Is fascism the best system?
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It's an inherently hostile ideology, which inevitably leads to making too many enemies, and getting destroyed by them.
Yes a good example of a fascist is António de Oliveira Salazar
fascism does its best to mark whose who wish to be slaves to their homo-machistic masters and separate them from everyone else
It's funny how fag apologists always use fag as their worst insult.
Fascism is basically an emasculated version of communism.
And communism fucking sucks.
p.s. on both sides of the picture is capitalism
I can really see the communist memegitation presence here
I suggest you propagandists return to reddit
>seizing the means of production isn't most macho thing you can do.
Well, yes. Even though I was merely comparing it to the fragile doctrine of fascism.
Communism was created by the manly revolution. Fascists were always pussy populists who can't take the power even Hitler was elected.
>seizing the means of production isn't most macho thing you can do.
Exactly, it isn't, creating your own is far more masculine.
lmao, leftypol please leave
This is what modern fascism looks like. Ironically self identifying as anti fascist
You can't deny the truth, historically fascists were scared isolationists and people who sperged out in the most autistic ways possible.
>historically fascists were scared isolationists
Guys, get it straight, you can't both say that fascists are warmongering imperialists AND isolationists. Anyway, I don't care, I don't like totalitarian regimes, my only qualm was with saying that communism is masculine (toppest kek).
the systematic cultivation of human weakness is masculine as fuck
lmao, you should do stand up comedy.
Just compare beards of Marx with the beard of Hitler. That says it all about what ideology is a masculine one.
Seeing as Fascism has a worse failure rate than even communism/leninist & maoist socialism, no it's the worst of the three.
>creating your own means
with what capital?
National socialism is capitalism with a cult of personality.
almost all numales have beards leftypol, you're not making your case any stronger.
How about working, user? Too lazy?
I love that communism would actually be possible if leftists didn't exist.
its funny how the individualist atheists using religion, nation and every other ideal they can find to construct shitheory to lead the sheep into homo-submission while also hating homos and bitching about oppressive jews
In the west no one is masculine anymore, tbeh. If you want see masculine western gommies you'll have take a look at the movement in the interwar era.
Also the point was not that communism is masculine, just that Fascism is like communism without balls. Just look what happened when Americans were conquering Italy under Mussolini and compare it with Americans fighting against Korea or Vietnam. Fascists always gave up against the impossible odds; commies mobilized everyone and their mother, fought and occasionally even prevailed.
user, is the poz already burning your brain?
>the absolute fucking STATE of the modern left
Fucking hell, I hate communism, but the original communists and syndicalists were mostly hardass industrial workers. What the hell happened? Why has the left been massively pussified over the last 70 years?
Numales are more masculine than base dwelling polcucks, to be honest.
>Why has the left been massively pussified over the last 70 years?
Almsot always been that way, read what Orwell thought of the average socialist.
Yeah and diarrhea from salmonella is better than diarrhea from cholera, but it's still shit.
> What the hell happened?
(((International capital))) distorted communism to bide time against the inevitable revolution.
>The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years' time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman
Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a whitecollar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting
Orwell, 1930 something
They've always been pencil necks on average.
The hardass workers are having a good time in the west because unions exist. Only ones that espouse leftism now is doing it out of ideology, not to improve their own life situation, since they're generally just college kids.
t. Mixes with the leftist kinda crowd.
I thought Orwell was a socialist. Did he give up on it or what?
Was being catholic or a teetotaler associated with being bourgeois or something back then?
He never renounced it, that didn't stop him from realizing what kind of people he was sharing an ideology with.
pic related, how the fuck can communism be masculine was that requires standards, which apparently are ableist or some shit.
He grow up into Tory-commie
Teetotaler yes, the bit about catholicism isn't focused on the religion per se but becoming a theist and converting to a traditionalist religion.
Thanks. Anyway he got me spot on. I haven't got any money or a rich wife but I converted and always was a teetotaler. I'm still pretty left-leaning in terms of economics at least but I just couldn't stand most socialists.
How the hell can you be a catholic and a leftists.
Catholicism is basically far right on every single issue, that is.
Are you an American or something?
If the catholic church was a party, it would be routinely described as far right party.
Catholic parties are rather common and they are most often center or center-left. Only some of the hardline catholics like the Opus Dei society have something in common with the far right, but they still are far from it.
There's Wiki has article on that, if you are interested en.wikipedia.org
Do you have know idea about things like Liberation theology, Catholic action groups and people like Dorothy Day and Oscar Romero?
>Do you have know idea about things like Liberation theology,
You mean heresy? Yes, I know plenty about heresies.
>Catholic parties are rather common and they are most often center or center-left
I didn't say catholic parties, I said the church, in other words, if there was a part which actually followed church doctrine on all things, it would be labeled as far right. See, opinion on divorce, marriage, all things gay, feminism, abortion, secularism, catholic social teachings (low state intervention, high charity) and so on.
only best system is socialism.
Fascists are deluded little cowards who look to an imaginary past and pretend to be tough but got curbstomped by communists.
Sorry, but you're not tough, no matter how many Roman statues you post online.
Also of note: Chile, Spain
Chile wasn't fascist or communist.
>The church
The church itself is hardly this fundamentalist, esspecially not with the current pope. Not to mention the political parties are manifestation of the Church influence on politics.
>it would be labeled as far right
Far right is a thing on it's own, it can sometimes be supportive of Christianity like in Franco's regime or it can be murdering catholic priests like Hitler's regime did. Contemponary far-right is obsessed with racism, which goes directly against the concept of Christian universalism.
>catholic social teachings (low state intervention, high charity)
If you mean economic teaching, then the Church supports interventions in economy, not unrestricted capitalism. A centrist position.
>Besides, Catholic social doctrine is not a surrogate for capitalism. In fact, although decisively condemning “socialism,” the church, since Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum, has always distanced itself from capitalistic ideology, holding it responsible for grave social injustices (cf. Rerum Novarum, 2). In Quadragesimo Anno Pius XI, for his part, used clear and strong words to stigmatize the international imperialism of money (Quadragesimo Anno, 109). This line is also confirmed in the more recent magisterium, and I myself, after the historical failure of communism, did not hesitate to raise serious doubts on the validity of capitalism, if by this expression one means not simply the “market economy” but “a system in which freedom in the economic sector is not circumscribed within a strong juridical framework which places it at the service of human freedom in its totality” (Centesimus Annus, 42).6
if we lived in a communist or a fascist dictatorship we would all be put to death just by posting on this pedophile board
Orwell supported Labour his whole life.
Orwell was just an anti-Catholic (and anti-Irish) bigot.
fag means cigarette in the uk while a faggot is a kind of pork stuffing, I don't know how it became a curse word
ironically women's rugby is more masculine than football
I'll leave postmodernists and feminists to analyze that
into the trash
Faggot (fasces) is latin is a bundle of sticks. Poor people gathered bundles of sticks as firewood. Poor people suck.
>The church itself is hardly this fundamentalist, esspecially not with the current pope
The pope can't change doctrine
>If you mean economic teaching, then the Church supports interventions in economy, not unrestricted capitalism. A centrist position
In other words, the typical economic system of fascist regimes?
>not a subset of capitalism
Except it was.
Commie Allende btfo by Fash Pinochet.
>The pope can't change doctrine
He can with enough help. It's not like the doctrine is set in stone.
>In other words, the typical economic system of fascist regimes?
Fascist regimes often focus on military, not welfare. You are thinking SocDem.
Pinochet was a CIA neoliberal puppet who cared more about Milton Friedman than his country. I mean really, if that's the best fascists can claim, that's pretty sad for such ubermenschen.
I assume you have that view as your a communist who views everything as a struggle between capitalism and communism with no alternative
It's scary that we have literal communists on this board
Salazar was based and not a fascist. He was a traditionalist supported by conservatives, Catholics, monarchists, etc. actual fascists and national syndicalists were thrown in jail under Salazar
not an argument
Pinochet followed the model left behind by Ibañez del Campo who followed the extremely authoritarian ideology of Diego Portales, just like how presidents Joaquin Prieto, Manuel Bulnes, and Manuel Montt did, and even close to the ideas of the Founding fathers Bernardo O'Higgins and Jose Miguel Carrera.
Chile has been extremely far right authoritarian with presidents usually being absolute despots since the days of the old country.
Yes because Mussolini realized that left and right wing were outdated terms and that there needed to be a 3rd way then German autism ruined it.
Neoliberalism and neoconservatism is just individualist fascism which is why they will dominate the future instead of petty left and right wing populists who can't rise above the political spectrum of autism.
Communism is dead and the only place it can survive is in the minds of edgy white kids butthurt at the global capitalist system that gave them all their wealth.
If you think that all white Americans are doing absolutely fine under capitalism I have bad news for you.
>that pic
This is why I don't go to /pol/ anymore. It's just mongrelized American teenagers larping as white fascists and calling other nationalities non-white or cucked.
Poor white americans have only gotten richer under capitalism, Americans of all colors have better living standards today than they did at the start of the industrial revolution.
All those people look better than the dude in the picture you replied to. They look normal unlike the multi gender heroin addicted freaks that make up the ranks of Antifa.
Kinda like the modern right
See this:
/pol/tards are an extreme minority of the right, most are right wingers are old people and frat boys.
Plus those people look nowhere as bad as your average leftist protestor.
Normal young people VS Antifa tranny monstrosities
For fuck's sake, it's difficult to guess the gender of half of those people
This picture perfectly describes the left's mentality. Your head is so far up your own ass you think these people look weird but a pink haired demisexual genderfluid mess is completely normal lmfao
fascism isn't an economic system.
fascism is sort of an overarching philosophy under which national socialism is its economic manifestation
anarchy is to capitalism as marxism is to communism as fascism is to national socialism.
All of them except one are male. Super easy lmfao
It has the greatest potential, but it relies entirely on the strength and character of the ruler.
Fascism has only ever worked as a revolutionary ideology, and has never solved the issue of succession. Each fascist regime has either fallen by war or been dissolved after the death of the founding leader.
>Poor white americans have only gotten richer under capitalism, Americans of all colors have better living standards today than they did at the start of the industrial revolution.
Under a mixed economy, you mean.
When the US invented the middle class, it had the most mixed economy on Earth,
Since then, we stagnated in developing our public sector in tandem with private sector growth, and middle class wages have stagnated as well.
You're delusional if you believe that's what the average leftist looks like
Fascism is Ultra-Nationalist State Capitalism, I.e. it is a form of conservative socialism utilizing a highly militarized, state controlled economy.
Fascism is just socially ultra right wing.
a bundle of sticks gathered together is difficult to snap, that is the meaning
wtf, at least half aren't even white
neither group are normal
>ayy just do what I say lmao
Fucking flawless political system you got there
It always seemed to me that Fascism is not so much a political system as it is an agent of political change, from what we seen in history Fascism wouldn't be able to sustain itself on the long run. We gotta ask ourselves though, what always precedes fascism? The way I see it, Fascism is a reaction to something that will, as the people percieve it, destroy their way of life, their culture, their race, their economy etc. Kind of like a hard reset on things when they get out of control or "decadent", a return to "normalcy".
This is why fascism is never the same in places it happens, Italian Fascism isn't the same as German Fascism nor is it the exact same as Spanish fascism etc. It'll be unique to every nation depending on its history or demographics. Thats just a thought though, please feel free to correct any holes you see.
love this idea that only white western teenagers are communists
go to the maoists in india, nepal and the philippines and tell them that
Yeah, conservative beliefs aren't just for you, howait boi
They're both pathetic. I lean far right myself but MAGA are faggots.
Yea but it's just authoritarian capitalism because all he did was whore out to big companies. There's no "class collaboration" because he was about as economically fascist as hilary
Salazar wasn't a fascuck though. He was a conservative Catholic politician.
Clearly not since they lost. Literally everywhere.
>i lean far right but i am not a nationalist
so what, you just like being ruled over?
yes because no one rules over you in nationalism.