How much was Africa thrown back by colonization?

How much was Africa thrown back by colonization?

About -200 years.

By thousands of years.

that's a meme, with the expection of belgium and Congo, most colonial powers had to invest more in their colonies then they got profit out of it.

About +500 years while colonization and then -200 after we left. Enjoy your freedom now.

>thousands of tribal groupings fighting and raiding each other with a couple of tiny kingdoms that basically existed solely from enslaving other smaller groups

>a few dozen countries that while pretty shitty, have a much higher standard of living and more centralised governments

Dunno mate.

>Eastern and Northern Europe
>benefitting from colonial and/or imperial era

citation needed

also, investments (if they can even be measured) do not directly affect local wellbeing)

They benefited from trade with colonial powers, indirectly but surely.

>They benefited from trade with colonial powers, indirectly but surely.
Yes please tell me how the Balkan's benefitted with trade from imperial powers under the heel of the ottomans you worthless faggot

They got ancient Africa science that allowed Tesla to rediscover electricity.

As a Spaniard, I am happy that this image recongnizes that my country didn't exploit Africa or South America

>We wuz Wakandans and shit

Some niggers are too dumb to live. You can pick them out by waving around a job application: they're the ones that freeze up and recoil.

To clarify: I'm not just talking about blacks: some of the biggest niggers I know are white. They just call themselves "white trash" because they want to pretend they're better.

>By thousands of years

Where i can claim my share of this mountain of African goodies as an Eastern yuropoor?

I guess many south americans are partly of spanish blood nowadays...

How well did Ethiopia do before the spagettis tried to ruin it?

it was still practising slavery until Italy took control

>or South America

>it's a 'racial slur that has only ever referred to blacks and is a corruption of the spanish word for black, also applies to non blacks' post.

I don't have a toad disapproving enough for this retard.

well they carved churches in stone so they had at least that going.

>It's a "words never change their meaning and are static forever" post
Wow, you sure are one happy bundle of sticks my man.

This comic was obviously made by a butthurt latino.
>America is to blame for Brazil's poverty
>Look at the woes of South America, but not Asia which was never affected by colonization

They were subhects themselves you dumb retard

Colonisation didn't throw Africa back, de-colonisation did that.

>How much was Africa thrown back by colonization?
Areas like fucking Congo or Tanzania : not that much,they paid high in regards of men and freedom but atleast they have electricity now
North africa: they didn't benefit from colonialism,all the " progress" the white man brought with him was mostly available there

During colonial rule:
North Africa
>Better government and administration with less Allahu Akbar

Subsaharan Africa
>Better infrastructure, technology, and healthcare

After decolonisation:
North Africa
>Government sent to ruins after increasing amounts of Allahu Akbar

Subsaharan Africa:
>Millions of apes with millions of dollars worth of military technology

Even if is wrong it is extremely doubtful that the amount of resources extracted during the colonial era match resource extraction today with modern technology. Also the primary sector is only a fraction of the modern economy. It is not even the majority of the economy in oil states. Most wealth is due to developing the secondary and tertiary sectors which should be the focus in Africa.

Blaming everything on colonialism is a poisonous belief, it causes people to ignore the corrupt dictators who loot their own countries and send their gains to a Swiss bank account which is in effect what the colonial governors were doing. You didn't fight long and hard for independence, you fought to enrich that cunt, and you love it.

>with less Allahu Akbar

A lot of the "allahu akbar" tier shit was a muslim response to imperialism in the past century or so, though. Not all of it, obviously, but a lot of the dumb shit we see today.

Without colonization, there would be no decolonization.

>EUIV tech groups
really now

id say its a small amount that is a result of imperialism

Autism level has increased

They should've stayed colonies desu

>not affected by colonialism

excuse me what

Got em gud

EspaƱa would never do that
>t. South American

the RSA is better in every way than the apartheid state.

I was making fun of the cartoon, which showed South America as a victim of colonization but not Asia, which was a victim of colonization.


Don't worry with every expansion the tech groups mean less and less. Nowadays India is maybe only 10-20 years behind Europe. The Timurids and New World Natives are the only nations still actively fucked by tech groups.

Not him but decolonization should have been more gradual due to security threats during the cold war, there would have been a lot less death and suffering.

They mean jackshit after the institutions. Now it depends on how close you are to italy


-200 years

>that's a meme, with the expection of belgium and Congo
how? The Congo colony was used for the planting rubber trees and extracting rubber, it's not a depletable resource in the same way as iron or gold. That the Belgians failed to end the practise of cutting of body parts that their African mercenaries used would imply that things simply stayed the way they used to be.

>hungary and moldova exploited africa


your post was retarded, no-one calls shitty whites niggers in their everyday lives

>A lot of the "allahu akbar" tier shit was a muslim response to imperialism in the past century or so,
no, they have always behaved like that. They raided the European shore when they could, and slaughtered civilians when they could, they just started loosing at some point and they couldn't snackbar until we started letting them in

>It's a "language is static and eternal" post

I bet you get really confused about why people on this site call other people sticks all the time.

>rolling in the white man's cracked eggs
>wondering why you're starving

This, basically.


African colonies were a huge failure that made hardly any wealth for Europe.

say that to the diamonds mined out of africa

That map which places all of Africa's "stolen" wealth in central and eastern europe?

It wasn't thrown back, in terms of technology it was the aggressive confrontation with the advanced that had destabilizing influences on society

You had colonial nations as far up as Kurland in the Baltic sea, user.

lel the most resource rich continent on the planet is somehow depleted from 100-200 years of extraction during the 1800s with 1800s technology.

Africans probably extracts the same amount of resources a year with modern technology that European did during 50 years.

Africa is a shithole because they decided to trash everything the Europeans had built and go full on socialists.

South Korea was the poorest country on the face of the earth in 1953.

If Africa was so powerful and mighty, how come it was defeated so easily by Europeans?

Veeky Forums please do what you can and sage+report the obvious as fuck bait threads

Africans weren't violent.
They were focused on culture and spirtuality


I tried to comprehend what you're attempting to communicate, but the meaning of your words must have evolved between the time you posted it and I read it.