What are the historic reasons that caused Western academia to birth the social justice movement, pc culture, identity politics, and nth wave feminism which dominate society today? Could this development have been prevented, or is nothing ever going to stop Cthulhu from always swimming left?
What are the historic reasons that caused Western academia to birth the social justice movement, pc culture...
Too easy of a life with no real problems; so they had time to think and make up new ones. Once PC Culture gets their way they'll figure out new problems and it'll never end.
Be honest, did you just wake up and rush to Veeky Forums to post /pol/ bullshit on all the boards you could.
I think that's the main reason too, it's all the appeal of being a revolutionary without any downsides, particularly the dying part.
Make that American, dont think every country is as dumb as yours
>What are the historic reasons that caused Western academia to birth the social justice movement, pc culture, identity politics, and nth wave feminism which dominate society today?
Manipulation from the wealthy to divide their subjects + manipulation on the individual level (ex. "hurrhurr I'm a fat pansexual tranny now give me money and sex or you're a bigot") + the well meaning stupidity of youth.
After a year or two it became self reinforcing as any kind of dissent gets you publicly shamed, doxxed, and harrassed.
The web would be a fuel accelerant- social media, blogging, etc. Gives anyone with basic computer competency a political voice/platform.
It's logical conclusion of Christianity.
SJWs were born too late to be involved in the civil rights movement. This made them mad so they invented oppression so they could be part of a modern one.
>blames academia
>makes no mention of the obvious benefit it serves to commercialist gabidalism.
Jewish academics of the Frankfurt School believed in the Marxist perspective. It doesn't matter whether or not theyy were Communists - just that they believed that the ideas proposed by Marx shaped their worldview. They believed in ideas like material dialectics, among other things. Therefore, they believed that a procession toward global Communism was inevitable. When the Bolshevik Revolution happened, Marxism had become the prevailing ideology of this school, and they thought about how to bring about progression to Communism through cultural means. That's where we get cultural Marxism. It came to the US when the Jewish academics fled Nazi Germany.
Technological developments making Western life too cushy, and also the rise of postmodernist lenses.
The thing is, Feminism is a good idea, but the identity politics, nth wave, etc.. have definitely taken it too far. The western life is cushy and filled with divines, and these people are trying to look for the bad things.
>The thing is, Feminism is a good idea
Is it? I mean...is it really?
Feminism's primary underpinning is birth control. Beyond that it really can't exist.
What exactly is bad about it? Equality allows fair competition between people and this is the basis that creates the prosperous society.
Nahhh. Feminism drives down fertility rates. Immigration increase to make up for it and society fractures.
It always amazes me how you drones repeat the exact same little spiel you learned by heart. "They believed in ideas like material dialectics" and "they thought about how to bring about progression to Communism through cultural means" are diametrically opposed statements, "cultural marxism" is a contradiction in terms, "when the Bolshevik Revolution happened, Marxism had become the prevailing ideology of this school" implies that the school precedes the bolsheviks which is wrong (which shows us how little you know about what you are talking about), the frankfurt school does not represent unified ideas with people like adorno being culturally traditionalist as fuck, and no matter how much you try you try to spread your propaganda the frankfurt school is pretty fucking irrelevant in modern academia.
>What exactly is bad about it?
Feminism has sown major discord between the sexes and eroded the cohesion of the family unit. Those are bad things. After all, feminism is all about catering to the most selfish and irresponsible women's every whim at the expense of the men in their lives:
Did you got yourself pregnant but don't feel like carrying to term? Just murder the little parasite! (The father does get no say in this, of course.) Did you have sex but regretted it afterwards? Just claim you were raped and throw the sucker into jail! Did you get married but grew tired of your ol' hubby? Just cut him loose and take half his stuff while you're at it! You didn't have the merits for the career you want? This calls for affirmative action and quotas! Are you dressing like a slut but only get attention from all the *wrong* men for your efforts? Sue them for harassing you! Are you acting like a slut but don't want to be bothered by any consequences? Just continue! Just accuse everyone else of slut shaming! How dare they to be not accepting of whatever you choose to do?! Even if it is harmful to yourself and others and society at large, just do whatever you please, because you've got a cunt! And ever so on.
As for the historic reasons, I suspect it's because we didn't have any major war in the west for decades. Wars traditionally diminished the male population to a degree that women had to compete for the survivors. Being selfish and irresponsible doesn't make for good marriage material so those impulses get reigned in, and battle hardened men would not have put up with female bullshit anyway. But nowadays western men don't die off in wars anymore and have to compete for scarce pussy instead. Hence why they more readily tolerate all manners of female bullshit and so feminism is able to flourish and make everyone miserable.
People want equality
> Feminism drives down fertility rates.
> Feminism
Strange way to say urbanization.
> we didn't have any major war in the west for decades
Feminism gained influence because of the major war.
You mean, people want only rights but no duties?
>social justice movement
That was Christianity. Its literally in the many churches descriptions of their mission on earth.
>pc culture
I don't know if anything has really changed but nobody likes the term politically correct, and usually use it to describe other people who go out of their way to not offend people. I find the people who use the term probably have ulterior motives for using the term rather than because they legit find people who get offended at their disabled son being called a retard to be annoying. I guess we are supposed to have NO social standards, I guess.
>identity politics
Always existed.
Racism and Christianity, they gave women the right to vote partly because it would allow more white people to vote in elections in response to black people who gained the vote, and partly because of womens rights christian groups. And black people gained the vote thanks to social justice groups composed of Christian churches. And the reason why blacks were slaves was because of identity politics.
Soviet ideological subversion.
>social justice movement
That's the cornerstone of christianity.
This is Veeky Forums.
>Implying it is just America
>Implying most of Europe isn't worse
Fucking this.
Sooner or later, the principles of nature and ecology were bound to catch up to the human race no matter our innovations.
For example, I always laugh when I hear people talking about population decline in Japan, a place with a population of 127 million(more than Sweden or even Russia) all living on a tiny island. That's btw, largely mountainous. As if their population size should have even gotten that large in the first place.
Collapse of USSR led to muh identity usurping Marxist critique on the left
Idk, even though it seems like a thinly veiled /pol/ thread, most of the arguments presented were done so rationally and not all incorrect. I'll let this thread sit for awhile.
>Could this development have been prevented, or is nothing ever going to stop Cthulhu from always swimming left?
Your species is done for. You have had centuries to repent your treason against the gods and have not made one ounce of progress towards that. It is likely they will guide you to obliteration for destroying the Earth. It took billions of years for God to create life on this planet and 2000 years for Moses worshipers to destroy it - you have failed.
U wot
>herpdederpdedoo sjws social justice hurr
/pol/ is the board for this topic