>People are paying $1,000 for a coin with no functioning blockchain
>That hasn't had a block in nearly 12 hours
>Where one miner has mined 75% of all the blocks
>That has only had 12 blocks mined total
I can't wait to see how this ends.
>People are paying $1,000 for a coin with no functioning blockchain
>That hasn't had a block in nearly 12 hours
>Where one miner has mined 75% of all the blocks
>That has only had 12 blocks mined total
I can't wait to see how this ends.
Other urls found in this thread:
Never underestimate peoples stupidity.
>doubting satoshi's original vision
>believing the lies and censorship of r/bitcoin spread throughout the internet
BCH is the original coin, this is the original scaling plan. Not some shit ass retard settlement network. A peer to peer CASH network. NOT ufkcing digital gold. NOT segwit. An INFINITELY INCREASING BLOCK SIZE WAS THE ORIGINAL VISION.
>Where one miner has mined 75% of all the blocks
How is this possible? Do they just have a gpu farm of like 100,000 gpus?
the original coin is the one with majority support and the original name. this is an absolute shitcoin.
begun, the coin war has
>Bittrex won't allow deposits because the blockchain is unstable
>Price stays up because Bittrex won't allow deposits
>Blockchain is unstable because miners are double spending and pumping the prices up to sell higher, making the blockchain unstable
This is actually kind of incredible. When one part of this triangle falls, the whole thing will implode and fall in on itself.
can't wait till the chinks execute order 66 on bch
>The original ethereum wasn't ETC
T. brainlet
I literally don't give a shit about the scaling debate. Did you actually stop to fucking read my post, you inbred? People are paying $1,000 for something that ISN'T WORKING.
it has been less than 24 hours since it split
just wait and see what happens
>execute order 66
Holy shit, I'm literally watching delray misfits, right now.
The piss lord is among us.
Pretty sure the blocks won't be stable until the difficulty has been set which takes two weeks.
It's 2016 blocks or when we get less than 6 blocks in 12 hours, not two weeks.
It pissening
>BCH is the original coin
Then why isn't it called bitcoin?
Why doesn't it have majority hashrate?
After all the stuff listed by OP, people STILL buy Bitcoin Cash? It shows just how badly the Core dev team have fucked up.
Bitcoin holders finally have an alternative to Core. Shit is just getting started.
If the price gets even higher and miners start seeing profit there, shit will get real. We might see an actual flippening.
What do you think will happen if miners jump on and people are actually able to move their coins?
Do the math.
>People are paying $1,000 for something that ISN'T WORKING
the only fags paying for it are the chinese miners trying to pump the price up
Just like how smoke signals were the original form of long distance communication.
fucking chinks
The math says the Core devs have retarded Bitcoin's growth for years, and you'd be an idiot to sell the fork that can now actually scale.
I expect to see a lot of volatility, of course, since several Core whales are going to do their best to orchestrate dumps.
Again, I don't give a shit about your fork and this thread isn't about your scaling circlejerk. My original plan was to hold BCC, and now it looks like I won't have a choice since BCC DOESN'T EVEN WORK.
The second people can actually move their BCC, you REALLY expect people to hold when the price is artificially propped up due to exchange IOUs and artificial scarcity caused by a non-functioning blockchain?
this is what we've devolved to
this is what people think of satoshi now, and these faggots have only been in crypto for 2 weeks tops
I suggest anyone new read this
Keep telling yourself that. Keep selling yours. Your tears in a few months time will be delicious.
>retarded bitcoin's growth
>by actually testing and planning features instead of just implementing them in a week
lol BCH is a disaster waiting to happen.
You 48 hours ago:
Miners are not mining this. They are not evolved yet. Why woud the buy this coin just to make it expensive??? So the can buy more at inflated pices? Dont get your reasoning
>I sold at 380
:( :(
You can't dump if you can't move your coins, are you retarded?
>delray misfits
*twitches nose
*twitches nose
Am I being retarded here Veeky Forums? Sold my cash near the top as it was starting to dip, looked back through the transactions and did they really charge me close to 1/3 of my gains in commission? Am I missing something obvious here? Usual commission rate is miles below this.
You're retarted. Yes you can dump. You can trade your BCC for BTC / ETH / USDT on bittrex.
>cryptofags that care about the technology
The name is literally all that matters faggot. Bitcoin > all.
No, you can trade the IOUs Bittrex gave you, which is a tiny fraction of all the BCC people own. Nobody can move coins out of their BCC wallets onto Bittrex (which is the MAJORITY of coins) because THE BLOCKCHAIN DOESN'T WORK.
How the fuck are you people trading without understanding the most basic fundamentals of both crypto and economics?
>being this retarded
I'm so fucking glad Veeky Forums is around because idiots like you gladly spout your opinions here, and it's an indicator to do the opposite
It already dropped nicely on kraken. Classic pump and dump scheme.
Yea the miners with the secret plans are not mining only buying right?
Bittrex charges 0.25% commission. What exchange are you using?
"Cost / Proceeds" is simply what you gained in BTC.
>its 2017 user. Sha256 is mined with Asics.
Bittrex, exactly that. I checked all my previous transactions and they all look fine, that one is just the odd one out. Possible bug? If so, is there any way to appeal it?
That makes sense now, ignore Cheers
Let's say I have bitcoin in bitcoin core/electrum and I split my coins manually.
I can't dump my BCC on Bittrex because they won't allow BCC deposits right now. This is the only thing supporting BCC's price right now. The only thing keeping BCC price from dumping is that there isn't a massive influx of supply from offline wallets.
Are you really so stupid that you don't understand this?
you did very well despite being fucking clueless lol
nice job
Unless you want bitcoin to go the way of the smoke signals it must continue to improve or be left by the wayside while better coins take its place. Sentiment does not make money or replace the global banking syndicate.
Get your BTC profits out of Bittrex ASAP, a wipeout attack on the weak BCC chain now would nullify Bittrex's BCC wallet from the beginning as if the fork never happened. You'd think they'll let you keep your current BTC profits then? It's database rollback time bb
There's nothing to nullify. Bittrex hasn't moved any of their BCC.
Dont be so butthurt that haven't been making some mad gainz of this
not an argument.
Some part of me wishes whales were spending their time shilling shit like this on Veeky Forums -- as if we actually matter
>almost dropped $10,000 on BCC earlier
>just read this thread
I know the moment certain markets let me sell BCH, i'm dumping this shit.
why can i explore the bcc blockchain reeee
No one can be this stupid.
>backing etc (btc) over eth (bch)
i am stupid
i even opened an account on kraken like 2 hours ago
Holy shit I put a sell order at 700 and wake up too see this shit at double that.
ETC is shit value compared to ETH
Their chain is not dancing anymore
BTC hasn't been anything like satoshi planned for years now. As soon as ASICs became a thing it was starting to get centralized and wasn't the "everyone can mine" that it was initially.
Bitcoin is going to keep changing because people don't care if it isn't how satoshi planned and if you do care buy any of the many coins that are CPU only mined with no fancy shit.
i don't know why people don't fud/clean out the uninformed anymore. Really that 10k could be sitting in my bank account by now.
Question. When I import my seed in to electon cash, how long should it take for my BCH to appear? That same as a normal transfer?
The next block will reduce difficulty to ~26% of what it is now due to the time distance between blocks. A few blocks after that, exchanges should prep for the incoming tx.
Then we see the dump.
doubt its going to dip that much
most people that wanted to sell already had their coins on the exchange
do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says
the reason new blocks isnt mined is because someone is attacking the bcc chain. no doubt some core frankenstein outgrowth.
seriously if this coin is successfull then I will take all my money and get out of crypto. if money can just be created out of nothing and a coin that doesnt even work moons and gets accepted it is finally proof that this entire thing is just a bubble and will fail in a few months.
I have high hopes for crypto but the fact that a coin this shitty can create so much money out of thin air seems fucking crazy. and I know I am gonna get a lot of hate but be honest dont you think it's insanity that we can now simply create money out of nothing and it somehow doesnt even affect the market ?
yeah, its insanity this is why so many people were caught with their pants down while holdng fiat. btc didnt even flinch
Whaha smallblockers atacking the chain so all other segwit fanboys cant dump BCC. Atackers are helping BCC get legit whahaha!!!
>legitimate mining on BCC is now an attack
Really makes you think
Just wait a bit until bittrex starts to allow bch deposits
ETH is BTC and ETC is BCH. Because what matters is community consensus. The most popular chain wins.
>the original name
lol lol olol ol ol ollol lo l ol o l
They just called themselves the original name, retard. They have nothing to do with the original developers.
If a country splits in two, and each country issues new currency, how is this any different? Likewise, how is this different than, say, the US forcing all states to use the same currency, on the fundamental level that money was just created or destroyed out of "thin air"
i agree wtf its a huge bubble at first i was skeptical i see what the future of crypto is but even Mark Cuban said we are in a huge bubble especially now the coins are not at their true value, i expect a huge crash on this BCC like soon in a few days or a week or two
What is this shit? my brother made me install a android wallet and gave me buttcoins he said got duplicate from his and that he cannot use with ios or osx.
someone give me a tl;dr I haven't followed the electronic currency shit ever. I don't know what to do.
I cant even access my bcc because i didnt realize that copay wallet doesnt support it. Does anybody know how to remove my bcc from copay?!?!?!?
i have to be honest with you biz bros i am a bit bitter on missing out on the BCC but i also was not going to risk pulling out of my savings when i have debt to take care of, it was a risk that i did not take, how ever i was able to buy some good ANS Neo in the dips at the right time also ETH when it dipped then converted that in to more ANS Neo so i feel good about that and the future potential , going to see the fire works show once BCC start to fall hard
Because people left. That's not a very clever question.
Smallblockers coinbase and blockstream use the newyork agreement to take the chinese miners hostage and force them to mine the segwit fork.
Check the settings. Apparently it uses the wrong blockchain and shows the worng balance, which you can easily fix.
To answer your question, it's instant.
how do you guys see ETH being affected by this?? Will it go up or dip in the month of Aug?
How about the Silver Lite Coin? I see Lite Coin?
>tfw all in fiat
Every decision I make in crypto is the wrong one.
its open source retard
Wont that be fixed with their next update? Think ill just wait.
That still doesn't make them the original?
Sounds like you are the retard here
not diversifying is a wrong decision by default
>B-b-b-but Fiat
This shit needs to stop.
Fiat currencies are backed by the potential value of the country that produces them. Why is the dollar worth anything in relativity to every other mediums of commerce? Because America *as a nation* has value. Despite not being directly backed by something fiats still have fundamental value to a certiant extent. Crypto currencies have *absolutley no fundamental value in any way whatsoever*. The entire market cap is held up by 100% blind speculation. Thr very existance of BCC is proof of this.
I know that feel bro...
Segwit Smallblockers are atacking the chain they prevent the dumping for some weird reason.
Fair enough.
>The US is dependable
>Math is not dependable
Pretty good summary of what is happening
>The US is a real tangible place
>Numbers exist only as an abstract
Math is very dependable, cryptos though.......