I made 4 bitcoins selling bitcoin cash. I will send 0.1 bitcoin for the top 10 who send pictures with sharpie in the pooper.
Sending "free" bitcoins
It has to be with today's date.
What if it's not a branded sharpie?
Hey man I know you'd get some laughs but this shit is really mean.
DGB sharpie guy never got his dgb. Why should we trust you?
It could be anything. If you stuck something bizarre that caught my eye and made me laugh I send 0.2 bitcoin.
Fuck my wallet OP
are you legit
No photos so far. I'll come back later to see if anyone else has sended.
Proof and ill do it
I just got a new idea OP, why don't we make a smart contract platform that sends eth for sharpie in pooper pics? An AI could analyze it so that things would be fair.
you sure bro? looks pretty real to me
ill do it.
here you go:
That's one of the short ones. Not actually inside at all.
It hurt tho
Once i see another user confirming they got their BTC ill post.
Thank you man
That's bigger than a sharpie kek!
Thanks OP!
fucking kek
noone cares how poor you are you fucking faggot, get a fucking job
In this moment I am euphoric
Guys just dont
OP will not deliver.
Save yourself, do not defile your hairy neet assholes.
i got nothing better to do.
I am v/TwMoJc in case i get another ID on the phone
Literally this.
Even the guy started the whole thing himself didn't get paid.
Gonna post a photo myself, if the three guys who did it so far get paid.
Where is OP?
if the others get paid I swear I'll post
sitting still breathing is a better use of your time
That's how I missed out on bitcoin to begin with
You mean a decentralized blockchain that's so legit that it even has a whitepaper? I cannot wait to throw all my money onto that.
Did OP deliver?
man shit sucks, I put $400 in initially and put another $200 into bitbean
I got fucked, hard. I have $70 left. I still have hope, I got back to $400 2 weeks ago. There is a sliver of good info on here, but most people are trying to fuck you. Don't get fucked, and don't fuck yourself.
good luck
No money guys
well boy is my face red
this is rape.
OP here
Bitcoins already sent to those who posted the photos.
>tfw have to share a board with these (((people)))
I have over 0.7 bitcoins to send. I will send 0.05 for each woman who send naked photo.
Prove it.
OP I didn't get shit from you but a ban...
Still waiting for my funds from OP
I'm about to do this.
Did OP deliver ?
No he didn't :(
If he does I will post about it
Yes, I did. They just want more bitcoins.
There's nothing in my wallet!
i stick 10 sharpie's in my shitter
but i need proof first
Cunt asshole.
You know what they say, Karma is a nice lady.
Funny you say that because I was the person who sent the photo in the digibyte thread.
Those liars! You people who posted your butts are disgraceful!
OP Please Deliver - will show tits upon receipt of coins
Why didn't you heed our warnings!
idgaf - im poor and need coins :(
You just wanted an excuse to degrade yourself
Welcome to the club!!!
seems like you liked it faggot
>double digit iq
fucking degenerates
I said that now I would only send for women to take naked pictures. I'm not interested in seeing men's boobs.
wow, front-row seats to observe how the cycle of abuse is perpetuated.
this is all DGB's fault
He never sent 1D6Wugg99paakD4uYxdFvGbzscW4gqCA2v
Hook a nigga up
What ever happened to pride and integrity?
>the milkman, the paperboy, and even tv!
hold the fuck up how do you write the timestab so legibly on your ass
god damn that nigga has a hairy ass
Send BTC first!