Why do all Leftists want to kill white people?

Why do all Leftists want to kill white people?

>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.

Mods, please, purge this shit

Because liberalism has entered a death spiral and they're desperately lashing out at people they think are responsible. Ironically, their own mind numbing stupidity is what's causing it and behaviour like this only further alienates them from the majority.

See how the Dems have been bleeding minority votes for nearly a decade now.

Why do Leftists want a safespace?

Because their ideas can't stand up to criticism and they know it.

Veeky Forums is for people who are too triggered for /pol/.

There needs to be another war
I'm completely serious. Between all races and nations

That's what [^[[they]]^] want you fucking imbecile. You think if we all found a way to so work together it would benefit [^[[them]]^]?

I'm starting to think a lot of these post are /leftypol/ false flagging.
I mean poltards should be aware of how insufferable they come across right?

Because leftism is a mental illness.

Liberal projection. They cry racism at the drop of a hat because deep down they know they're the racist ones. Look at your tweet, or at that 'progressive' in Cali that got caught out calling people niggers on the internet.

You have a containment board for this topic, go there.

Veeky Forums is a desperate /leftypol/ raid to try and make a leftist safe space on Veeky Forums because they know cripplechan sucks ass. I mean, it's not working, but leftists are if anything persistent in the face of reality.

Literally a tweet from less than one year ago.(25 year minimum for Veeky Forums)
Get back in your containment field, sage, gay and ban.

Leftists are dumb as bricks.
^ example

>b-b-but p-p-p-pol!
>*sharts pants*
Not an argument.

You have one too
I thought you guys realised how much damage SJW morons were doing to your cause, though?


I don't give a fuck about your amerilard politics, get your off topic garbage off my board and crawl back into your cesspool.

The average leftist has a sub 80 IQ, they're quick for violence and misplaced tribalism. Just point and laugh.

>admits to being /leftypol/ raider
Marx was a complete retard btw

Fuck off we all need ww3 every subrace against every other subrace everyone's deluding the primary perspective that we should all have one final conflict but deep down not only does everyone want one everyone needs one almost to a swelling degree.


This is a history board

>muh diversity
>borders are racist!
>reperations for something that happened hundreds of years ago!
>Marx was right
How smart do you think these people are?

Their whole way of life is based around being a perpetual victim. It's well known that conservatives and rightists btfo them at almost every level except empathy (a low t or women's emotion).
Basically, they realise they can't compete and resort to having meltdowns on Twitter and lashing out at their superiors.

>when /pol/faggotry becomes so retarded that other /pol/fags thinks it is a false flag
Can't make this shit up

/pol/ being obnoxious doesn't negate the fact leftists are retarded,

except i don't browse /pol/ you faggot

This. Too bad they don't realise killing all right wingers would mean killing off their gibs.

Don't forget
>there are more than two genders
>also gender is a social construct
>oh, but you can fix a social construct with surgery
Leftists are literally braindead.


Leftism attracts pathetic, useless failures like Christianity attracts the poor.

>leftists constantly exposed as complete morons
>all they can do is randomly moan about /pol/
As powerless on the interent as in real life.