Whenever anything mesoamerican is mentioned people go on a rant about human sacrifice, savages,deserved to be genocided, nothing was lost.. etc
I tought people who care about history would have a better understanding. Many civilizations were wiped out and all their knowledge with them, 500s years later we are just learning they written language, why so much hate?
Why so much rage?
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I mean I admire some of their civilizations. I love me some Incan roads, and worshiping corn is pretty fucking great, but it gets to a point where you're really stretching the pros of some of these civilizations, or you REALLY have to dig deep. Also, they did do human sacrifice though, but so did other civilizations in Asia.
Nobody likes savages, whether they can write or not.
If we cried over every civilization that was wiped out and their knowledge lost with them, we would never have time to do anything else.
Because Veeky Forums is a legit shithole.
They sacrified humans—some— bc they thought they were doing it right and got praise of some kind to keep doing it. I've got no problem w/ reading about them and I don't get all emotional and shit I'm just thankful life isn't like that now.
Bc I'd be dead in like -.816 seconds
its white virgins from /pol/ who get triggered at the thought of white people ever doing anything wrong. This is their way to deflect the treatment and fortune of natives
>you're really stretching the pros
See OP? Most of Veeky Forums don't care about understanding history, they just look for yet another way of reassuring their ideology
There are also many who say human sacrifice is good. Lots of different people with different views visit Veeky Forums. I'm not sure what your point is.
Because it's used to justify their conquest, when in reality their conquest requires no justification.
Stronger societies have always bowled over weaker ones. If the Indians had the guns and the boats, they would have come to Europe and massacred them. It's the peaceful Native thing that I hate, especially with the Aztecs, who were a warrior people.
People have this limpwristed idea of fairness, as if the Europeans fought with one another on an even keel all the time. Ask the French how fair the English longbow was in the 100 year war. Ask the Byzantines how fair those Turkish-weld German cannons were in 1453.
As for disease, who cried for Europe when the Mongols used the Plague as a weapon against Europeans who weren't accustomed to it?
What Chinese liberal arts students cried for the 50% of Europeans who died then?
>why so much hate?
They were cannibals who practiced human sacrifice, why is this so hard for you to understand?
People tend to get uncomfortable and agitated when they encounter the argument that killing and eating people isn't a big deal.
It has nothing to do with race. If the Aztecs invaded europe and the Anglo recognized their superior technology and allied with them against the French, I'd delight in the genocide of the French and their inferior culture, just as you would delight at the unexpected opportunity to defeat your century long enemy were you a Tlaxcalan.
I suppose newborn French babies are innocent, but the real tragedy would be that they were born French, a problem shortly to be resolved.
This is what the Americas would look like had Europeans not interfered and genocided everyone.
America would be nothing without the likes of Spain and Portugal. Indios should be grateful for their benevolence.
Honestly. We could do with a bit more human sacrifice these days.
In all honesty I dont see how human sacrifice is worse than europeans killing other europeans for religious reasons
One can only imagine
Mexico city already has a mosquito problem, i imagine that wpuld be 1000x worse.
That and taking into consideration how they give no fucks about cleanliness and the environment down there it would probably stink too.
Probably for you anyone who doesn't understand history is someone who doesnt agree with your ideas that the aztecs were the heaven in earth and the spaniards devils sent from the hell.
In cholula the spaniards thought the natives were planning a massacre against them (as the Malinche told to Cortes), it was a preventive action, I would like to see you in their situation.
Yeah, they practiced human sacrifice. Everyone is aware of that fact already. This is still a history board. When this topic is brought up some people just want to discuss other aspects of Mesoamerica without there being a diatribe on human sacrifice dominating the thread.
Veeky Forums whitebois don't like to hear about successful non white civilizations.
Post ONE thread about African Civs and it gets bombarded by "WE WUZ KANGZ XD"
Melanin Warrior was right. This place is racist af.
>In all honesty I dont see how human sacrifice is worse than europeans killing other europeans for religious reasons
Religions wars had little to do with religions. Aztecs spent all their resources to get babies and rip their hearts
It's a fact, senpai. All I remember about the Aztecs is they were cleaner than the Europeans. Nothing more than a stretch to make them seem better than they were.
>new world 'civilisation'
Cry about it some more you fucking baboon.
You mean kind of like how that whole Holocaust thing keeps coming up and interesting discussion whenever people say "Gee guys, but what about all the GOOD things Hitler did?", because that's what you sound like when you act like human sacrifice and cannibalism isn't a big deal.
That's probably because you're the butthurt descendant of one of those cannibalistic savages yourself.
Actually it's more like if there was a "talk about good things Hitler did" thread that was immediately filled with Holocaust posts.
That's what I'm saying.
Whatever else the people in question did, the people they killed over shadows it, and will always color the discussion, because people have a vested interest in making sure that taboos STAY taboos, and historical entitities who did vile things continue to be associated primarily with those vile things rather than mundane trivia about pottery shards or autobahns.
>you were savages who killed...umm for being savages!
>proceeds to genocide the amerindians
Incas were superior to europeans. Deal with it.
>the Mesoamericans were literally hitler
Fuck, just listen to yourself. They had unique architecture, art, literature, maths, astronomy, medicine...
God forbid someone has a genuine interest in learning more about any of these things. There's a lot of lingering questions that real historians probably rip their hair out trying to find answers to, and probably won't because a big chunk of important artifacts are gone. People who prioritize knowledge will inevitably care more about that.
the hate mostly comes from salty spanniards, most people really aknowledge the splendour of south- and mesoamerican civs
How is marrying them a genocide? Killing babies is more genocidical to me if you ask me
95% of them died from plague, which would've happened if the Incas came across the water to the Old World. The rest just intermarried with the Spaniards.
>what is smallpox
I know your primitive brain can't grasp contexts. Want me to spoonfeed you more?
>It is Spaniards fault that the inmune system of natives was shit
This is just mental gymnastic.
Honestly the mongols did the same with the plague to euros
I thought that came through Egypt.
Smallpox would've happened no matter what. If the Chinese discovered the Americas or the natives managed to reach the Old World. They simply had no immunity.
The conquest argument of superiority is based on the circumstances given after the smallpox devastation.
Weren't it be for the smallpox the spaniards couldn't have conquered the americas, at least the south.
The Spaniards were still out numbered 1:10k.
Almost every battle was fought between native tribes and incas. Spaniards just picked up what has been left after the smallpox and the civil war between the inca sucessors. Also they had to bring reinforcements to annihilate the rest.
Incas were superior to europeans. It's obvious.
>Europoors conquer the world
I didn't even no Incaboos were a thing. Watched the Emperors new groove one too many times?
> How is marrying them a genocide?
Isn't that how white genocide works?
i was more thinking of spaniards and argentinians(not white) sperging about the "black lie" and other shit
totaly not /pol/
Nice cherrypicking. Still the proofs indicate that most battles were fought by native tribes.
I don't watch brainwashing cartoons by Disney.
>a micro-organism destroys an entire culture's structure
>somehow this was actually conquest
Well, we'll see when USA becomes full brown in less than 50 years from now.
t. butthurt baboon
>why so much hate?
No hate from me. I genuinely find mesoamerican civilizations interesting. And I wish more was preserved about them.
Nice to see you have no arguments.
They also wank over how Tenochtitlan had a larger population than European cities. Which doesn't seem like that big of deal if you don' obsess over collectivization. I'd rather have my population spread out across the countryside than concentrated in one city.
Unironically this
Well if you consider what the word "civilization" entails, i.e. urbanization, class structure, complex organization and government, and so on.. it makes sense why that's important.
>black lie" and other shit
What ?
>500s years later we are just learning they written language
Most of the Maya and Nauhatl languages survived to the present day.
>They had unique architecture, art, literature, maths, astronomy, medicine...
and what the Nazis didn't? Why do you think it's ok to turn one culture into a one note historical caricature but not the other?
>There's a lot of lingering questions that real historians probably rip their hair out trying to find answers to
That's because they're stupid people who worry about things that don't matter.
The memetic ghost of effective anti-Spanish propaganda from hundreds of years ago.
>Why do you think it's ok to turn one culture into a one note historical caricature but not the other?
What are you talking about? When did I bring up any other culture?
>That's because they're stupid people who worry about things that don't matter.
>actively seeking out knowledge is stupid
>wanting a full picture of history is stupid
Why are you on this board?
of course, spaniards didn't enslave, rape, kill and burn everything interesting to the ground . they came just to play a futbol match.
to bad those spanish barbarians burned most of the codices.