Why are leftypol and /r/fullcommunism invading Veeky Forums
Why are leftypol and /r/fullcommunism invading Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>be gommie
>do historical revisionism and manipulate facts
>still admit people died
Why are pol and /r/The_Donald invading Veeky Forums
Both sides are autistic
This is now a Byzantium thread
>Both sides are autistic
you're the one posting on /r/fullcommunism, and tryoing to slide this thread
if there was only a way to remove them both.... i'm looking at you humanities
I've never even visited reddit in my life senpai
Burden of proof is on you. I'm just sick of "Political Debates" that are just calling each other Dumbpollacks or leftycucks
>I've never even visited reddit
yet your defending a board on reddit
> still admit people died
> actually celebrate it
What when did I say this literal question marks are over my head right now
Also while we are adhomineming
I really hope you're actually just a /r/Fullcommunism shill trolling
Why is this board being subtly influenced by foreign political invaders? Why must we be the battleground board for these ideological combatants? They're supposed to be in /pol/ doing this, not here. This is a neutral board and it will stay that way.
>he's now claiming I'm from /r/fullcommunism despite the fact thatI don't want to kill all white people
Probably because Containment boards don't work and evangelical leftypollacks and pollacks have a fetish for convincing people of their righteous ways
ell oh ell.
Nigga you got me, I just wanna kill fuckin' whitey that's it. I'll pack up and leave back to /r/communism you godamn fashy. Stalin did nothing wrong for real btw
its true though, name one thing leftists have ever done to promote white identity
Serious talk, leftism (In my definition) is more about treating people equally than 'promoting' a identity of any kind. I know the modern day sjw is retarded. So I mean, no left leaning people never have promoted white identity, but it kinda doesn't need to be promoted
See: Greece, Rome, Colonization, and the industrial revolution
Even today predominately white countries lead the world in almost every regard, and personally I don't see a issue with this.
>Even today predominately white countries lead the world in almost every regard, and personally I don't see a issue with this.
oh yes you do, you're only trying to pander to me now
Identity politics were great until white people started engaging in them! Leftist groups have been nurturing every identity politics movement since the 70s. Now we're all good proletarians who should love each other again because black people told you not to attend BLM rallies because you're too white.
Kys leftcuck your ilk fed the beast and now it's starting to bite the white upper middle class philosophy major hand that fed them
Fuck /pol/ and fuck lefties.
Veeky Forums is it's own entity.
lol what when did I say this.
I mean the both of you are just putting words into my mouth which is pretty bad way to go about arguing with people in the internet
This btw
>this is your brain on rigid duality
Holy fuck. If this is seriously the intellectual capacity of the average person with a hard "us vs them" mentality ingrained into them, I see no reason why centrist values shouldn't be promoted in the political spectrum.
They have been trying to invade for a few weeks or months now. It's funny though, their tactics don't work. The only thing Veeky Forums cares about is whether or not ancient egyptians were black
It's not and has never been, and will never will be.
Veeky Forums has always been a place with rigorous debate. There are left wingers and right wingers of all stripes, Christians debating each other, and non-believers, nationalists and neoliberals, Ameriblubbers and Eurotrash.
Rigorous debate is healthy.
What's not healthy are /pol/tards trying to make Veeky Forums their safe space. It's not even about being right-wing, it's about acting like an even bigger faggot than bronies: ridiculing anyone who doesn't like what they like, sperging out and picking fights and then wailing about being persecuted when people pile in on them, being a broken record who infects every single discussion with their pet issue.
I've never seen anyone who unironically claims to be from /leftypol/, I haven't seen any self-proclaimed communist annoy me the way that /pol/tards do. Like all faggotry, an important part of that identity is having a boogeyman to unite people against: for /pol/tards it doesn't matter that /leftypol/ is a spook and that Veeky Forums is actually a fairly heterodox place, /pol/tards just parade out these memes as a coping mechanism to hide the shallow vacuity of their ideas and to turn their sense of rejection into a sense of persecution.
This is a libertarian/classical liberal board.
>they still don't realize Veeky Forums is a French Catholic board
Veeky Forums is a neoliberal board
>I've never seen anyone who unironically claims to be from /leftypol/, I haven't seen any self-proclaimed communist
spotted the leftypol faggot, kill yourself
Sorry /pol/, Veeky Forums will never be your safe-space
Why don't you cry about it some more before this thread gets pruned for being /pol/tard trash? It's not like you have any sources to back up any of your bullshit claims
this isn't your anti white safespace, leftypol
>o-oh yeah! look at this thing this one guy wrote once!
>ignores the daily deluge of /pol/faggotry
Wow, such rigorous methodology. Good job, /pol/, it's like you're trying really, really hard to think.
>It's not and has never been
why is this SJW faggot denying the truth?
>ignores the daily deluge of /pol/faggotry
haha, this anti white faggot thinks that anything that's not leftpol approved is /pol/
Why are you shitting up Veeky Forums with your shitty, unsourced infographics which are not corroborated in any way by actual data?
Are you trying to get this thread pruned faster?
Nice projecting, /pol/, your insecurities are really showing on this one.
aww, the leftypol shills are out in force. Veeky Forums isn't your SJW safespace btw
>Why are you shitting up Veeky Forums with your shitty, unsourced infographics which are not corroborated in any way by actual data?
says the faggot who FEELS that "le evil /pol/weenies" are here JUST to disrupt his neuroscientist Egypt threads
why do you SJWs want a safespace?
And once again, you have proven my point that when /pol/tards are faced with an argument which dismantles their shitty, narrow minded world-view, out comes the ridicule because nothing substantial comes to mind.
I asked for hard evidence, not just a screencap you took once of some faggots shitposting on reddit, and your response is to spout memes and parade around your boogeyman.
I'm literally holding you to the same standards that I hold Communists and libertarians too, and both type of ideologue has no problem coming up with something that isn't, "o-oh yeah!? Well ur stupid LOLOLZ"
Stay mad plebbit leftypol commie. You are the outsider. /pol/ and Veeky Forums are under the same website. Fuck off trying to claim Veeky Forums.
Deal with it.
Leftism is more about pushing controversy, distabilizing society, and seizing the power in the name of whatever set to be "progressive".
no its more like
>I asked for hard evidence
just go back to leftypol, reddit or revelft and you'll see them organizing their raids
>I'm literally holding you to the same standards that I hold Communists and libertarians
fucker, you've admitted to being a leftists
Welp, seems like they're incorrigible or the worst, most vile and alien troll there is. Either way, they are unable to be assimilated into any distinct board culture they immigrate to, and instead feed off of the host while poisoning it with their shifty tactics. This leaves us with only one remaining solution, the final solution:
/pol/ocaust when?
>the leftist want to kill people who don't hate their own race
Because they want to seize the means of productions and latch onto something better than their leeching asses. It won't work though, nobody likes communists.
Veeky Forums is Yugoslavia and there head of the non aligned movement of Veeky Forums (along with /an/ and /x/)
/leftypol/ (kgb) and /pol/ (cia) out
Why do you leftists want an SJW safepace?
Commit suicide ffs, against all stormies!
>you'll see them organizing their raids
I don't even have to leave Veeky Forums to see the daily raids from /pol/
>fucker, you've admitted to being a leftists
wrong again, nigger. You were the one who started running with all that "anti-white" nonsense. All I said was that Veeky Forums is a place with rigorous debate, where people of all political strips engage with each other, AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. /pol/tards are a far greater threat to that equilibrium than people from that other website, because they're like furfaggots bitching about the "fursecution"
>his neuroscientist Egypt threads
These threads are all created by shitposting /pol/tards, though.
Hiroshima should just nuke this board and relocate what's left to /pol/ were we can have some real discussion without commie faggots going on.
>I don't even have to leave Veeky Forums to see the daily raids from /pol/
post a that was posted today that was organizing a raid on Veeky Forums
why do you leftists have such persecution complexes?
Except you haven't seen half the thread of people chewing out some guy who proclaims fucking centrism
Nuke both /pol/ and /leftypol/
/pol/ is Veeky Forums.
Then show a reddit post organising a raid on Veeky Forums from today.
OP pic is not a raid, by the way. The guy who posted that never even said which board it was from and the discussion has nothing to do with this website.
>Sour Grapes: the post
must be hard going through life so buttfrustrated, /pol/
And yet, a quick browsing of the Veeky Forums catalog shows far more /pol/ threads than not.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill and ignoring scale in order to make a dumbass point and feed your persecution complex.
>why do you leftists have such persecution complexes?
Considering that you're the only one bitching about being persecuted (all those mean raiders from /leftypol/!) pot calling the kettle black, much?
Lads, if they were historically literate and capable of critical thought they wouldn't be on /pol/. Now get back to arguing about how the Byzantine Empire wasn't really Roman.
It most certainly is not.
/pol/, /bant/ and /int/ have many common posters and share a lot of the general opinions. The other boards find these three absolutely abhorrent.
Except you're wrong
Veeky Forums is open to discussion to basically everyone, it's fucking infuriating to have these types of "XD YOU'RE ANTI WHITE!" replies it's about as good as "XD YOU'RE RACISTS".
Also not to mention /pol/ was literally a containment board b/c /news/ got flooded with entire threads of calling the OP a nigger jew
>0 threads posted
I guess leftypol just wants a safepace?
>a quick browsing of the Veeky Forums catalog shows far more /pol/ threads than not.
so threads that triggered you?
>it's fucking infuriating to have these types of "XD YOU'RE ANTI WHITE!"
being called out for what you are is triggering you?
lol lobbying for safe space stormie?
you already have that sweetie its over at
Ohoho, my political beliefs have nothing to do with you Jewing up every board, /pol/. Or should I say Shlomo? That is your real name, after all.
>0 reddit threads posted
I guess one safespace isn't enough for /pol/tards?
But I don't advocate for the extermination for any race.
Again, quit putting words in my mouth
>I guess leftypol just wants a safepace?
I never asked anyone to leave except the faggot demanding that anyone who doesn't toe the /pol/ line needs to get out.
Maybe there aren't daily raids from /leftypol/, maybe you're just a faggot and that's why nobody likes you.
>so threads that triggered you?
You /pol/tards think you're slick but you're about as subtle as a migraine. It's pretty fucking obvious when someone is pushing a /pol/ narrative.
What threads do you even see that would qualify as /pol/ tier?
this one
heres another one
So in short the picture is bragging that they polished a turd
>implying killing stupid peasants isn't based
You will never be like the honorable samurai
Absolutely false. Go on /tv/, /a/, /v/, Veeky Forums and you'll see pretty much only /pol/.
Yes, it's open to discussion, that's why this whole site has a deeply ingrained /pol/ identity. And it's not from organized raids that some faggots think (nobody on /pol/ cares about Veeky Forums really), it's from people from these same boardfs adopting /pol/ack culture.
>But I don't advocate for the extermination for any race.
yes you are, leftypol
It's pretty fucking obvious when someone is pushing a /pol/ narrative.
So any thread that isn't explicitly anti white is /pol/?
There's also threads that get derailed after someone mentions the jews
Tbh in a communist society white people would double their numbers thanks to the fact that raising a family wouldn't that damn expensive. Non whites wouldn't outnumber whitey since they would also have a constant number at least in majority European cities. Nigger
White people wont dissapeared without an actual violent genocide it will take a lot of time to kill us
How the fuck is that /pol/ tier? That is a completely cohesive and reasonable question.
Veeky Forums is a Nahuatl board
Tecolotl-Ocelotl, ce nahualli tlen Cuicuilco ya choloh ialtepeuh huan teyolmelauhqui hualmocuapaz imacehualpoyohuan ce tonatiuh. Peuhqui cahuitl tlen macehualmeh huan peuhqueh mohueyimatih.
>So any thread that isn't explicitly anti white is /pol/?
Look at you, parading around your "anti-white" narrative, as if there was a single person in this thread embracing such a thing.
You've got nothing but insecurities and feelings. When someone picks apart your arguments you take it as a personal assault and start memeing and ridiculing. You drag down the discourse and make it more difficult for right-wingers with an actual brain to make their points. You need to stop shitting up a history board and go read a book and stop bringing your persecution complex into places where it has no business being.
Why do /pol/ posters behave like fucking monkeys on every board they post in, Veeky Forums?
Like I said, i'm not leftypol
It's hard going through life without even having the idea that some people are not extremists nor are the actively trying to subvert you about the truth of the world. Using Buzzfeed does not help because I don't even like Buzzfeed at all
(Except for that one test that was seeing which post arab spring dictator you were which was kek)
It goes back to you putting words into my mouth, ideas that are not in my head, and you needing me to be a without a question enemy instead of some shithead on the internet who want's more Byzantium threads / good dialectic threads in general than being called (((THEM))) anytime I don't conform to someones world view
>yes you are, leftypol
prove it cuck
>Asks to see obvious /pol/ thread
>gets mad when pointed out obvious /pol/ thread
I think you are a child
>When someone picks apart your arguments you take it as a personal assault and start memeing and ridiculing.
you didn't pick apart shit, you SJW faggot
>Asks to see obvious /pol/ thread
Why do you SJWs want a safepsace on Veeky Forums?
I asked to see threads on /pol/ organizing those imaginary raids =, you leftypol shill
And let's not forget this.
Except that any sort of reading into Lenin's life would tell you that he is infact not a Jew nor had any real connections to the Jews.
In fact another one of Stalins war crimes was that he also persecuted the Jews
Relocation and Deportation of Jews During the War
>Following the Soviet invasion of Poland, Stalin began a policy of relocating Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and other parts of Siberia. Throughout the war, similar movements were executed in regions considered vulnerable to Nazi invasion with the various target ethnic groups of the Nazi genocide. When these populations reached their destinations, work was oftentimes arduous and they were subjected to poor conditions due to lack of resources caused by the war effort.[24]
>Lenin was nevertheless an atheist and a critic of religion, believing that socialism was inherently atheistic; he thus considered Christian socialism a contradiction in terms.[473]
>why does /pol/-
They are fucking retarded. All of them.
This place is fucking weird
Lmao get over it man you cannot have TWO safespaces mmkay go hug it out with your fellow cuckeys over at /pol/
Have literally never browsed /leftypol/ myself.
/pol/ doesn't raid boards anymore, they've brought such a massive amount of new users that believe that the entirety of the website shares their beliefs, and that those who don't are outsiders.
goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway /pol/leftypol/tumblrtredditstormfront SHILL
so why dont you go post that in the thread? the op seemed sincerely interested.
Actually yeah probably should, just posting here as an example. Sorry.
>calls others cucks
>literally wants to attack people for not worshiping niggers
Why are you changing the narrative, leftypol?
Get the fuck off my board, fucking overweight internet warriors thinking they're hot shit debating their particular branch of Krautchan-tier insanity around as if their kind of chromosome definciency is the best.
Communism is shit by defintion, any communist -Ism is extra shit. Fascism is shit by defintion, Natsoc is extra shit.
Stop polluting my board reeeeeee
Seriously, I really hope you don't take what you are saying as your actual world views.
How do you know he want's white genocide
How do you know he want's blacks to have privileges over whites
How do you know that he's from /leftypol/
How do you know everyone's inner thoughts.
Why are you literally boasting psychic levels of reading other peoples true beliefs and opinions.
There was never a narrative.
Why do /pol/ users behave like monkeys on every board they post in, creating offtopic threads and discussions, and accussing every Non-Nazi of being "Tumblr" or "Anti-White"
>How do you know he want's white genocide
that's what you "people" want
>How do you know he want's blacks to have privileges over whites
he's a leftist
>How do you know that he's from /leftypol/
he's a leftist
Why do you SJWS want a sapfespace?
lmao you want this cucky wucky?
fucking race traitor jew
You can't answer a question with another.
Anyway, I don't think a single person on this thread is calling for a SJW safespace.