What would a Nazi-American Cold War look like?
What would a Nazi-American Cold War look like?
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My guess is America would be very annoyingly left-wing just to counter-signal the Nazis, but that would depend a lot on the details.
Are we envisioning something where the Nazis and Japanese divide the Soviet Union and Britain is forced to surrender, but not actually conquered?
People only wrote like a thousand alt-his books on the subject...
>My guess is America would be very annoyingly left-wing
naaa America would view the nazis as far left. The US would go hyper capitalist and hyper christian to counter-signal the economically centrist, secular nazis
See fatherland. The nazi state decays, fighting an endless unwinnable war in the east, with the farmer-settler-genocide paradigm having shifted to aristocrat-bureaucrat-slavery.
people don't think the entire soviet union could be conquered right?
See unwinnable war in the east. Soviet government might disintegrate, but with genocide as the defeat condition, the resistance would never, ever, stop. Especially because the us would run guns to them
Why not? The western portion is all that matters.
The Soviets conquered Russia in less than a decade. Who really cares about Siberia anyway? There was always time to pacify it later.
Nothing between the Urals and Baikal is worth a damn anyways.
Because most of these nazi victory alt history maps have the entire soviet union split between Germany and Japan
Something more interesting for me is what society after the collapse of a victorious Axis would be like, similar to the collapse of the USSR
This also includes the introduction of American capitalism into the region and its effects
That is entierly dependent on how far the nazis get
If they killed of soviet industry and conquered the baltic sea, middle east and central asia the would have maybe been able to starve the population through forest fires or biological weapons in the future. Though that is very costly, it would give america the leverage to defeat the nazis.
americans would be reverse engineering the literal magic nazis would have needed to win
Pan-Americanism rides again.
I suspect far more violent than the collapse of the USSR.
One other idea I had: Britain as a fascist ally/client of Germany, while Ireland becomes to the US what Cuba was to the Soviet Union. USA directly arms and aids the Provos and there's some sort of Irish Missile Crisis.
America uses all those Jewish scientists to finish the bomb first and First Strikes the shit out of Berlin.
Neither the Netherlands nor Switzerland would exist come an Axis victory, and Belgium would be partitioned between Germany and France according to language.
Well we would have to live in a world where the Nazis did not lose or collapse so it's too different from our own to any real judgements
Germany was too aggressive for Ireland to survive long enough for the US to develop them as a forward staging point. If Hitler conquers the UK nothing could reasonably stop him from just hopping to Ireland, and if the UK for some reason joined Hitler on their own than it would be even easier for the Axis to conquer Ireland.
If you knew the Nazi ideology you would know they wouldn't stop until Britain and America fell. There would be no Cold War. Maybe if Japan didn't attack Pearl Harbor but Japan would eventually target Pearl harbor.
Nazi Germany would not survive Hitlers death, there's simply no other person that could emulate his mass appeal, the SS and Heer were already fighting while the war was on, it would devolve into factionalism the minute he died and partisans and nationalists in those former states would have a field day.
That's literally impossible
Also, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland would be part of Germany.
I have a hard time imagining Hitler having the discipline required to manage nuclear weapons properly. The Cold War was only really possible because both sides had the self-restraint to slow down and talk things over whenever tension was nearing a tipping point. There were certainly close-calls, but ultimately both sides recognized that it was not in their interest to have a nuclear exchange. There was brinkmanship but also caution.
I just don't see Hitler having the capacity for that kind of diplomatic engagement. He consistently failed to uphold his own promises so it would be difficult for him to negotiate with any sort of credibility. A negotiation isn't possible unless there is some mutual belief between both parties that the other party can and will at least attempt to honor agreements. Hitler broke many of his agreements, and not only that, he did so very rapidly and without remorse. It would be very difficult to negotiate with somebody like that because you'd always expect him to lie.
So basically, in order for any of this to work out, Hitler has to be replaced with somebody with more credibility as a negotiator.
They might not be directly annexed, but Germany would definitely control them through puppet governments.
Personally i believe they would have backstabbed their allies who held germanic territory, were ideologically different and who kept their jews alive
>who held germanic territory, were ideologically different and who kept their jews alive
Like literally who?
>Like literally who?
where should I start . .. .......... ..?
switzerland ?
Switzerland is a German ally during WW2?
Formally not
So then it doesn't really fit the bill of:
>allies who held germanic territory, were ideologically different and who kept their jews alive
But they made favours to the Germans
with sexual results
Hitler fucking hated the Swiss, he called them a pimple on Europe
stfu u piss ass faggotr
...Except for the core of Soviet wartime industry
Name a german ally who didnt do any of those 3 things
I cannot. That's why I asked the question in the first place.
That doesnt make any sense
>Don't know a thing
>Ask a question to find out
>Name someone who did that
>Can you name someone who didnt do that?
>No thats why i asked the question
Makes perfect sense