Wake up

>Wake up
>Many poor souls still believe that God will accept them into his kingdom through their "good works"

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>Wake up
>Many poor souls still believe that Catholics believe that God will accept them into his kingdom through their "good works"

So you believe we are justified by grace alone, through faith alone, pagan ?

>Wake up
>Faith through works means you can believe whatever crazy shit you want as long as you're a good person and still be saved
>Faith through Christ means you can be a total fucking bastard in life and still be saved no matter what as long as you believe in the Resurrection

both sides are kinda silly

Why wasn't Satan saved if he believed in God?

>as you're a good person
Nobody can live a perfect, godly life, that is impossible
>Faith through Christ means you can be a total fucking bastard in life and still be saved no matter what as long as you believe in the Resurrection
That is how salvation works; you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you are saved one and done and forever

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

"...grace escapes our experience and cannot be known except by faith. We cannot therefore rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are justified and saved. However, according to the Lord's words "Thus you will know them by their fruits" - reflection on God's blessings in our life and in the lives of the saints offers us a guarantee that grace is at work in us and spurs us on to an ever greater faith and an attitude of trustful poverty."

Wasent he an angel from the beginning? I don't think he had the chance? Don't the angels operate differently than us? I'm not a theological expert but I do know that the Holy Bible teaches salvation through faith alone

Except that it's a made-up controversy and Catholics never taught that they're saved by works.

>the Catechism of the Catholic Church
No thanks, Pagan.


Pagan. Go LARP in hell, papist.

Luther said that faith alone brings salvation, but good works are a by product of faith so you will preform good works because you are saved and that is what the saved do, not because you want to be saved.

Read James 2:14-26.
The difference between protestants and catholics is that catholics spend their lives devoted to God through their love of Him whilst protestants are just in it for Heaven, they really couldn't care less what He has told us.
That's the reason why protestants never read the bible, all they need to do is repeat in their heads, SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE whilst their corrupt theologians and church leaders are burning in hell and feel safe in their unholy shells.
You also have to wonder, since works come with faith, why are most protestants so ungodly in all aspects of their lives?
They cheat, lie, steal, have contempt for the poor and are all prideful, surely you would see SOME good if they had actual faith in God?

>Having this much pride
Read a bible, papist. You're not good enough for heaven, and your works are nothing. Christ died for us, if we believe on him we are saved, and this salvation cannot be taken from us, you whore of Babylon.

So if you believe in him, you can proceed to go out, stab a few homeless people, and skin them, and still go to heaven? Evil without, evil within.

So can I just be a complete and uttter shit of a person and still go to heaven?

Could I gas 6 million Jews right now and I'd still go to Heaven because I believe in Jesus?

Yes, that's how it works. Also you can be a great person and go to Hell because you don't accept Jesus.

Heaven in Christianity isn't a reward for good behavior, as it is portrayed in popular culture. It's a gift from God that is available to all.

Yes absolutely, because it is not our works that saves us but our faith on Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins. Now works are complicated, some will say that if one was to go on a killing spree, that that person was most likely not saved (Did not have faith) in the first place, but then again I don't know the faith of others. But works DEFINITELY do not get us saved, because if that were the case then NOBODY would be saved.

Protestant here, obviously I believe salvation is through faith alone, but that doesn't mean good works are pointless. Being a good person and living as God tells us to brings us great rewards in this life, even if it has nothing to do with the next.

Our actions reflect our souls, and God wishes to separate the wheat from the chaff. He wants the righteous, and not the wicked. What was the point of Christ's teachings about mercy, kindness, tolerance, and love towards your BROTHER, not JUST God, if God does not want that, but is instead a taunting partisan who will take in all kinds of monsters because they pay lip service to Him? IF one repents in one's heart truly and makes amends, THEN one might be saved even if one is a monster. But those who sin greatly, cry "the Devil made me do it, praise Jesus!" and go on to sin more shall be cast into the fiery pit. The heathen who goes their whole life without the word of God, but loves his brother, is more pleasing to God than such a person. There shall be an accounting at the end of each of our lives, and I pray that you shall break this delusion that God is a thug who wants his taste, instead of a Father who wants his children to do good in His name.

I'm not saying people should not do good works, people should absolutely do them, but it is FAITH that saves us and makes one righteous in the eyes of God. If it were up to good works nobody would go to heaven because as humans we are sinful creatures, but with Christ's death and atonement, we have a chance at eternal life with him in paradise by simply having faith in what he has done.

Question for a fellow Protestant. Will devout Catholics go to heaven? I say yes because they have faith in Jesus. But my friend says no because they worship false gods (Mary, the Saints). What do you think?


>and makes one righteous in the eyes of God
You realise that the bible states that works can make a person righteous in the eyes of the lord right?
I know that this entire thread is just shitposting by non christians but you should take that into account the next time you do this.
Deuteronomy 24:13 is just one example.

So you believe that God made millions, nay, BILLIONS of human beings only that their souls might go to Hell, for, through one way or another, they cannot have faith in Christ? (Either by living before His death, or by living in places where they could not have/cannot have any chance to become a Christian)? Such a God is a monster who cannot be said to love mankind.

The idea that we Catholics worship Mary or the Saints is a lie spread by defamers. Do you worship the President when you have respect for him? Do you worship your father when you have respect for him? We RESPECT the saints; we do not worship them. Asking a saint to pray for us is no different then you asking a neighbor to pray for you.

I've thought about this and I've never come to an answer because I'm not a theologian. I guess because they don't have true faith (i.e. Believing in faith ALONE) but rather believe in a perverted faith where works are involved; this will result in their damnation.

Yes, works can make you righteous: that is if you go your whole life without sinning, so good luck with that.
I don't know the specific biblical verse but it states that God 'made his presence known' to the other nations of the world without exposing himself like he did with Israel. Also, the majority of people go to hell.

Angels dont get a choice. Which makes the Lightbringer's defection all the more ghastly and heinous. Pure evil.

Faith without works is dead.

>Also the majority of people go to Hell.

Why would God make this so? I truly believe that God, in his mercy, would only condemn those who reject him (by rejecting his teachings out of spite, or by committing great wickedness without truly repenting) should be condemned. I simply cannot square it in my mind that a person who lives a life of love and mercy for his fellow man would be condemned to Hell for being a Buddhist, while a serial child rapist goes to heaven because he paid lip service to Christ. My God is not so small and petty.

>you believe that God made millions, nay, BILLIONS of human beings only that their souls might go to Hell, for, through one way or another, they cannot have faith in Christ?

Yes, of course. Isn't that what Catholics believe too? I thought that's why you made up Purgatory.

I don't have time to elaborate, here:
Read your bible. God does not care how you want things, it's his way or the highway. And hey, MLK (did not think Jesus was God), Ghandi, all Muslims, all Hindus, all sikhs, and everyone that does not have complete faith in Christ will meet hellfire, and I don't say this because I hate them, I say it because I love them, and I want them to be saved in Christ Jesus

No, we believe that those who are ignorant of the Church in their heart may still be saved (BUT converting is a better shot). Think of it like this: the Mother Church is the express lane to Paradise. You CAN get to where you're going (heaven) other ways, but you have far less of a chance outside of the Church (because worldy teachings often can lead us into sin without repentance). And, if you CONSCIOUSLY choose to reject God after knowing Him in your heart, you are damned, but I doubt that anyone could know God in their heart truly and still reject Him.

Tell me: does an aborted infant's soul go to Hell, because it did not have faith in God?

>Steven Anderson

It sounds like you think of Heaven as the "default" place, where is it "fair" that we should go unless we fuck it up and get "condemned" to Hell. But actually, Hell is the default, normal place to go after it dies. Life is suffering, and death is horrible, so why would you expect something good?

It's not very plausible that a serial child rapist could have faith in Christ, but for purposes of argument let's run with it. In the eyes of a being as perfectly righteous as God, all humans are abhorrent, depraved creatures. There's no qualitative difference between us and the rapist, we're both hopeless sinners in open rebellion against God. If God is forgiving enough to accept us surely he is forgiving enough to accept the rapist too.

So God is a schoolyard bully, setting ants on fire with a magnifying glass and stomping on their mounds? No wonder you Protestants are so heartless and self-centered: you act in the image you hold of God as a heartless tyrant who would cast infants and the just into the eternal fire while taking unrepentant butchers and monsters at his right hand. God loves, he does not hate; he is mercy, not cruelty. If it were up to God, not one soul would go to Hell: but, he allows us to sever ourselves from him BY OUR OWN CHOICE. In that way, I suppose that there is no "Hell" at all in my mind, for there is no one in Hell who did not, in some way, CHOOSE to be there.

If your God is THE God, then he is the Devil, and the Gnostics were right in their heresy.

And you people wonder why people say that you make up your own rules and laws

>There's no qualitative difference between us and the rapist
there is - me or you (I hope) didn't rape anybody. That's moral difference and it is a difference in the eyes of God.

>But actually, Hell is the default, normal place to go after it dies. Life is suffering, and death is horrible, so why would you expect something good?
Because God is ultimately good
And if He isn't good, He's not God and we don't need to care anymore

>"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day"

>me or you (I hope) didn't rape anybody.

He is a protestant (likely a LARPer) and likely an anglo-germanic, of course he's raped someone.

>wake up
>get on with my fucking day

Haha yeah when you wake up and realise about 2 billion retards still believe in an error-riddled work of fiction and worship a dead kike on a stick.

14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good[a] is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! 20 Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. 24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.


Apparently Luther considered scrapping James from the Bible but couldn't justify it.

>Wake up
>Idiots still think religion is about a sky man and not morality, traditions, family values etc.

Lol. Been to plenty of Protestant churches. No one talks like this. Even Luther and Calvin thought the Church was full of the truly faithful and those of piety, they just thought the leadership was misleading them.

Quit larping.

Read some of the greeks my man

opinions mean nothing if your deeds fail to follow them.
being good is the only requirement, having the right believe means nothing.

Tyrone went to church and shit, but that doesnt mean he was a good boy.
My grandfather was atheist yet he did much more for our community than most of the local believers

>Yes, works can make you righteous: that is if you go your whole life without sinning, so good luck with that.
people can be relieved from their sins you know
by prayer, fasting and charity, or by perfect regret

It's all fun and games until you're consumed with a burning jealousy that Eats away at your core.

>Believing a religion that endorses assholery
There is literally no reason not to be a dick if you are a Christian since works don't actually mean anything.


>Nobody can live a perfect, godly life, that is impossible

This presupposes that doing so is a requirement.

If god doesn't expect you to be perfect, not being so will not result in punishment.

> everyone ITT thinks they're going to heaven
> they would accept blood transfusions
> they celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Halloween
> they have college degrees

Why do you hate Jehovah?

Cut it with the slave morality you fucks

No, that's just what you want Yahweh to be. Any biblical reading shows him to be a very obviously insecure thug. I'm all for a loving diety who cares about us, but Yahweh ain't it.

The Old Testament is mostly the story of the Jews, and has little relevance to the teachings of Christ. When I speak of God, I speak of the God Christ preached, who is loving and just.


>Prosperity Gospel
Why do you hate Jesus and his teachings?

how will proddies ever recover?




>And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works

>Wake up
>Many poor souls still believe that their version of the fairy tale is right.

>Wake up
>Many poor souls still believe their perception of the world shows them reality as it is

>Wake up
>realise that to go to purgatory you have to be a very good man
>most of the people are not saved

>An arch Deacon known to Saint Vincent Ferrer died at the same hour as saint Bernard. The Deacon appeared to Ferrer after dying, saying the following: at the hour I died, 33,000 others also died. Those that went straight to heaven were 2: Myself and saint Bernard. Those that went to purgatory numbered 3, and the rest went to hell. So 5 out of 33,000 were saved.

>protestants are still damning souls by thousands

A person who has faith in Christ and believes his works will count towards his salvation is still saved via his faith, despite his incorrect belief regarding his works.

James 2:14-26

"James was dealing with errorists who said that if they had faith they didn't need to show love by a life of faith (James 2:14-17). James countered this error by teaching that faith is alive, showing itself to be so by deeds of love (James 2:18,26). James and Paul both teach that salvation is by faith alone and also that faith is never alone but shows itself to be alive by deeds of love that express a believer's thanks to God for the free gift of salvation by faith in Jesus."

>That's the reason why protestants never read the bible, all they need to do is repeat in their heads, SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE SALVATION BY FAITH ALONE whilst their corrupt theologians and church leaders are burning in hell and feel safe in their unholy shells.

breathe and relax.

>>realise that to go to purgatory you have to be a very good man
>not knowing what purgatory really is and how to get there

>wake up

Matthew 6:3
Matthew 6:5
Anyone who does works for some reward, either Earthly or Heavenly, has ruined the value of their works. Do good works because they are good to do, do right because it is the right thing to do. Care nothing for any reward.

In fact, when doing the right thing, take care to avoid any reward. Accept not even a thank you - for taking a reward is as bad as expecting one. If you did it for some reward, then your heart is not right.
The best way is to not allow the recipient(s) of your righteous works to know who to thank.

Also, no Christian should be condemning anybody regardless of sect.

Purgatory as a place was not invented until 1100 years AD. It's purely a creation of man and has no real Biblical support. Just another bunch of pretzel logic applied to a few sparse Biblical passages taken out of context.

Why would "God" deny the entrance to "heaven" to someone who has done good deads

And Protestantism wasn't invented until the 16th century.

t. Orthodox

And Catholicism was a Roman invention.
Today, Catholicism is a form of legalism. The same legalism that Jesus and his disciples warned people against.

ITT: people still trapped in the wheel of Samsara arguing instead of trying to reach Enlightment

This is a bummer, man. That's a, that's a bummer.

Because your good deeds are as filthy rags to a holy God.

Nope. Babylonian invention. Everything in Catholicism came from Babylon.

>Implying anyone ever reached enlightenment.

Christianity was begun on Pentecost, 32 AD. What you call Protestantism is a Catholic civil war. There have always been Christians outside of Rome's grasp, who managed not to be murdered by Rome.

>A person who has faith in Christ

This will end you in hell, as it is insufficient for salvation.

Do you even know how to be saved?

No they are not. If they are good, God will accept them, because He is also good. He is the Goodness.

>Denying the Buddha
>Not believing in the possibility of Enlightenment
>Abandoning the Eightfold Path

>wake up
>papists still believe that their elected leader is infallible in all matters of the church, yet somehow multiple popes have disagreed with each other

damn bro

there has only been like 4 or 5 infallible acts by popes. popes are not infallible except for when they are speaking ex cathedra

>Pope is some kind of extreme holy emperor