Yesterday it was announced that Ron Paul is going to be a speaker at one altcoin's conference, which is going to take place in september.
Can you guess the coin?
Yesterday it was announced that Ron Paul is going to be a speaker at one altcoin's conference...
sound money coin?
Lol what the fuck. But wouldn't surprise me since he's a Libertarian. Also link?
keep guessing
Bitcoin (legacy)
I know the answer but I don't want to spoil the game :)
Nothing on Google. Incoming OP shill of whatever bag he's holding.
The conference will take place somewhere in the mountains
Don't say stox
wcex maybe?
Somewhere in Colorado!
who cares ?
he is anti-white socialist....
The coin name has 5 letters
We already know it was nexus or next it has already +60% today stfu
Its nexus coin. But I doubt he's going to stand there and speak about nexus. Probably just going to talk about the economy.
something anti-white like he said before:
"When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car"
"You don’t know what it’s like to be poor".....
damn i hate (((him))).
Ron Paul fucked my aunt in 1993
Heard some rumors that Veeky Forumscoin has ties to washington, some maybe they'll have some announcement?
>Bernie Sanders
I just saw RonPaulCoin on Cryptopia, oddly enough.
That shitcoin Nexus. It's a shitcoin tho not even he can save it
Conference in Aspen, Colorado, with a collection of techies and normies speaking, including that fuck Peter Schiff, who I guess has finally changed his tune on cryptocurrency. There are going to be traditional tech sector people as well as people that want to interface cryptocurrency with stuff like the art collecting world. I've worked in Aspen, they will EAT that shit up
Exciting desu
I dumped at the peak when the whitepaper hit. That whitepaper was shit
XRP ripple
But he prob wont talk about it since the conference is on other things as well
Could it...could it possibly be Niggercoin?
Nexus. NXS. In b4 Rom Paul. Going to the moon lads