ITT: Your heaviest bags
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>didn't buy during the dips
it was like 35 cents 2 weeks ago my dude
shits dead
ah, I remember ARK
I made money (too little and too conservatively, but still) on the first ever moon
>Buy high
Very nice user
Still comfy sitting on 4k Ark I picked up at 17k sats
Verge is sucking my nuts tho
Practically cut me in half
Kill me
I fell for the comfy gains meme and ignored numerous sell opportunities.
I'm not selling until at least 2k. I'm prepared to hold until 0 sats.
I bought: XEL @ 24000 and Bay @ 1900.
I'm fucking retarded.
This might not be so bad considering LTC is fairly steady, you should just sit on it for a while.
well all of my money has been in usdt for the last 3 weeks so after today it has become an extremely heavy bag
cfi has been my biggest JUST trade so far though. what an awful coin. even the shills on Veeky Forums have given up on it rofl
How much did you buy? I bought this fucking coin for 12k sat and I have no prospect of recovering that money in less than six months.
im down $43 on esp2, 99% of my initial investment
was thinking about going all in before i got dumped on, thank fuck i pussied out
it wasnt much (like 250, bought around 14k sats) but seeing the P/L every time i loaded up blockfolio was heartbreaking haha
i made so many shit decisions around that time, like buying zencash. live and learn i guess
Yea that was the idea for holding, retain value just expected BTC frozen in exchanges to push ETH and LTC much higher
If I sold my ETH at the last ATH would've made 18k but FOMO'd and only made 12k
Bought 3 btc of XVC at 15000 sats. Bought 2 btc of HEAT at 20000 sats.
You guys need to sell your losing coins and pick winners instead so you make your money back. I know it's hard to accept the losses by trading out but you will make more gains in the long run
I fell for fucking redd coin and redd-id had to take a loss, but not too much money thank god
LTC (and probably ETH) will likely climb once BTC becomes completely unfrozen for people
Hello Hitler!
>the state of the teatoken shilling team
face it, you'll never compete with the likes of bitbeaners and digibros
TRST, all ex googlers, indians, have good connections and still fail. fucking shame
more like JUSTcoin amirite?
sorry for your loss user :(
Rip in peace
I think more ETH than LTC
Regardless my alts are all mooning so im not too beaten up about it
>trusting pajeet
can't say i feel bad for ya user
Not even a shilling team member. Just shilling because the coins are cheap AF and I'm sure that I can get a pump out of it if I shill enough. The team promised they were going to put the coin on an exchange and that is enough for me.
>Dad forced me to buy him a bunch of Siacoin and Digibyte.
He doesnt even use Veeky Forums I dont fucking know how he got memed into it.
Dude Siacoin is literal trash. A shit idea that will never scale... and digibyte, just lol. You morons need to research and buy actual good coins that have a decent product
Please tell me it will go up
Also I didn't buy it today like Blockfolio says. I bought BTS about mid-July
>T. Pajeet
Fucking LOL get that scam garbage out of here
I feel the pain user dw I think it will have its moment soon
You're down like $30, my man. Who cares?
you are supposed to buy low
Smallest profit I've made off of anything, only regret is not buying more at the time.
Get on my level
that's so Veeky Forums of you, buying at or near ATH
keep it up, our profits have to come from somewhere
Right now I only have 395 LSK which I got for $2.21
I still haven't lost all hope for this coin.
It will recover... It has to...
>backed by US govt
>trillion dollar dev team
What the fuck Veeky Forums, you told me this was gonna moon.
how do I actually use this blockfolio shit, manually add all my transactions? no way to sync it with my exchange accounts?
i think they plan something like that, but would you enter all your exchange logins into some pajeet app?
RDD at 80
XEL at 18000
ARK at 30000
It hurts, Veeky Forums. But Antshares keep me green. 148000
Topkek. My sides
dear god...
Why do you think this?
I'm an idiot who started to invest into crypto during a buble.
my heaviest bag is.... chain.....gookcoin.
fuuuuuuuck meeeee
>brb destabilizing a democratically elected government to prop up this shitcoin once again
All love to the USD, all hail the USD, please do not cut my head off.
Tfw will never make it
I bought a few shares of SNAP when they released the snap map, bout 30% in the hole right now. Not even mad, I wanna see how low mismanagement can take this baby, then double down
First time investing and I fell for a meme. Didn't lose too much though.
Bought 20 ETH at 290.
still waiting on the coin thats gonna go a couple hundred %
>no bancor
Come on goy's show your jew bags.
these both hurt so much
i'm a dumbass desu
also down $400 from BNT but i sold and bought PLU. which i've lost another $75 on
like i do think itll go up longer-term, it just sucks now
Goyim I...
It is the 2nd so maybe this will get better
ETC. Did I buy at the top? No. But its stagnation is fucking unbelievable. It's not going up or down.
I own like 4k SIGT so I hope so too.
I bought MNE at $12.
It's like $1.50 now.
here for my (you)'s.....
hahahahahahaha what the fuck man
More like JUSTcoin
Bags will get lighter in a couple months and you can get out. Are you at least getting the passive interest from biz_classic?
so why do you gamble on shit coins?
the buzz of a 500% pump/dump?
junk loans/bonds would net more consistent returns at lower risk.
This guy is a fucking legend on this board now.
He made that thread and wasn't even lying and he's made like 3 threads mentioning this since then.
I keep telling you to cut your losses and move on man, for fuck's sake.
no heavy bags when it comes to xby what a perfect time to buy
>junk loans/bonds would net more consistent returns at lower risk.
You answered your own question.
Seriously even if it ever rises the profit will be less than minimum wage
Yes sirs....buy Xby it will make you very rich...no longer work job....signed Rajesh
Can you fuck off already with your shitcoin? I've seen you shit up at least 3 different threads with this in the past 10 mins.
Hold me
he cant, no buyers
does fiat count as a bag
Every day I open this fucking app.
No one with SwarmCity bags ?
bough 15 for 50€, worth 13€ now. worst % drop in my portfolio
at least you have 10% left?
actually no he doesn't, it's a shitcoin with 0 liquidity, so he essentially lost all of it
Yeah, it does. See
mine looks almost identical. so much for the safe play right.