I wanna be rich so i bought 40,000 ARK

i wanna be rich so i bought 40,000 ARK
am i smart biz? will i be rich?

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Yeah, it's gonna go back to $1 in September-October when they reach their delivery deadlines

Make sure to vote for biz_classic so you can get the interest gain

wait 1-2 years, enjoy your 400,000 minimum

>Make sure to vote for biz_classic so you can get the interest gain
Can you still enter biz_classic?


The instructions should be somewhere on here classicdelegate.biz/

no more entries please. I've gone down from 10ARK/week to only 6 due to now voters coming in. I am staking 4k right now.

This dude with his 40k is going to drop our returns!

Need to get 2M Ark so we can double our payouts though, apparently you can vote for two candidates at once

Currently at 1.4M ARK


I just want to know if it's too late to vote

Can you invite me to the discord?


How to enter?

i also just bought 100k


Can someone post invite to the biz_classic discord?


Link expires in 5 uses / 1 hour.

So I just bought a whole bunch of Ark and joined the discord group, how do I vote and how do I get my share from biz classic?


I just bought my very first coins. I bought ARK to latest price for 20€....what can I expect from that? Gonna leave it till end of the year I think

Probably a 2x return by the end of the year, and the consensus is that that's a conservative estimate

The real price booms for this coin will be when and or if major entities adopt the smart bridge platform to exchange currencies

signed up for an ark delegate 3 days ago. holding 2k ark.

Received 1.1 ark in those three days. Is this normal arkbros?

Yes that sounds about right.

New link please
