Bancor is literally unstoppable

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

Other urls found in this thread:



No such thing as literally unstoppable, especially in venture capital.

>no floor
>put in five
>get back four

Figuratively who?



Reported for spam
also kys dumbfuck


Literally unstoppable on the way to the bottom lmao OP stop posting this thread everyday and drop these bags before you lose anymore.

Friendly reminder

Stox is just going to sell at ico price when the contract is live... Bnt seems like the better investment

How much eth you gonna dump into this?

probably 10, you? might put in more but depends on what else i can sell

>500 ETH in STOX
>352 BTC in BNT

But why no one is buying right now?
I was looking for a 5-6% increase due to the stox ico.
Nobody want's a easy gain when stox deposits 4% of those 148k ETH they are going to raise in probably like an hour or less after token sale starts?


u fuk realize that without the ico boom the price wouldnt get that high

you are speaking to delusional /pol/tards, their ideology will condemn them to always staying poor

Wear some butter, Jew, the oven is just warming up.

Can't make this shit up.






ICO in 30 mins please set your gas low so I can get in thanks faggots

These threads are actually made by someone who is bashing Bancor.

I agree, but as someone who's balls-deep in Bancor as my hoped-for longterm moonshot, I find them cheerful.

Wrong. It's to annoy nobancs and nucoiners. Also, when the time comes, they'll know they ignored me reminding them everyday.