>saw bcc at 8$
>Didn't Buy
>thought it was gonna crash
>laugh at people who did
>went to sleep
>wake up to 900$ a piece
>im ready to livestream my suicide
Missed Millionaire Train
>sold half your BCH at $204
It was never $8. Low was 100
look at bittrex
Nice larp u faggot. No one was able to buy at 8 dollars even though it showed 8
i have my money locked up in offline wallet cant deposit BCH on exchanges
>mfw btc is deprecated
Can you tell me more please? I missed when it got added to the exchange, i've heard some people managed to buy at 0.06?
Were u able to login in bittrex when it first dropped? Neither could i
>bought bcc at .27
>went down to .24 afterwards
>fucking gooks again
>its at .37 now
just too bad i didn't buy yesterday, that would be easy 5x gains
but biz told me not to, i guess there's something to the say, do the opposite of what Veeky Forums told me
atleast im invested into ethereum, and biz seems to shittalk it all the time, so i guess im good
it went from 8$ to 32$ almost instantly and was there for a good 10 sec faggots
is this ever going to dip?
doubt it
FOMO is kicking in hard right now
There's gonna be another fork in November, chill.
what coin?
Bitcoin hashish
sold at .107
Almost bought back in at around .115 but I try not to fomo.
>tfw I realize instead of selling bcc at 0.11 I should have gone all in and quadrupled my money by now
I know these feels bro. Whenever I calculate how much I could have made. It hurts. Years of work in crypto in 1 day some people are making. It hurts bro.
No clue what was going to happen. They are probably saying BitcoinCash is the "new and improved bitcoin" which is a bunch of horseshit but whatever.
The coin is $550 on Kraken and $920 on Bittrex...
shoulda all in at 100$ and retire fml i listen to biz peep annd didn't buy
Same here bro. Im fucking numb. Brb now have to wagecuck for 10 years the money I could have made in 1 fucking day
>bitcoin masterrace
>get free shitcoins
>laugh at plebs who actually pay for this chinkcoin
>BCC keeps rising
>rich get richer
>poorfags and nobitcoiners BTFO
The shills are coming out in force to reinflate this coin
its been dropping for over an hour now, from ~640 to ~475 on coinmarketcap
noticed a huge uptick in the number of threads bragging about its value... means its starting to dive
It was a fraction of a cent each, retard.
>tfw bought ETH at $1.35 but only bought a few cause poorfag
>tfw still profited a few thousand USD
>tfw haven't sold any, holding til $10k each
Oh nvm I'm the retard I thought you said BTC not BCC lol