Does Veeky Forums read The Economist? I've gotta say, I have no fucking clue what to do with the thing, it's like the most boring newspaper I've ever read. It literally sends me to sleep, what am I missing?
Does Veeky Forums read The Economist? I've gotta say, I have no fucking clue what to do with the thing...
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mostly faggot Keynesian globalists
I'll sum it up for you OP
> The West needs to take in more migrants and open borders to encourage economic growth
> Automation is going to make jobs redundant, governments need to do more to avoid this
It's owned by the Rothschilds
Unironically, this: They USED to be more center-right globalists with a stronger focus on foreign politics and interest stories.
However, it started going to shit with the female editor-in-chief they appointed in 2015. The quality went down, they started to focus more on culture and Western politics (usually shamelessly cheerleading the "Liberal international order" and globalist cause).
It's incredibly disappointing. I used to read it all the time while in high school and college.
mag is completely worthless now, canceled my sub in 2016 couldn't deal with the SJW one world order bullshit
What should I do with the copies that I've got? I've been thinking of just reading whatever articles look interesting and not even bothering the scim the rest, is that sensible?
Don't forget stuff like this.
nothing beats financialtimes nigga
>SJW shit
Ah fuck, you guys might be right.