Why is rape so stigmatized in western culture? The only argument I can find for it is extremely conservative...

Why is rape so stigmatized in western culture? The only argument I can find for it is extremely conservative, much virginity and what nots. Unlike assault, no one has to be hurt, and I guess it's bad to but your pee pee into someone's voo voo without their permission but It's also bad to cut someone's lawn without permission.

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>no one has to be hurt
Look user, having a rape fetish is fine. No need to try to justify it, it just makes you look stupid.

people are simply uneducated
we should have culture courses and rape culture months

This. There would be much less stigmatization of rape if people were more educated.

t. Ahmed

So raped can only possibly cause physical harm?

People in civilized countries don't like their female relatives being raped.

liberals have faith in self determination so the rape of men on women is their most heinous crime, and the pinnacle of human life is the free thinker, ie the journalist, with the worst offense for this as the plagiarism.

Its stigmatized because it reminds women of the real score.

In polite society, everyone is trying to push the narrative that the sexes are 100 percent equal, that women are equal to men in every way. But the only place a woman has power is in a civilized society because everyone there agrees to play by the same rules and is on the same page morally. Given enough time and indoctrination, women begin to believe this equality line, tot he point that you see those videos of pissed off women hitting men, trying to fight men and being completely decimated when the guy stops taking her shit and hits her back. In fact, I'd say girls born in the last 25 years or so dont even think about this, its second nature, just the way they normally see things (unless their illusion is shattered at some point by a traumatic experience of some kind).

Rape shatters this illusion. Using the cold, iron slap of reality, it shows the woman the truth in no uncertain terms: she is indeed weak, and at the mercy of men's caprice. Women loath being reminded of this, and in many cases don't know how to process this. "How could everything I've been told and brought up to believe all my life be so horribly, damnably wrong?" This shatters their reality completely, so they push the "company line" that rape is worse than murder, and refer to those who have been raped as "survivors".

Personally, I never saw the appeal of forcing yourself on a dame that doesn't want you. Nothing is sweeter than to have a woman willingly give herself to you, anything else falls impossibly short, and isn't worth the effort. Not to mention the repercussions.

According to the western world, everything is raped now.

Got aroused seeing this in the middle of the street as she passed by? Tough shit, you're a rapist cisgendered male, according to Westerners.

Fuck off pol.
Rape is an aggravated offense since way earlier than the feminazis existence.

Stop visiting /pol/

And yet most women have sexual fantasies of being raped. I don't think it's gotten to the point where people actually believe women are just as strong as men, but that agenda is certainly being pushed a lot. Think of the popular action movies or TV shows, there's always a skinny little girl knocking out jacked thugs with a spin kick or some other ridiculous shit like that. Most women believe being killed or even just assaulted is worse than being raped, but if you ask them they won't tell you that, they'l say rape is the worst possible thing etc.

This. My friend got sent to prison for seven years for looking at a hot girl in the street.

This is the most autistic post I've read today, the fact that some fedora wearing virgin took the time, effort, and thought to write this shit out makes me wanna neck myself.

He's lucky. I'm now serving life because once I looked at the shadow of a woman on tv.

t. Westerner

dont let me stop you

I held two cantaloupes at the market for a few seconds too long and was tasered by the Sheriff.

This op.

Also if you're visiting in a western country, do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT, open your legs wide while seated in a bus/MRT

That too is rape.

If you read St.Augustine you would know that virginity is a mental, or rather spiritual characteristic and cannot be lost by a raping. To say a virgin loses her(or his, for that matter) virginity through a raping is just as stupid as saying one can lose their virginity by breaking a hymen riding a horse. It implies that virginity is a clearly physical aspect, when in men (naturally, you cannot tell or give any objective difference between a virgin and nonvirgin man assuming they look the same), and in the fact that a woman can restore her hymen any number of times through surgery. Would you really argue, that the backwoods whore who get's slammed for fun, but who has enough money to restore her hymen after every go around the cock carousel is a "virgin"? Surely you'd be a fool to suggest this. The early Romans were even bigger fools, and Lucretia's suicide incredibly foolish. If Virginity was an exclusively physical characteristic, then it says nothing about the soul. If it says nothing about the soul, then why should it be worth dying for when the soul is immaterial and immortal, and the body already tainted with sin and doomed to die? Surely it is a mental, a soulful thing. Virginity is a state of mind. If you woke up tomorrow, with clear memories of sleeping with someone of your preferred gender in a one night stand, feeling every sensation, who left to another country and gave you no name or calling card, you would have no choice but to believe you aren't a virgin, yet it would be completely mental. And yet, if an abused, chaste woman who was raped vows to continue in life as though said rape had never happened, do you really think upon her deflowering after a lovely wedding, that her husband would be able to tell? No, no, someone who saunters, propositions, and acts like a complete harlot is no virgin. Someone who has mentally readied themselves in their own will and joy for sex is no virgin.


You sound like a 7th grader trying to sound smart. You also sound like a fucking fedora wearing beta

Virginity in the ancient world was about controlling lines of succession so you weren't passing down your farm to your wife's son.
2.Lucretia was a married woman, nowhere does it say she was a virgin.
3.If men lived by strict social codes that they had to die for, then then women sure as shit did too. Her death wasn't foolish, she was living up to the societal expectations of someone of her gender, rank and position.

I could go on but Im tired and youre stupid.

Also don't eat cheese in the supermarket, that's rape now.


She was punished for a crime that she did not commit-akin to a man being beaten for getting robbed.

on one hand:
you want to rape

on the other hand:
you don't want your gf to be raped (especially by non-whites)

so there you go

>Unlike assault, no one has to be hurt

Thing is in ancient times rape would potential be very unhealthy for the women, resulting even in death.

good post

Speak for yourself!

Except women were traumatized by rape in the past too, idiot. It's about making someone feel vulnerable( this also happens to men) and taking away their free will to determine when they have sex. It also is very violent and you are fool to think otherwise. Often, even if the victim doesn't fight back, the rapist physically assaults and batters them first in order to pin them down easily. It's horrifying.

Good lord why does this board attract the most godawful shitters, I swear it's almost worse than /pol/

As if it matters who is doing the raping at the end of the day.
Confirm for /pol/ bait thread.

It's a simple /pol/ invasion. Happens on every board, including Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. /tv/ is a lost caused is is full almost to the brim with /pol/ threads.

As if it matters who is doing the raping at the end of the day.
Confirmed for /pol/ bait thread full of /pol/ posters.

I visit /pol / often
Yes this is a /pol / thread next someone is going to post that women reach true orgasm with rape so its justified by biology and other dude is going to say a very long philosofical text about how women are inferior and its justified.
Everytime that happens

Underrated post.

Morality: tl:dr version

You either believe that human beings have rights; or you're a evil piece of living garbage that thinks you can do whatever you want to people who are weaker then you; simply because you can get away with it.

>I can't get laid and want to rape someone without going to jail

Women were traumatized by rape in the past because premarital sex destroyed a woman's value, and because of the inherent fear of being forced to bear a rapists bastard child alone with no one to care for her.

None of that is a valid concern for a liberated independent woman in 2017.

I hope someone breaks into your house and fucks your ass bloody. You might learn something.

Who hurt you?

you concede already that you believe the vast majority of people who have ever lived to be evil pieces of living garbage

you're a fucking retard Jimbo

ITT: i'm deeply bitter because free women would never want anything to do with me unless they were forced

Because females were considered property to be used for marriage alliances and virginity was important because it mean you weren't cucked before hand by another family.

Which is why if your family raped the girl of another family there would be blood.


This is the most autistic post I've read today, the fact that some fedora wearing virgin took the time, effort, and thought to write this shit out makes me wanna neck myself.

Women themselves being traumatized isn't the issue. The issue is why rape is stigmatized in society. Rape has always been frowned upon in most societies, but none of them went to the lengths we do to say the act is positively ghastly, worse than killing.

Dont get me wrong, I.m not "pro-rape" or anything, I don't condone it, I'm just stating the way I see things.

>or you're a evil piece of living garbage that thinks you can do whatever you want to people who are weaker then you; simply because you can get away with it.

So all of humanity is "evil"? because doing whatever you want simply because you can get away with it is the entire story of homo sapiens, up to the present day.

>implying gangrape wasn't only accepted but as a means of enforcing social mores in medieval and early modern communities.

>woman being traumatized isn't the issue
What? So a crime like murder isn't the issue? only the reason it was outlawed as a crime in the first place?
It hurt people..the same way any other crime hurts people in some way. Wtf else is there to it? Unless you're one of those ass hats who think
>women aren't people.

I don't know what else you and, that's why I assumed you were a misogynist because this whole question is just dumb.
>none of them went to the lengths we do to say the act is positively ghastly, worse than killing.
Not everyone thinks it is worse than death just some people and even if you or I disagree, you have no right to tell them(those who have actually experienced it) that they are wrong as it is their subjective feeling. I would agree that rape is a form of torture though. Would you rather be killed or tortured in someway? Again, that's a subjective question.

Keep in mind the past was mostly patriarchal and as a result, women's feelings didn't matter much. Even in rape, it was seen as more of an insult to the father than and the family than her(outside of her "honor" and reputation being tarnished). How it traumatized her or made her feel vulnerable wasn't the main focus as this user pointed out.
Of course he is also foolish since he mixes up cultural views as exactly the same as how women felt about the event of the rape itself. Obviously, the repercussions afterward were also a problem but being just raped sucks. I will also add possibility of STI, which I believe is more of concern "in 2017."

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

- Sun Tzu

>most women
citation needed

>The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
readRapist often batter victims as well to make it easier to rape them or even as a way to intimidate them. Rapist also sometimes kill victims after to confirm covering the evidence.