I see so many lost souls here, waiting for that 100x coin to make them rich. Im here right now to speak the truth to you user.
If you hate your life If youre fucking miserable If youre legit suicidal and/or depressed
No amount of money in the world will heal you. I like money like the next man. Money is freedom. But it will NOT heal the wounds in your soul.
Im not saying dont invest in shitcoins. I invest in shitcoins. I would be very happy to become a millionaire from my holdings. To me its just giving wealth back to the people... a wealth redistribution... this wealth has been stolen from us.
But its not the solution to your problems. You need to dig deeper user. You need to look at what makes a live good and wholesome and worth living. As a society we have become so detached from our natural way of life. Why do you think so many people get depressed or get cancer or diabets. None of this shit existed a hundred years ago. Its all symptoms of a sick and decaying society. If you want true happiness you need to look inward and start healing yourself and the community you live in. No amount of money, lambos, whores, cocaine will fix you and make you happy. Not even a qt waifu will make you happy. And believe me I tried most of those routes (except lambos). Look inward now. Embrace the pain. Try to become a better human being.
Wise words. Sadly it takes years for people to realise.
Noah Clark
nice, just bought 100k
Carson Taylor
Nice just realized that life is suffering
John Young
Good post. I was hoping making lots of money in crypto would atleast get me a nice car, decent apartment, and some play money.
I feel like I'd be pretty content with that. Then maybe use side money to fuck hookers or fuck girls. Just have a little fun you know?
Angel Cook
Nice I've seen the light post your btc address I'm giving it all away
Jack Butler
I don't want to be rich.
I just want to be free.
Caleb Carter
I just need enough cash from shitcoins to fix my teeth and thanks to shitcoins im 1/4 way there. only $3000 more to go boys
I fell for the no dental insurance with my job meme plz kill or help
Josiah Young
I have disposable income and I don't really want things so shitcoins it is
Jordan Collins
What if having money makes me happy? What if not having money makes me unhappy? Checkm8 religifags
Jason Sanchez
This guy gets it.
Grayson Edwards
nothing will make me happy not interested in your hokey sentimentality
Austin Gonzalez
I disagree
Robert Thomas
fuck off and wallow in your ennui then, godspeed
Lincoln Johnson
money is a tool if you just want money because you want a lambo or pay expensive hookers then you dont deserve any
Michael Martinez
>money doesn't buy happiness It's impossible to frown while riding a jet ski
Henry Morris
So give me your money.
Jayden Morales
I want to be a Buddhist
Ayden Evans
Deus vult. Only removing the shitskin hordes from Europe would make me happy.
Jaxson Edwards
Jeremiah Watson
Whoever wants to send me their money and be happy can send me. I will endure this suffering for you. Bitcoin: 1D9kiqjETkPRu36bCggkBcMBqZeNDFNGBS
Sebastian Harris
I hated my life because I didn't have enough money to isolate myself from the subhuman scum my government imports by the boatload. I felt suicidal because kike doctors tried to murder me for money.
I've made money with crypto and my happiness increased in correlation. My town has twice as many immigrants as three years ago, but they're not so prevalent in my thoughts. Kikes will still be kikes, but I don't bother to think about them.
Money is potential in the world. If your hatred is internal, money won't help. But if your suffering is caused by others, money can free you.
Lucas Foster
Happiness is a state of mind within yourself, thus you won't find it in people and material things.
Money and wealth are also important in life as they provide comfort.
Thomas Robinson
three poisons you most overcome to be truly happy, lasting happy
greed / desire hatred delusion
Andrew Long
Elijah Bennett
Yeah, I agree with that. Check out TeaToken. teatoken.io
Gabriel Ramirez
when you desire anything, a new car, a dream wife, a better job, you are seting yourself instantly to a lack. thus you must not desire it's an endless cycle. you would be satisfied for a brief moment only. billionaires desire more and more, most of those desires have grown even stronger than normal people desires. it's human nature if the mind is not tamed. bring your awareness to moment instead
Aaron Gray
Neither will not having money.
Dominic Cruz
money is not evil, buddhist have neutral view of money like anything. they dont value money but hating money or material is no use, hate is always useless :)
Grayson Smith
Resources are still needed, your ideological argument is not only typical but it makes little sense. Resources might not be helpful to reach happiness for some people who already live in a third world country, but they surely help their relatives and they might help someone else.
Medicine is made out of resources, medicine allows you to live, medicine allows you the chance to be happy.
It is stupid to let people believe money will not make them happy. If you wanted to say something similar to what you said and be helpful you should be saying:
learning to not be unhappy with hard-work and productivity will increase your chances to be happy.
If anyone thought I was useful please donate.
Connor Lewis
money doesnt make you happy, but it does help
Aiden Stewart
first world country*
Brandon Martin
depends how you define happiness. if you have being miserable on one end and being happy on the other on a spectrum. if something moves you away from being miserable I'd call it making you "happier". which is good enough for me
Jose Campbell
>they dont value money Yet 99.9% of temples function on donations. Really makes u think.
Christopher Nelson
How pathetic can you be?
You're so fucking dumb, all the 3 traits that you mentioned are actually essential to humans and to our society.
Without desire, there is no fucking progress dipshit. We would still be living as monkeys.
Without hatred for others, people would be fucking pussies and cower in fear if they had to defend themselves in a war.
Without delusion, the foundation of human society would be destroyed. We may be technically be just the same decaying materials, but what differentiates extraordinary individuals from the masses, is the fact, they can bring their delusions in reality. This means that through the power of their actions, visions and thoughts (including their delusions), they can shape permanently our society according to their needs.
Jace Richardson
Works the same way with pussy. Stop hunting and it pours in
Easton Morales
He's just regurgitating shit he's read on reddit thinking he's enlightened. Buddhists aren't even against desire. Else why the fuck would they meditate and practice towards enlightenment.
Andrew Bell
>tfw only works with 2/3 of the trifecta
Jason Nguyen
Why don't you send me all your money if it doesn't make you happy? Fucking hypocrites
Henry Butler
Class acts in here. OP never said that money or resources were a bad thing, he's talking about the all-consuming desire of wealth accumulation well beyond security or comfort.
The less you want, the more balanced your life will be, the more content you are. You don't have to be a level 12 buddhist klan wizard to figure that shit out.
Jason Anderson
hatred is strong in you. you will have hard time.
ofcourse buddhists are against desire, it's one of the three poisons, cornerstone of the whole philosophy.
it's funny how people (usually poor people) get very angry and frustrated when somebody tells them posessions would not make them any happier and their hatred and greed are probably the things keeping them running around unhappy like mad monkeys
Luis Thomas
i've given away bitcoins to random people. giving things makes you incredibly happy, it's actually selfish thing to do in that sense. at least a good way selfish
Jackson Allen
I am already happy but money would enable me a lot of things to become even happier and follow my dreams. So kys op not everyone is a virgin beta cuck on biz
Blake Peterson
This x1000
Just wanna be free of these slave shackles. Even though i work in film industry its still dictating my life. I want to be my own man
Kayden Morales
Dumb people seek happiness, intellectuals seek power and control.
Charles Ward
that's probably how it would play out but it is very easy to think so. things are not that constant, with money and possessions comes negative things too. instead start being happy right now
Ethan Hill
tldr Read the first few sentences.
Here's one objective thing about money. Having it, and having a lot of it, makes life easier.
Will you send me some then? Just to make you happy
Juan Jones
my life is/was crappy only cause i had/have not enough money to buy stuff.
money make you happy. money make you feel good. money is roof over your head and heat in your house and food that you need. money is entertainment. money is control. money is great. and i love them. but they don't love me cause i don;t have money to buy more money.
Aiden Thompson
Money is motivation for others to take your money from you, you can protect it with your brain for a while.
Daniel King
I just want some money to buy a good pair of studio monitors so I can make some music to share with people, my passion.
Cameron Lopez
for me, happiness is getting engrossed in some activity or goal that i care about.
Cooper Parker
meh i really would love to have lots of $.so many possibilities! so many "achievements" that i could buy.
Not everybody is ready for dhamma. But really, if crypto really takes off and becomes a common thing, it would actually make life less stressful. Not having to deal with governments' shitty monetary policies and all that.
But real detachment is a difficult thing to achieve, especially if you have a family to look after. If I remember correctly, even the Buddha still did some minimum effort to care for the family he had before leaving the palace. It's much easier for loners.
Austin Green
>Buddhists aren't even against desire. Else why the fuck would they meditate and practice towards enlightenment. If you're desiring to achieve enlightenment, you won't achieve it. The buddhists talk about this matter extensively, if you're too worried about enlightenment you'll just create more craving.
Levi Bailey
Try rec league sports u fuckin pussy tryhard
Zachary Allen
>It's much easier for loners
not really because loners are mostly pathetic unlike actual hermits so nothing is easy
Elijah Morgan
Dental insurance fucking sucks anyway if you have a lot of work to get done. They only give you up to like 1000 bucks a year toward major work so you need to split your work up over a few years to get more out of your insurance
Ethan Howard
>Nice. I've seen the light; post your BTC address, I'm giving it all away.
Juan Howard
But in the case of loners, it's only a psychological barrier holding them back from dhamma. How is a family man going to tell his family that he wants to become a monk or something? It's quite complicated and much harder to solve.
Juan Roberts
>becoming a selfish monk so that you may achieve "enlightenment" rather than raising a family so that your sperm and an egg fuse and multiple trillions of times and have their own experiences
you selfish brat
Blake Campbell
>Money will not make you happy yes it will kill yourself
Brayden King
>selfish >self self is a spook
Jace Smith
you don't make any sense and that's why all buddhist countries are shit
you must recognise your self, better it, strive towards achieving things for the self in order for the country to advance
only christianity can stop islam and world war III will happen within this century, christianity vs islam. buddhists just bend over and take the muslim cock every time it enters one of their countries, we have repeatedly fucked islam out of europe every time it came in the past
didya know afghanistan was buddhist once? now they fuck little boys because they didn't stop islam because that would require recognising the self rather than doing nothing under a tree
Easton Perez
>and that's why all buddhist countries are shit Your parameters for defining what is shit and what is developed are rooted in ego.
>you must recognise your self, better it, strive towards achieving things for the self in order for the country to advance >the country the self is already a spook, the country even moreso
>only christianity can stop islam and world war III will happen within this century, christianity vs islam do you believe there's nothing behind islam? what gives islam power over men?
you don't have to bend over and take anything, there are thai monks who openly stand against communism today, it's about not having misguided reasons and not believing in ephemeral things like self and country
you may feel inspired by thoughts of nationalism but to put it simply, it always comes back to bite you in the ass sooner or later, as most things in life do
Cameron Gonzalez
standing against something won't do shit
you gotta take a weapon and kill a muzzie, muzzies don't learn, they either kill or get killed
buddhists don't kill, they just die and become eradicated
jesus christ said he did not come to bring peace but a sword, that every man who does not own a sword should sell his coat and buy one and that through faith in him, he will make the borders of your country strong
fuck buddhism "self spook" pussy shit and fuck muzzie rapist scum. Jesus Christ is King
Carson James
people said that about communists, and now the large majority among american and european youth adhere to leftist views
killing muslims is like treating a symptom, you're only lying to yourself you must reflect upon what allowed islam to exist and proliferate in the first place
Christ also said his kingdom is not of this world, and that man's treasures are in heaven, not Earth.
Xavier Stewart
Hope this is not some like "Do as I say, not as I do" If you are real deal...why don't you give us your shekels?
Chase Ortiz
happiness is a mood
Gavin Clark
Lol, commie.
Jose Robinson
Jack Bailey
Fuck off faggot
Happiness is freedom Working paycheck to paycheck is not freedom. Money makes people free, freedom to sleep when they want, play when they want, work when they want, shit when they want, and eat when they want. Without money you're only allowed to do these things during permitted breaks from your slave labor. You can be a happy slave, but you're only fooling yourself.
Chase Diaz
A sword of gnosis and discernment
>criticizes people living for their faith >glorifies a famous martyr
Spoiler: Jesus was a Buddha
Good bait.
William Green
Iv seen Op post this last year or 2 years ago, I think he posts it every 6 months.
I'm not sure if this is just legit larping.
Who the fuck says people want to be happy?
What kind of shit dimensional sad-happy-hatred kindergarten shit is this?
All I know is I get a rush of dopamine when I commit scams and profit from it and it comes in the forms of hilarity and a variety of things also.
The form of happiness related to comfort? Are people just so fucking dull they can't develop hobbies or activities? To even generalize this top OP is a fucking sick joke.
Everyone here and a fraction of the reason to even want to make money is to buy the most precious commodity in the world, and that is time.
Bentley Moore
did this fuckin faggot really just say cancer and diabetes didn't exist hundreds of years ago
Jesus Christ biz..
Anthony Adams
I'm only feeling depressed because I'm constantly in pursuit of paychecks and new jobs to barely scrape by in a place where everything is so damn expensive that I cannot save the money to leave, so I desperately bounce around jobs, starve myself, and do everything I can to save money, but then something happens and I have to spend it all on some emergency, I've been desperately trying to get out of my state for over 5 years and I've been homeless 3 times, crying living in my car, getting 3 hours of sleep at a time before I have to move to a new parking lot
Money will literally solve my problems, I want so badly to get out of here and go to college to get a degree and start a career so I can finally start living my life, but all I see is the IRS coming after me left and right for not paying for healthcare because its over 1/3rd of my monthly income that is already too low just to pay for rent, let alone food and everything else
I can't seem to get college to work because none of the employers that pay above minimum wage make concessions for students, I cannot get financial aid because my credit is terrible because I have over $18,000 in medical debt because I cannot afford $675/mo for a $8000 deductible "catastrophic" plan because that's all that's offered, even one job I had that offered medical coverage required I pay $475/mo for it with a $6000 deductible and I only made $11/hr, my rent alone was $1,100/mo so it just wasn't affordable whatsoever, then my car broke down and everything I had saved over 6 months had to go into fixing it because I will get fired if I cannot drive, my job required driving everyday
I've worked 3 jobs and am so tired I've been fired from one job, I just want to go back to school but each day I see visions in my head of my family talking about how I shot myself, overdosed on sleeping pills, or hung myself because I just can't get out of this horrible place and start moving towards what I want to do, I'm so tired of it all
Hunter Rogers
fuck off op i want to travel the world with nothing but a backpack. i only need about 10k a year to do it but if i was a meeting millionaire it would be much easier
Kayden Price
were going to make it bro
James Wood
I know money won't make me happy, but it's better to cry in a Ferrari than under a bridge faggot.
Carson Stewart
Leo Murphy
I want money so I can stop slaving for my employer and start a business of my own. I need a project that I believe in and that I want to work hard for for the next years. And yes, money will help me do this... I don't want a million, just enough to start my project.
I fucked up when I was young, and now my max revenue is about 25$/h... I can't save enough to start my buisness and no bank will loan me 100k.
Nathaniel Morgan
I traveled the world, it was pretty great for awhile, gets old after a couple years desu but you won't regret it. Just consider things you want to do after.
Noah Bennett
Jaxson Gomez
I'm not here for the lambos, I'd just like to be self sufficient to the point where I don't have to work a fucking soul crushing job in order to sustain my life.
The main source of my suicidal depression is because of my job and I'm sure that's many people's source of depression
Tyler Bell
Life' pain and suffering.
However, my demons are my feelings of inadequacy and of always feeling (and being) cast apart.
My current job is fucking me up and I'm really looking forward to find a better one, it's not even so much about money at this point. But perhaps this wouldn't be enough to slay my demons...
Jaxon Howard
Angel Allen
You seem dramatic. The only lonely people are geniuses and retards. Everyone else is a pity party. You're definitely not a genius but who am I to say you're not retarded...
Thomas Long
He may be a genius but you surely aren't
Grayson Nguyen
>be "not a chad" >low sexual history >no companionship >spend time struggling financially >suddenly have money >don't have to spend time struggling financially >can go do activities with women >can spend money on them >suddenly have companionship >they love you because they were also struggling financially but no longer are because of you Looks like money just bought happiness
James Walker
I have days where I feel I might be actually retarded and I'm just in a "The Truman Show"-like ruse. The funny thing is that I work in research, which most likely refutes the being retarded hypothesis, but still...
I just don't want to be a cuck and have freedom to focus on my real passions (mostly music making). But even this seems so hard to obtain in this god-forsaken world.
William Morris
OP, my good man, you are delusional.
Money does not make you happy. Money opens doors and provides opportunities you would not have without money.
These opportunities and open doors are what lead to your happiness. Whether it be raising a family in peace, meditating within a mountain monastery, traveling, shooting big guns, running a pilgrimage, dune racing in buggies or diving every day in crystal-clear tropical waters. Money is the currently socio-politically accepted physical form of time, power and freedom. All of which a bare human has in minimal quantities. Money is the mechanism that leverages your resources above what is normally possible without significant drawbacks. Money is, at this point in time for human civilization, what sets you free of worldly worries. It is the nature of your own character, your true self that truly dictates whether or not you have what it takes to grab the opportunity by the horns and ascend above otherwise stifling everyday troubles and worries. You yourself make the final, subconscious decision whether you let money corrupt. Or will you let it set you free.
Cease your quasi-spiritual farce of a crusade and embrace your own potential. Don't attempt to sap it from others, OP.
Isaiah Carter
I actually am border-line genius be definition. It also seems that if I could lend you 20 IQ points, you still wouldn't understand the sentence you just commented on.
Leo Howard
>peace and may God be with you.
And also with you, user.
Jayden Brooks
Focus on bettering yourself. Eat healthy, exercise and meditate. If you're actually smart you'll recognize that your melancholic attitude is an appeal to futility and your most likely sacrificing yourself to the impulses of the moment rather than working on your mental health.
Hudson Myers
Treating IQ as a measure of genius and making infantile jokes and not being able to spell "borderline" correctly and not noticing you're typing "be" instead of "by" all prove you really are not a genius, not even borderline, sorry buddy
Anthony Thomas
I don't do spell check for a 5 second message on silly forums. Also, I'm ESL, lol. Finally, not treating IQ as a measure of genius is something only practiced by jealous normies.. stop oozing insecurity on the net
Austin Jones
>Also, I'm ESL So am I >not treating IQ as a measure of genius is something only practiced by jealous normies That's called grasping what IQ actually measures >lol haha