You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man

You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man.

Other urls found in this thread:

He thinks we live in a computer simulation

he talked some shade about crypto opinion discarded


He believes in global warming and Florida will be underwater by the year 2016.

He runs a sham space company subsidized by taxpayers.


because Tesla is shit and Space X isn't publicly traded

we do, although could also be a hologram

Sham LOL

tard, we were having to rely on Russia to get shit to the ISS,


no money lol

but I am

He makes stupid sex jokes like a 12 year old

$50 a barrel of oil dumbass. And it's summer, which means it's easily hitting $30 by November.

My money doesn't go to giant cock sucking faggots

He might genuinely be crazy.

too busy winning with Bitcoin

he a cracka

This guy is a fraud. Space is science fiction. Do some research.

Sears financials look attractive in comparison to tesla.

his golddigging whore will end up with half of the money I would invest in him

i started buying TSLA stock about a month ago. im currently at 11 shares with an average share price of $360. im planning on holding long af so it's whatever, but these red days don't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. and now earnings is coming up..

this thread was up last week and I'll tell ya again faggot, Elon Musk is a fraud. His rocket launches are CGI, he is in bed with government. He is a bald cuck like most of you user's as well. Elon musk will be burning in eternal hell for deceiving us all - fyi earth is flat and space does not exist as we have been told

He thinks crypto is a scam.

I missed thouse threads, always remind me of the comfy 2016 biz times

Just lmao
Go on a plane,you can easily see a curve around the horizon,even if it is a very slight degree

Ghost is that you??

that's because the plane windows warp the image you see, idiot.

The math supports the theory though. If someone 100X smarter than you thinks the simulation theory is legit, it's time to pay attention.

Woah,dem guvbment hi-jacks le plane

>pea brains detected

The guy is a fucking Martian. That's why.

Have you not seen the Solar City panels on mars?

sauce please!

Shit! He knows! Someone make him drink the tapwater!

I invested in SPRTS and made 8.2 BTC in 2 days.

Then go up in a biplane without windows. You can pay for a pretty cheap joyride, just find someone local.

>patiently waits for flatearther tard to make excuse

You want to know why MH17 was shot down? The wrong windows were installed. People on the flight started to realize what earth actually looked like, and shortly after a phonecall was made to request the missile strike. There's documented proof of all of this, so don't be ignorant.

lol,send links

Screencap this

Tesla will get rek'd by volvo/polestar

google it, i'm not your fucking errand boy.

I get the impression that he's not as smart as people think, or he wants them to think. Idk...he just has always struck me as a tool.



I put all my money into $SHLD

Fuck off... dudes a billionaire and you're going to point out that he was going basld at one point in his life? ... lets have as contest to see who can get whateverthefucktheywant in life first....

Baller on suicide watch. It's all a HOAX.

You have got to be retarded. At under 10k feet (biplane) you won't see a curvature unless its a very clear day. at 30k feet you won't see a curvature unless its a very clear day.

Even if you do see a curvature its probably your brain thinking you see one.



Baller, you are so fucking gullible.

Watch this ISS bloopers video. You HAVE to believe this since you are a baller. OWN this. You HAVE to believe in it!

It costs too much to invest in him now. Wait for the "Elon Musk is Finished" headlines and then buy.

It is a hologram. Don't mean it's not real tho

Watch this video, and explain to me why the ISS is real

>patiently waits for the BallCuck to make excuses


>>dudes a billionaire
He's a crypto jew and was likely born into wealth

His cars are shit
The only reason they sell is because they were the first evs on the market that weren't a tiny little jap box, and weren't literally who boutique garage ornaments
Muh marketing

As soon as volvo (almost there), Mercedes, bmw, vw, Toyota nissan Honda etc etc etc start making proper evs, tesla is fucking over, like that fisker brand. No amount of government subsidies will save them

Salty I didn't buy lots of tesla shares and make mad bank from all the silicone Valley hype faggots tho, real shame. That was an obvious happening