὶ περιτομὴ kαρδίας ἐν πνεύματι οὐ γράμματι οὗ ὁ ἔπαινος οὐk ἐξ ἀνθρώπων ἀλλ' ἐk τοῦ θεοῦ
M8 I can give you a poem praising the Christian God in RUNES and that wouldn't make YHWH Germanic
The Germanics are YHWH's children.
But there Jews are G-d's Chosen People
Pretty good image desu but this doesn't disapprove the religion's semitic origins
Firstly, this image relies on the assumption that it is truth, and this is contested
Secondly, it's easy to say that Germanic paganism is savagery (I'm a Germaniaboo and I admit this), but what of Greek and Roman philosophy? It taught you how to live a wonderful life as a Stoic for example. This was so irrefutable that Christians even while shutting down the Stoic schools, they still adopted their terms and concepts.