Was Charlemange French?

Was Charlemange French?

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prometheus-delft.org/internet_tijdschrift/Karel de Grote.html

He was g*rman

So yes

He never existed.

He was Frankish. His native language was Old Low Franconian.

He was Proto-Dutch

was your dad you? was your grandma your mom? was the big bang your great grandma's gangbang?

He would not have called himself a German, he would not have called himself French. He would have called himself a Frank, a member of a Germanic tribe that would become French.

Germans/French who fight over his identity are absolutely retarded.

He was Frank, which is just Latinized Germans

He was belgian.

the Franks wouldn't just "become" French, they would come to form the French nation with every other people living there
the Franks themselves were mostly the elite nobility, the average Jean-Paul would be much more celtish

also Charlemagne was Indonesian

What an odd way to spell Karl


Can we talk about the fact that the most powerfull ruler of europe at the time was unable to write his fucking name.

Dark ages man, thats what happens when the priests tell you writing and knowledge are not this important.

A monogram IS a signature.

Another proof that education meme is hugely overrated. Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Charlemagne and almost all early medieval kings would agree.


KAROLUS is still a Dutch name.
I guess he was Frankish. I can't write neither, so I must be descendant of him.

The Franks are still around in today's Germany, you know


The Caliph of Frankistan, as Oswald Spengler memorably put it.

What an anti-European maniac; the beginning of the end for our great continent.

>His native language was Old Low Franconian.

Is there any source for that? As far as I know it's unknown which language was his mother tongue.

>Everytime a brit says sharlemain

revisionist essay on Charlemagne (french) here; eng. text floating around online somewhere.

also see this: The Franks: A Critical Study in Christianisation and Imperialism. By: F.J. Los
(can't find the pdf right now)

Charlemagne never existed. He's a purely fictional character.

prometheus-delft.org/internet_tijdschrift/Karel de Grote.html


how do you pronounce it?



Real question is whether he would prefer BK or McD's.

Interesting sounds more islamic desu


Charles had the gift of ready and fluent speech, and could express whatever he had to say with the utmost clearness. He was not satisfied with command of his native language merely, but gave attention to the study of foreign ones, and in particular was such a master of Latin that he could speak it as well as his native tongue; but he could understand Greek better than he could speak it. He was so eloquent, indeed, that he might have passed for a teacher of eloquence. He most zealously cultivated the liberal arts, held those who taught them in great esteem, and conferred great honors upon them. He took lessons in grammar of the deacon Peter of Pisa, at that time an aged man. Another deacon, Albin of Britain, surnamed Alcuin, a man of Saxon extraction, who was the greatest scholar of the day, was his teacher in other branches of learning. The King spent much time and labour with him studying rhetoric, dialectics, and especially astronomy; he learned to reckon, and used to investigate the motions of the heavenly bodies most curiously, with an intelligent scrutiny. He also tried to write, and used to keep tablets and blanks in bed under his pillow, that at leisure hours he might accustom his hand to form the letters; however, as he did not begin his efforts in due season, but late in life, they met with ill success.

It's how the French say it.


He was a Frank most likely born in Neustria.
So he was most likely born on nowdays French territory. But he was not French as this denomination didnt exist yet.

He was actually able to write you bewildering cretin, he spent all his youth becoming a learnt man in a monastery.