*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

are we being raided?

Could you move over Hitler? you're occupying my personal living space

no, this is mein lebensraum

what a jerk


The art style reminds me of North Korean propaganda.

We always are. For some reason history is a threat to /pol/ narrative. Funny how that works out.


And here's the guy to complain about /pol/ for no real reason. Right on time.

guess which board raids other boards to redpill them?
Also, this seems more like a fun /tv/ meme

>be me
>extremely socially conservative libertarian (still am)
>still hang out around /pol/ because it's the only board to discuss politics
>become subjected to months after months of torment from autistic fascists and people who take the red pill meme seriously because "my beliefs are objectively true"
>finally snap, can't do this anymore, decide "fuck it I'm going to Veeky Forums, /int/ and Veeky Forums"
>do that
>develop a burning hatred of /pol/ after seeing how others on the site view that cancerous cesspool
>hate it more than /leftypol/ despite still agreeing with /pol/ on lots of things
>slowly realize that being "red-pilled" is a meme and that everything isn't about da joooos, white genocide, or preserving my race but rather just about becoming a better person
>see: my board selection
>tfw actually taking an interest in things such as history, culture, and bettering yourself through fitness is a far better way to live your life than bitching about how you NEED to preserve your history, culture etc but some shadowy institutionalized (((force))) which cannot ever be defeated is keeping you from doing so giving you the perfect excuse to act just like the people you hate (see: da white man be keepin' us down an' shit mayne so gib me dem welfahs!)
>tfw successfully blue-pilled myself
>tfw it's great
die stormfag

Hello , r/socialism

I'm a
>socially conservative libertarian ()
meaning I believe in religious and conservative principals/muh heritage but don't think the state should enforce such ideals upon others. I hate nazis just as much as commies. Fuck off r/nationalSOCIALISM


Who's that? Or is it just some stock image of a retard so you can ignore me and say you're right?

>Who's that
Y-you're joking right?

1) It's Chaplin.
2) Your autistic spiel was stupid but also worthless as I wasn't defending Nazism but opposed to pointlessly yelling "GO BACK TO /POL/!!!" in every fucking thread (even a shitposting thread like this).

stopped reading

jesus christ you retard, that's charlie fucking chaplin

It's the guy Hitler copied his mustache from.

Chaplin was the most popular entertainer in the world with his everyman "little tramp" character. Exactly the character a politician would want to project.

Hitler's moustache actually came from having to trim it so he could wear a gasmask in the First World War.

*blocks your strait*


>Being this much of a spastic libertarian
You make /pol/tards look more reasonable.

Unironically kill yourself

Clears my path.