"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

>Hmm krauts are my enemy, and communists are their enemy
>Better lend lease the fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the krauts
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

>Communists are my enemy, and Islamists are their enemy
>Better lend fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the communists
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

>Islamists are my enemy, and Israel are their enemy
>Better lend lease the fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the Islamists
>Fuck, this was a bad idea

Is this the most retarded mindset and strategy in the history of war and conflict?

Other urls found in this thread:


>islamists are my enemy and Russia is their enemy, but there's also another group of islamists who are enemies of the islamists
>Better lend fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the islamists
It's not getting any better

so are you in highschool or do you just have a mind of a child?

>Hmm krauts are my enemy, and communists are their enemy
>Better lend lease the fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the krauts
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

Much better than attempting to fight both Nazi Germany and Soviet Union simultaneously.

>>Communists are my enemy, and Islamists are their enemy
>Better lend fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the communists
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

Whoever thinks that it was a mistake to arm and finance the Mujahideen knows absolutely nothing about geostrategy.

israel has done some questionable things but they're not really an enemy. I don't know where you get this from desu.

>but they're not really an enemy

Neither are the Islamists

How can you compare Israel to those people?

Right, remind me again when radical Jews bombed a Western bar, concert, pedestrian area etc again?

I wont forget the 36 Americans who died on the vessel Israel sunk.


>Is this the most retarded mindset and strategy in the history of war and conflict?
Pretty much. Arming rebel groups is dumb.
You can trace a direct line to groups US supportd in the 70s and 9/11
It's not okay

I am only half informed on this issue. I've heard it before, but due to it being an isolated incident and not part of a larger war/conflict. Can anybody brief me on this issue?

>on the vessel

Yet apparently you can't remember the name of the vessel or care enough to look it up

Radical Jews have started carrying out terrorist attacks on Westerners earlier than radical Muslims




Based on what this says, I'm assuming it was an accident/miscommunication. The government of Israel also, according to this article, paid millions in respiration. Israel isn't comparable to what violent islam groups are doing throughout the world.

>The tiger that rips men open is following his nature, the real criminal is the man who unmuzzles him and launches him on society.

>Hmm krauts are my enemy, and communists are their enemy
>Better lend lease the fuck out of them and support them on their path to success so we both beat the krauts
>Fuck, that was a bad idea

more like:

>everybody is sending their gold to the USA because of the war
>give ussr enough material to help them keep in the fight
>for a small payment of 19.99 federal reserve notes your enemies bleed each other dry suffering millions of losses
>swoop in towards the end and secure the entirety of wealthy industrious western europe into your sphere of influence while the soviet blood sacrifice earned only continued survival and the now burned out wastelands in the east

Germany was the priority enemy in the allies view, the main goal of the war was to prevent a world power rising in continental Europe that could threaten Britain. Once that was taken care of the next great threat was the soviets, hence the cold war.

Islamists were necessary for US hegemony in that they prevented soviet control of certain regions, and also now serve to prevent any unified Islamic state from destabilizing the current order. Israel is also useful for this purpose.

I like this meme, because calling daesh Jews is worse than calling them niggers.

Maybe not bombing but they have stabbed gays and burned down churches in Israel.

they aren't jews, they're idiot savage manchildren who have had their idiot savage manchild religion manipulated in to doing what the jew wishes

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
>the entire basis for the anglo-portuguese alliance

But that's their land
Compared to Islam bombing Britain 3 times
Nazis were supposed to kill commies but then they didn't
Islam was supppused to become guerilla religion not total war
Jews have done literally what wrong, they helped us get back suez for a day but then America betrayed us

>my enemy's enemy is my friend so I'll ally the ottomans
>oh fuck they're big now and I've caused the deaths of millions of christians
>I'll ally my enemies enemy
>hi Prussia how are you let's beat Austria together
>what Austria wants to ally me to get back land Prussia took whilst Prussia won't help me take back land Britain took
>well England and Prussia are allied now
>well now I ally England to help protect my colonies
>oh shit Prussia allied Austria
>oh shit Prussia made me pay six million reperations and formed Germany stealing Alsace Lorraine which has been part of the HRE for most of existence
>America won't help me in suez so fuck them
>oh I'll just ally western Germany to help form the eu
>oh shit they still have that Prussian culture so are all skin heads
>oh Britain left the eu well I'll just suck up to Germany ever more
France and Prussia sure have an odd history

The germanic genes make it hard for them to think straight.

Reminder England is the only Celtic Germanic romantic ethnicity

You wot m8?

France and Austria would be the same, same with Switzerland.

Brittany was never germanified and everywhere else got genocided
Franco-German admixture but also cis alpine

>that's their land
Doesn't make it okay according to all the people that get outraged every time an egyptian bombs a coptic church. And depending on who you ask, that land might not even theirs.

The Copts have lived there longer than the arabs have?

And the Palestinians have been there longer than the Ashkenazi, I guess they have a right to bomb them.

>All the gauls in France died
t. Caesar

Not true at all, while lots of them died many submitted and were Romanized. Brittany being Celtic is the result of Welsh and Cornish migration in the 4th Century. Gaul proper was German'd also during the migration period, dozens of Germanic tribes moved across the Rhine, the largest being the Franks, the origin of "France."

Rome reached the Danube and held it for hundreds of years, both were regions under control of the Celts at the time of Roman conquest, both regions were Romanized and later Garman'd. The reason Austria and Switzerland mainly speak German today is because the populations of these areas were probably much smaller than the Roman populations in Gaul and thus the natives adopted German and the invaders didn't (opposite is true in France).

More recently, you mean.

>Fuck, that was a bad idea
How was this bad? Germany was defeated and Europe had over 50 years of peace.

>Doesn't make it okay according to all the people that get outraged every time an egyptian bombs a coptic church
I have never seen anyone care when Egyptians bomb coptic churches.

>How was this bad? Germany was defeated and Europe had over 50 years of peace.

Are you retarded or just pretending?

>I can't believe that we can fight a war against fascist slavery, and at the same time not work to free people all over the world from a backward colonial policy? The peace cannot include any continued despotism ... Equality of peoples involves the utmost freedom of competitive trade.

>I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country, in fact I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. As I told you when you began your investigation, you should confine yourself to Nazis and Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under Communism than under the Czars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.

>I've tried to make it clear to Winston - and the others - that, while we're their allies and in it to victory by their side, they must never get the idea that we're in it just to help them hang on to the archaic, medieval empire ideas ... Great Britain signed the Atlantic Charter. I hope they realize the United States Government means to make them live up to it.

Yanks are greatest dumbfucks on the planet.

>1. Fuck, that was a bad idea
How so?

>2. Fuck, that was a bad idea
It was efficient in tearing up USSR and created failed states ripe for conquest.

>3. Fuck, that was a bad idea
Only leftists say that.

>How so?

How was this feeling of dying like filthy dogs to former commie comrades in asiatic shitholes?

to this idiot

USS Liberty, kike