Male figure vs female figure

I'm not a homosexual and i'm attracted to women BUT I agree with ancient Greeks that the male figure really is superior looking to the female figure . Especially the genitals. Now I don't like looking at penises but can admit the penis is a much better looking organ than the vagina. It's cleaner too.

Anyone else feel this way?

you're gay dude

How? I'm sexually attracted to women but think men have more refined and better looking forms.

fuck its like I'm on Veeky Forums again


OP is a (literal) faggot

t.insecure manchildren.


>I'm not a homosexual

Only a homosexual would start his sentences this way.

They both have their merits


You are correct, women are purely utilitarian, like a mixing bowl from IKEA.

Anyone that claims this is "gay" is an actual philistine and a brainlet.

The only reason the ancient greeks idealized the male figure was because they were gay and into fucking little boys with small dicks.

The Vagina is so disgusting when it's used. At least find a statue with a horizontal vagina that so it can be stomached.


Smaller breast are more attractive. And thinner legs. And being all around more petite imo.


please dicklets, don't circlejerk too hard now

>small tits
>thin legs a child? A fully developed woman in the peak of her maturity is the single most beautiful thing on this plane of existence. Youre either really young yourself, or some sort of sicko.

Neolithic european bog niggers detected, a refined aryan man of taste knows the female form is a degenerated earth prison

A Japanese adult women is more petit than your typical Amerifat gmo filled young girl.

Petit girls are actual women, user. Not the hambeast you're probably use to.

female figure looks far better than the male figure.

shiet boi

No, you're only insinuating that a thin woman with small breasts is better is to mask your underlining argument that small dicks are better.

Are you getting this thread mixed up with ? The topic here has nothing to do with dick size.

>Likes women that are indistinguishable from little boys
>misspells "woman"

3 strikes kiddo, youre out

The fact that you're aware of what I'm talking about means that it's true.

Is this your ideal women?

>The fact that you're aware of what I'm talking about means that it's true.
It means i'm perceptive. Go to your own thread.

Just accept you're a gay user

Unless you're some form of advanced reverse lesbian


I found a girl more to your tastes.

Man is made out to be a homosexual if he says he appreciates male figure... Ridiculous.
Males were originally "the fairer sex" as far as beauty is concerned. Only with recent makeup and fashion advances has that scale enormously tipped towards females.
Don't believe me? Have a look at some of the 50's models, or in general any woman from a period up to 50's. Chances are. They are butt fucking ugly.
Proceed to look at the man of the same period. Now compare them and tell me which one looks better.

we all know this this thread was created in response to that thread


No, I like women who look like women, not little kids or hambeasts.

Face it man, you just have shit taste.

>No, I like women who look like women
please kys my dude. The human race spans a wide range of shapes, sizes and phenotypes. No such a thing as a monolithic women who looks like a "women." Go to Romania, Scotland, Japan, Oman, the USA and Zambia and you'll find the average women look quite different from one another. All you're doing is projecting whatever supposed weight and height a supposed "ideal women" from your society is unto the entire earth.

you're both wrong
only autists have preferences in women, who gives a shit? it's your fucking choice.

The male physique is superior from a purely practical standpoint. Female figure is much more beautiful.


> fully developed means hambeast
Such an absolutely beta way to interpret what he said.

The future is in the past

the human form is COMPLETELY subjective. There's straight dudes that think female genitalia is 1000x more beautiful than male penises.

different strokes for different folks


Maybe in terms of genitalia(and that's assuming the man himself is clean or circumcised), but the female silhouette looks SO much better than the male. There is a reason why women are termed the fairer sex and probably why women are sexually objectified more desu, that and male power.

>tfw even 'straight' women are attracted to other women

I'm with you, OP. I find that women are beautiful, but women's genitals are anywhere from hideous to just ok.

>implying woman just because I mention patriarchy

>those moments when you feel truly connected with history
>they were just like us

whoops, didn't notice that was my /g/ version