These two countries will be the next super power soon. Do they have some universal values to spread like freedom and democracy? Or will they just stay economic super power?
These two countries will be the next super power soon...
India won't do shit. China is more likely, but they still won't do shit.
China's massive debts will catch up to them, Indian people are the least efficiently productive people so they can't be a superpower.
I'm interested in these countries but I don't know shit about their values. I know China is almost atheistic and India is overly religious. Do they want to spread their values all over the world?
One will teach humanity how to take a shit on the street.
The other will teach how delicious dog meat is and Algae is healthy for human body
This doesn't belong on Veeky Forums.
India is a bastion of civilization at least
Serious question. Can country actually go bankrupt? How does it happen? USA and china have massive debts and dont seem to care
Debts are a meme. What are you going to to, force the US to pay theirs? lmao, good luck
China: communism (state ownership), centralisation (censorship etc.), Chinese supremacy (China as the centre of the world, China as arbitrator of disputes, China as morally pure against a corrupt world which it is up to China to rectify).
India: nothing in particular (which is why they won't become a superpower)
How many times per day do you have to post this.
That picture is so retarded that you put "Europeans" contributed nothing to society
Countries do go bankrupt and they default. See Greece/Venezuela/etc
Debt however is not an issue if they can pay them off. China's growing ~ 5-6% a year. This will be more than enough to pay off their debt at a stable rate. Unchecked debt is an issue.
US's debt to GDP ratio is at around 106% or so. China's debt to GDP is at around 93%. India's debt to GDP is at 46%. Of these three countries, India can easily pay it off. Its not stressing anything at this moment. China's GDP be be paid off through strong growth periods. US's debt is becoming an issue. Slow growth + increasing debt = possible fuck up in the future.
However US has generally paid off debt historically so its debt limit is still good. China's debt is also good because its strong growth can be pay off the debt. India's debt is bit lacking however its balancing its debt/gdp and focusing on internal growth instead of debt based growth. A sound strategy for self sufficiency, but at the cost of growth.
It will be better than U.S. hegemony, at least they do not deny climate change and cause instability in the Middle East.
They won't become superpowers.
This, the west does not need to be the world's hyperpower to survive. Why are people so afraid of America losing it's world power status anyway.
Because of working conditions in Chinese factories, you dumbfuck. Because of human rights abuses on their own soil. Because of air pollution on a level unheard of.
I hate you, Veeky Forums.
I'm talking about how it will be a bad thing for Westerners, not the poor fucks suffering under China pesudo-communist rule you dopey retard.
Why wouldn't China want to turn the tables and make the West suffer for its wealth?
>working conditions
nothing to do with us
>human rights
literally a meme
>air pollution
just move to countryside
>move to countryside
Like the ones big cities are killing with their waste?
>Indian people are the least efficiently productive people so they can't be a superpower.
That's not true at all.
>How many times per day do you have to post this.
I guarantee it's a white person posting it to further this boards anti-Indian agenda
i wish india would take over the world
not china, since they stopped giving a fuck about taoism and are now taught being slaves like that fuck confucius told em
fuckin laozi, what a great guy
Im eastern euro and work in similiar conditions as chinese factory workers. But I atleast get the minimal wage paid. So no big deal for me. Maybe american kids should for a few months in factories to value money more though. Anyway air pollution in china is steadily decreasing. 15 years ago I would laugh at them with you my dude, but honestly they are actually becoming a modern 21st century superpower. Unlike their northern neighbour still stuck in the cold war era
Threat of war and nuclear retaliation probably. But that's a reasonable concern desu, the China government was recently caught trying to influence universities and the China population in Australia.
>Why wouldn't China want to turn the tables and make the West suffer for its wealth?
Not that guy but this is dumb logic. Even if America went into decline it would be impossible for China to impose its will on Europe/America in the same way the US does to the middle east.
I meant exporting working conditions.
>Anyway air pollution in china is steadily decreasing
Interesting, but I'd like to know the extent of the decrease. Do you have more information on this?
On what basis? Most countries in Western Europe are transferring to service economies or have already done so.
On the basis of fuck you, I have the greater economic pull and the larger military force.
Could be a Paki also.
This is not how it works. Once a country becomes a superpower it is in their interest to maintain the global status quo which is only upset if they go around doing stupid revanchist bullshit.
Britain and the U.S were 'global police' at one stage for a reason.
Indian here. An alarming number of subhumans with disposable income in India think that human rights don't matter because we have to develop FAST. No one knows what development is in india and it largely boils down to
>moar pretty buildings
meanwhile it's next to impossible for a person who is entering the market to even buy a house after getting a job. Property prices are through the roof and our freedoms and rights are being curtailed day by day.
I have trouble breathing in New Bombay now and huge swathes of land are being destroyed and replaced with shitty buildings that no one seems to be able to buy. Jobs haven't gone up at all and we are adding 10 million people to the "workforce" every year.
Our previous prime minister was right, India doesn't need to be a super power, all india needs to do is to make sure that it can provide better quality of life to it's citizens and remain free of cold war era bullshit.
The world is becoming multipolar anyway.
I didn't say anything about revanchism. However, why wouldn't the Chinese try to make a buck off Europe? Europe's done the same with China in the past when it had the opportunity to.
>meanwhile it's next to impossible for a person who is entering the market to even buy a house after getting a job. Property prices are through the roof and our freedoms and rights are being curtailed day by day.
>I have trouble breathing in New Bombay now and huge swathes of land are being destroyed and replaced with shitty buildings that no one seems to be able to buy. Jobs haven't gone up at all and we are adding 10 million people to the "workforce" every year.
So literally western Europe. What are you complaining about?
China already makes a buck off the West by being a manufacturer, which is what is driving its rise. That means you have an inherent interest in maintaining the stability of the people you are selling to. It's one of the more cynical reasons for the U.S creating the Marshall Plan after WW2.
There is no internet, social network and media back then. Now you can't do evil shit things like genocide the natives etc....without the whole world know about your deed.
western europe at least has local groups standing up for citizen's rights.
In india if you protest against anything under current Revolutionary Nationalist(tm) government, you get beaten up by goons, the police comes to lend them a hand and then says that you were disrupting (((communal harmony))).
Our emerging middle class has come to the conclusion that India has to be a SUPERPOWER so that they can make up for their own shortcomings by latching on to something greater. Fuck the majority of the country's citizens who get assfucked on a yearly basis.
Europe at least has high levels of living standards and low levels of pollution. All India has is Whatsapp propaganda on how Modi is a Swami who is going to save us from the evils of everything and how all major religions agree that cows are sacred animals whose piss and shit can cure diseases.
Instead of enlightening people, education has made people more retarded.
>These two countries will be the next super power soon.
before the big economic collapse or after?
I guess you're right, but if China gains in power, Europe's gonna get ripped off more. On top of that, Chinese immigration. These fuckers are already buying property on the West Coast by abusing jus soli.
Didn't say anything about that stuff.
>China is almost atheistic
How to gloss over a really complex subject lol
India tries to keep it's religious autism inside it's borders.
Of course you now have a bunch of midwestern missionaries running around in tribal parts of india going WOLOLO
Greece doesn't have fiat, they don't control their own money supply so they have to export into the EU to get dollars to pay.
Venezuela is just economic warfare. All of their ills are supply side sabotage.
USA, China and Japan are fiat nations and they simply print to pay. Their public debt is meaningless. They also won't suffer from inflation since increasing the money supply isn't its cause.
They're complete atheists.
They will continue being City-on-a-hill Empires like their ancestors were considering America provides sufficient answer what happens when u world police
Could a country completely collapse due to economic woes? The us recovered from the 2008 crash and so has most of the euro zone. Even shit countries like greece are starting to show signs of recovery. Seems like every country without a meme economy like Venezuela can eventually recover.
Everybody I know do yoga and I fucked a chinese girl back in the college.
>Do they have some universal values
This is why you get immigrants in the first place, Westerners.
First of all I doubt India will become a superpower even as the most populous country.
China doesn't seem to have the same kind of interest in human rights or other moral values so they probably wont be trying to increase their sphere of influence in the name of democracy or something like that. They will however have to improve living conditions and human rights within their own borders as they grow more developed and educated.
there's a pretty significant democratic movement going on in China right now
who knows what could happen. As China becomes more and more civilized and more of a world power I could see them one day shifting to a liberal democracy
>Do they have some universal values to spread
Don't use normal toilets. Shit in trough (china) or on ground (India).
>there's a pretty significant democratic movement going on in China right now
Which is daily given argument versus liberal democracy by the clown-car that is Taiwanese Democracy.
The Chinese might want more relaxed laws on freedom of speech. But I seriously doubt they'd extend liberalism to the governing of the country.
That build shrines and sacrifice pigs to Mao Zedong.
The government building a new altar on the culturally-agreed upon site of the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum, and performing sacrifices there during the Qingming Festival, is atheist alright.
>That build shrines and sacrifice pigs to Mao Zedong.
do americans actually believe this?
maybe during the 50s where everybody was a bonafide retard but not anymore. In fact there's a pretty big division between people who like Mao and people who don't. It's a fairly contentious issue, and it's mainly the uneducated that think that Mao did everything right
>one day
Fair enough, but I think it's pretty far into the future. I think they have a long way to go in terms of cencorship and the like before the opportunity for a liberal democracy is on the table.
>le super power meme
I honestly think it is really funny. I'm from Smalltown, Midwest, and the church was like an RTS building churning out units to send overseas or down south.
why did the boy take a swim, it's clearly covered in manky algae
This. We have to remember, China still is a communist country.
I would say "communal". I doubt the average person is dedicated to critical theory, but they are not individualists either.
How are India and China superpowers in any way? Just having a really big economy doesn't make you a superpower automatically.
If China was to threaten a west european state, it wouldn't mean anything to them, I guarantee it would send shockwaves through Europe if the USA did it instead.
Also think how diplomatically isolated China is compared to the US. The USA has NATO, whilst China only has whatever countries rely on Chinese investments or are next to them and can't match their military strength.
A better statement is that China and India have recently improved their 'hard power' a lot a recently, but still puts them not even close to the influence the USA has on the world stage.
Frankly it'll be decades before China starts getting where the US managed to get in the 50s. They're going the right way though with their increasing clout over African and Central asian nations.
More like the fact that the Chinese - and I mean OG Chinese, not westernized as fuck HKers and Koreans- have a different conception of government that may be not quite conducive to a liberal democracy.
The Chinese believe that the government is the ultimate third party: it is trusted to be staffed by the most skilled/learned/knowledgable men in the country, picked via the rigors of bureaucracy. Itcdoes decisions impartially, rarely with the influence of people outside of it. It protects the state, the majority, its established laws, and to ensure that it steers the country to a prosperous course.
Quite like their old emperors: not government by consent, but government by people trusted to be the best at what they do. And government with an imperial core basically that deals decisions to multiple peripheries on a case to case bases.
For the Chinese: liberal democracy is a threat to government impartiality: you're literally wanting the government to follow the wishes of the masses. As far as Chinese political thinking is concerned, the masses are a mob who you can't trust at all. What the mob may want might be unfair to others leading to ill feelings between the multiple parties within the populace. One decision could benefit a bunch of provinces to the ruination of others, or one ethnic group over other ethnic groups, and so on.
This is basically what the CCP and the old KMT understood China was. Outside of their meme political believes, they know that they still saddle the same old beast.
>HKers and Taiwanese*
Basically tl;dr
With an "Imperial" government set up, the Chinese people know that the government did the decision by itself. When something fucks up, its the gubmint's fault.
With a liberal democracy, the Chinese people would know that government decisions happen because of *other Chinese people.* If the Government fucks up, it means the other Chinese people are responsible, threatening the stability of the state.
India has never and never will desire anything beyond regional supremacy.
On the other hand, like any other dicklet race such as Anglos, the Chinese will seek and obtain world domination.
I think China will expand its border and eventually annex Korea, Japan and Vietnam. They have the same cultural back ground, which is Chinese culture.
>They have the same cultural back ground, which is Chinese culture.
nigga waht?
If you've been to India, you've surely realised it will be many things in the future, but surely never a superpower.
Street shitting and dog eating.
But really, the average person is still poor in China, and extremely poor in India. It's just because they have such massive populations that they make up a wealthy nation on the whole.
China has got more similar culture to Mongolia than any other country you listed
No shit, they govern most of the world's Mongols.
>These two countries will be the next super power soon.
Whoa, no.
China is basically Japan 2.0 and will stagnate due to how debt-fueled their economy is. They will either crash and burn (improbable) or will go back to more normal 3-4% GDP growth (or even lower). They can take a shot at hyperpowerism and Pax Chinkana but it's doubtful that thay'll be able to do the US-tier heavy lifting anytime soon (if at all)
India is an uber shithole with magnitues lower GDP per capita than even China, without an organized and competent air and naval fleets and no soft/hard force projection. At best, it will become an overgrown regional power on the merit of their xboxhueg population living less shitty.
>annex Korea, Japan and Vietnam
>mfw the intellectual state of Veeky Forums atm
Gross amount debt doesn't matter as much as the interest paid to service it. You see Africa countries with debt to GDP levels way below western counterparts, but the interest they pay on their loans is substantially higher because it's a riskier investment and their revenues are less reliable so they can have a debt to GDP ratio of like 40% and still go bust because they can't afford to pay out the interest.
As long you can soundly manage to service the debt you've accrued you won't be in trouble.
>Indian people are the least efficiently productive people
Given that India is the 7th largest economy in the world in spite of that little handicap, this would imply that it would get catapulted to superpower status as soon as it gets its shit together.
Thankfully the situation is not anywhere near that dire, a few (very large) states are Bangladesh-tier, others are better than the world average already.
>China's massive debts
What the hell? If anything, it has better chances of collapsing if Western countries default on their own massive debts.
>without organised air and naval fleets
funny how india actually used it's navies in warfare but the chinks until recently didn't have a proper blue water fleet.
16 year old, the post.
>They can take a shot at hyperpowerism and Pax Chinkana but it's doubtful that thay'll be able to do the US-tier heavy lifting anytime soon (if at all)
If nothing else I think China can make themselves Asia's premier power. America is regularly alienating themselves from all their allies and trading partners, the Chinese are bound to capitalize on it.
They'll struggle to match America's global power projection barring some catastrophic failure on the part of the Americans (like forfeiting their huge naval advantage or something equally retarded), but a few good plays and they could probably neuter America on the continent.
And MAGA folks can say whatever the fuck they want about whether their president is doing them good internally, but internationally he's shit on virtually every alliance and deal the US has, he's killed a lot of good will and countries that used to rely on America are starting to get the sense that they might need better allies.
yes, you assume that the EU will remain passive
>America is regularly alienating themselves from all their allies and trading partners, the Chinese are bound to capitalize on it.
I doubt Trump will have his 2nd term.
Funny how India only fought Pakistan 40 years ago. Their current fleet has like 2 dozen major surface combatants, 2/3 of which are commie scrap metal and no relalistic power projection past the indian ocean. Their air force is completely chaotic, operationg ~10 combat aircraft types with overlapping missions and different armament. There are also no coherent plans for 5th gen aircraft.
the quality of their commanding officers is extremely variable. They usually lose at least one large warship a year to running aground or the like
well it sure would be nice to have the EU take a more decisive role and rearm a bit but they are mired in internal division
>only fought
they regularly supply siachen glacier with IAF craft which is the highest military base in the world. India used aircraft in combat operations in 1999 against a similar force, which the chinese haven't done for a while.
>power projection past the indian ocean.
which is all they need. India isn't going to be a super power. The indian navy exists to ensure that indian shipping lanes are maintained.
>completely chaotic.
No, they buy different weaponry and integrate them into their combat platforms. That doesn't make it chaotic.
>commie scrap metal
which is pretty much what the chinese navy is.
>no coherent plan for 5th gen aircraft.
that PAK-FA seems to be going nowhere leading to india investing more in 4.5 gen aircraft instead. India doesn't do expeditionary forces, it's army navy and airforce are primarily defensive in nature.
>Asia's premier power
So it will keep its current status. Chinks are surrounded by politically and economically hostile countries.
>SK and Japan trying to contain your influence to the east
>ASEAN in the south (and the SCS islands bullshit)
>autistic DPRK tumor ready to drag you into international conflicts
>India trying to drain your FDI
>increasingly nervous Russia in the north
>the rouge non-state Taiwan 200 miles from the shore
>debt-fueled spendings nearing their end
>construction sector going kaput
>military 2 decades behind the US (5, if you count the time needed to rearm)
>foreign companies leaving for new cheaper countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam
>enviromental catastrophe banging on the door (inb4 muh green farts)
Realistically, Chinkland is boxed in on all fronts.
>aircraft in combat operations in 1999
Aginst fucking Pakistan, an inbred muslim shithole where 1/3 of the country is in a state of anarchy at any given time due to floods/refugees/talibans
>India isn't going to be a super power
That's exactly my point. They don't have the capacity to be a superpower.
>That doesn't make it chaotic
>what are logistics
Having your weapons built by 4 foreign superpowers means 1/4th of your air fleet gets grounded when you overbanter one of them.
>what the chinese navy is
Not anymore. The sheer amount of ships chinks commisioned in the last decade means that they are #2 fleet in the world, even if their crews are shit and logistics non-existent. The US is still #1 and will stay there in the forseeable future (forever).
>ASEAN in the south (and the SCS islands bullshit)
>United front
You do know that Cambodia, Burma, Laos, and to some extent, Thailand, are China's patsies there, right?
In addition, Malaysia wants to negotiate, Indonesia has no dog in the fight, and Singapore can barely give a shit about what happens to its third world neighbors.
At the end of the day, the ones that are clear cut antagonists versus China in SEA are Vietnam and the Philippines. And the Philippines just had this cuckstain in power who sucks tremendous Chinese dick.
ASEAN isn't SEATO. It's an economic league, not a political union. The whole point of it was to
>the whole point of it was to include the communists in the economic and cultural association, thereby ruling out a military/political alliance*
sorry forgot.
>Chinks are surrounded by politically and economically hostile countries.
All these are meme-tier countries, except India. If SHTF situation China will just mobilize 100 million men, give them AKs and they will overrun and occupy everything. You don't even need to modernize 100% of the armed forces. The US won't be able to do shit about it anyway. Even if you blockade their sea ports and bomb their infrastructure it will not force them to surrender and land war is out of question. US has backed down in the Civil War in China by not giving their support to KMT and then backed down again when Chinese commies launched a human wave counteroffensive in Korean War, which nullified the success of Operation Chromite. The US wont' be able to do shit when the Chinese decide that the time to expand has finally arrived.
>inb4 muh nukes
these are last resort weapons, no one will use ICBMs in a conventional war.
>not doing shit
no, they shit alright (if you catch my drift ;)
>100 million men, give them AKs
Just stop.
Cultural theists are still atheists
>China will just mobilize 100 million men, give them AKs and they will overrun and occupy everything.
Where you gonna get the food, the guns, and ammo? How will you get that to them when they're occupying? How are you going to guard them en route?
>People actually believe this
In a SHTF situation Russia would likely join against China and China has no way of effectively dealing with Russia, the 100 million men with AK's would be no good if the all starve walking through Siberia
>this is what PRC told its people
Why the fuck would the chinese force march their army through siberia? Just take up mountainous terrain around the border. Repel a bunch of attacks, wait for the Russians to accumulate war exhaustion and negative warscore due to inability to take wargoal, and then sue for peace for a favourable deal without even needing to mount a single offense.
from the occupied countries and their own stockpiles. Bellum se ipsum alet, ffs.
Also, what do you think that commies don't have strategical reserves of food supplies and ammunition? Unlike the Amerilards they don't live in a lalalaland of Pax Americana and therefore they and very well prepared for a SHTF situation.
>Russia would likely join against China and China has no way of effectively dealing with Russia
lol, sure keep telling that to yourself. Russia in it's present state has no more chances to thwart a full-scaled Chinese assault than Mongolia. USSR might have been able to do that, but not modern Russia.
>the 100 million men with AK's would be no good if the all starve walking through Siberia
Mongols didn't starve, also Chinese will be building necessary roads and infrastructure to supply their armies. If they'll decide that Siberia is theirs it will be theirs.
India is likely to preserve its Hindu nationalist identity in future. China will probably grow also from the rare earth minerals market but is less inclined towards English proficiency atm. I predict that China will be the more democratic of the two with the other being held back by it's traditional culture.
But a contingent of much weaker states taking over is more viable.
I wonder what false the flags USA would kick off vs them?