So if the 24 low on bittrex for BCC was ~$8, you're telling me some people potentially 50x their gains today?...

So if the 24 low on bittrex for BCC was ~$8, you're telling me some people potentially 50x their gains today?? Some people made 6 figures in a matter of a few hours??

This shit is going to hit the news tomorrow and cause another normie invasion.

I'm so fucking jelly and pissed. Saw it at $200. Wish I atleast held on and went 2x.

Fuck everything.

Who in here made some sick gains? Show yourselves. Fuck you.

Not a single person on biz said to hold bcc, thry said dump it straight away. But now everyone here says they held and made massives gains. Proof if ever that biz is just a massive larpfest.

I know and I fucking believed them. I fucking hate this place. But I always come back. Fuck.

Always do the opposite of what biz tells you and don't worry there is going to be another fork in November, be ready for it this time.

Jej, I'm glad someone put that pasta in image form.

not a Veeky Forums regular here and I'm bankrupt
fuck those who stole my money!
fuck all coins!

where can you sell BCC?

This is still more a futures market and you might want to look up what happens to altcoin prices compared to futures prices.

I was there the minute it went up and didn't buy in and had 1 BTC left to invest.
Focus was somewhere else cause everybody said it's going to dump right away.

BCH will get dumped once people can

I made some sick gains just because I held BTC. It's just free money for BTC holders.

I just sold 50% of my BCC on Bittrex and will hold the other 50% for some time.
I expect it to dump hard once deposits are opened.

I made $15

It's still going to be dumped

I held.
made close to 20gs.

transfering to quadraga today to sell if it manages to work. Buying myself a tesla 3.

It was only that low for a very brief period of time. Only a handful of people managed to buy in very very low like that. BCC is being propped up by the Chinese miners, but it will obviously never be the real thing.

>mfw i check back every few minutes and its gone up another $200-300

welp. it's over boys. China won.

More like the winners lurk moar and let the plebs spread FUD to their heart's content

>Free $85

we should fork every week

45BCCx900 AU = $40,000.

Reminder, always do the opposite of what /biz says.

>lele do le opposite of what Veeky Forums says
so once deposits are opened, you should actually go balls deep and invest everything you have into BCC right then and there. trust me

Im really confused about price of BCC. Some sites lists it as 65$, some as 200$ and some even at 1200$.

I cant make any sense of it?

Who stole your money and how?

What makes you say there will be another fork?

>>lele do le opposite of what Veeky Forums says
>so once deposits are opened, you should actually go balls deep and invest everything you have into BCC right then and there. trust me

so i should sell all my BCC as soon as deposits open, got ya.

What the fuck man.