>my job gives me fulfillment
My job gives me fulfillment
Other urls found in this thread:
>Veeky Forums really helped me turn my life around
It's a real thing, if you gained some skills so you had options you would know this.
(not saying I would work if I didn't have to but some jobs are actually fun / interesting)
>I sure am glad I took that hot tip from Veeky Forums!
>buy high, sell low
Im more happy with being a wage slave than bieng a job seeker
>tfw working a dead end job for shit pay
>tfw crypto rich, basically don't have to work
>tfw the job actually helps me stay sane
It's a weird feel
don't want to make excuses, would rather not work in general, but it is indeed possible to enjoy the nature of your work, and while it's obviously nice not to have a shit boss etc., doing absolutely nothing with your life (i.e. exactly what most NEETs are really doing) will depress you—it's human nature
top-tier is working for yourself
mid-tier is working for someone else
bottom-tier is being temporarily unemployed but still having prospects
suicide-tier is being a NEET while lying to yourself and everyone around you and suggesting that you are above such things as work, you are going to die poor and alone unless you have a large inheritance
this place is sort of depressing because I can tell there are a lot of underage kids and people who are barely 18-21 and you're all squandering your youth and probably your entire lives in the end
this, after sitting at home for 6 months after working for 7 years I found out I actually do enjoy and psychologically need my job.
No I'm back at work I enjoy it a lot more. Because I know sitting at home is not the answer and actually makes me feel worse.
With that said, I am working on a career change. Even if I would have enough money to never work again, I would probably still work, or do something to keep me busy.
I work in STEM because I'm good at it and the money's good. I don't have any delusions that I do it for enjoyment.
>needing Jewish wageslavery to stay sane
Congrats, you're a brainlet
> I wake up every morning, well rested and ready to work hard
Actually yes. I save $20/month across water/drainage bills by bottling my urine and pouring it outside.
It's a distraction and just more extra money I can throw into crypto.
It's not wageslavery if you can tell your superiors to fuck off and not having to worry of getting fired because at the end of the day, I don't really care.
It's just that I actually enjoy doing it.
>piss bottles
You mean r9k right?
>implying that human beings evolved to sit around and shitpost on the internet all day
>implying that working and contributing to a group isnt hardcoded into our genes
>implying that the sense of achievement and success you get from your work isnt a major part of your psychological well-being
>implying that everyone who has a job hates working and is merely better than a slave
>implying that neets on Veeky Forums (who regularly joke about suicide) are somehow happier than the average "wagecuck"
No. We lost the "tricks to save money" threads under a flood of ETHposting something like 8-12 months ago.
>implying most slave jobs in modern society fit your description
>implying you can't get all these things without a job
Some jobs are enjoyable but your life has to be fucking sad if you need a job to find enjoyment and have your life fulfilled.
If I had money I would never work.
We're all sad fucks here.
My best friend is a cameraman and films elephants and leopards. He loves his job.
I work in a warehouse and want to die.
>we're looking for passionate people to work on our dog-sitting app
>please discuss your passion
why not just *gasp* buy a urinal? or a low-flow toilet
>Im just working here to get my 401k vested. A few more years of this and I'll get to keep all of the money I put in
the start-up capital combined with the loss of potential capital for that proposal set back the savings from my current chamberpot system by years. I'll stick to my piss bottles. We're not talking about solid waste here, which is what actually motivated indoor plumbing to begin with.
Never invest with me or my penis' urine ever again.
What about solid waste though? You could occasionally shit in the backyard I'm sure if neighbors can't see and iirc it's good for soil and plants and stuff.
Solid waste is part of why I still have a drainage bill. I'm not a complete zealot, even though I poop at work whenever it isn't inconvenient.
I bet you can save an extra 50 cents or a dollar off your water bill if you distill that urine in the sun with a plastic bag and drink the water.
Probably can save another 3 or 4 bucks a month if you stop using toothpaste and brush your teeth with your piss.
You are leaking money like a sieve user
>i enjoy plumbing
I know. I'm already taking sponge baths, but everytime I do I end up sitting and thinking about how much better a shower that recycled water would be.
I could probably reuse the water 4-5 times before it becomes foul. With all body hair shaved, maybe more. Plus then I wouldn't need to shower as much, or for as long.
I could probably shower twice a week. With no body hair, I'd be using one cycle of about 5-8 gallons per month. That much saving should offset buying pipes and a holding tank after six months to a year.
I get half chub everytime I am reminded how much money people saved in those threads :^)
Why not just soap up and hop in the nearest river?
I couldn't name a job that would fulfill me. I work because I need money. My life outside of work is what matters to me.
My job fulfills me because I'm making 140k and I'm not even 27 yet. Feels good to have a >500k house, married to a hot wife, 2 new cars, motorcycle, race car, power boat.
Maybe you could look up free public showers or get a cheap gym membership and use their showers?
Saved for pasta
What job?
posessions dont make people happy, in fact it makes you less happy
Hello Brainlet my old friend,
I've come to shitpost with you again
>psychologically need my job.
>implying you aren't a coping incel cuck fighting for the scraps while Chad rawdogs 8/10+ prime pussy on the reg
yeah ok this is fuckin retarded, assuming you're not meming
this is what a sane person would do: same effect, but not fucktarded
>I have a hot wife
>never posts pics
>when posts are posted it's a past-her-prime 6/10
every time
tbqh i dont mind working
its just that i need 11-12 hours of sleep to function properly, so i basically have no freetime when its a week day
and it makes the weekends very short
>I know where I want to be in 5 years
Idk, but you should check out TeaToken.
that's a damn lie
mmmmm... just like grandma's pancakes