Why do leftists and liberals claim to care about the regular working class people when they also want to import...

Why do leftists and liberals claim to care about the regular working class people when they also want to import millions of "refugees" in an attempt to replace the working class people they claim to represent?

1. In their circles, you either support everybody or nobody. You can do nothing but protest and donate to every cause ever, but if you even begin to think negatively of Islam you're put on block lists and possibly doxxed.

2. Standing up for the poor, oppressed Muslims on Facebook is a low effort high reward part of virtue signalling.

Importing downtrodden "working class" people increases their electoral base considerably.

You didn't need to put up a name, though.

We'll your strawman do but most socialist European parties hate the EU because it undermines worker's right as the bourgeoise factory owners freely exploit their workers with little to no repruccoison, and the free trade means the factory owner can charge even more than normal but make a larger profit. Whilst the worker sees no Rise in pay

all socialist parties are funded by bourgeoise bankers though, just look at who funds Antifa and BLM

Immigration actually helps the native workers, unless the immigrants are welfare leeches

Because they're simply more likely to look at things from a more international perspective, so of course they work to help those who are downtrodden and poor, even when those people don't live in their own countries.

Because socialists are made up of a hostile minority and are driven by the urge to destroy their host countries out of hatred and insecurity.

Because they stopped representing the working class decades ago. Now they only care about showing off how open minded they are while posting on facebook from their macbooks. The working class has shifted towards the populist right.

>Immigration actually helps the native workers
this is what SJWs actually believe

Ignore blatantly obvious bait threads

Just workers in sectors unaffected by immigration.

this, all leftists live in gated communities and go to colleges funded by their parents dime

This is what the majority of economists who have studied the effects of immigration on native population actually believe.

How many fucking times do you morons need to be told? This isn't the politics board, fuck off.

>This is what the majority of economists who have studied the effects of immigration on native population actually believe
why are you anti white leftists so delusional?

tell leftypol to stop raiding first

Because they are liberals, not socialists.

literally no difference

Why do mods let /pol/ threads exist on Veeky Forums?

Weren't the alt right against it? You know because "dying for Jews", based Putin, based Assad etc.

Stop spamming threads every day, retard.

Liberals haven't existed in great numbers since the early 20th century /leftypol/ retard.

Are you triggered?

>tell leftypol to stop raiding first

I don't even know what you are talking about, you imebcile. Take the modern politics threads to the appropriate boards, it's not that fucking complicated.

Because you assholes grew too content and pampered reaping the superprofits of imperialism as part of the labor aristocracy, so mainlining third-world misery directly into your city centers might just lower your support for ultraliberal policies and maybe convince you that the shitholes they come from ought to become prosperous, independent and non-competitive, on top of improving the quality of life of those who do migrate. The "plight of the working class" in the First World is a fucking joke from a global perspective.

Seems like extortion to me.

>why are you anti white leftists so delusional?

I'm a right-winger, actually. I left the Republican Party because it was too left-wing for me.

But why support it? Immigration creates a giant brain drain in the countries that would desperately need them to build a more egalitarian and good society. Also for every refugee we "save" there's 10 others who didn't make it. It's far more beneficial to help at the source rather than take in refugees so you can feel morally superior.

Anarchists and violent youth obsessed with Afro-Caribbean culture aren't socialists user

How does it help

Serious answer. Nobody is replaced. Refugees are temporary ones. They will return to their shitholes when the war would be over.

>Why do they care about the working class when they want to replace the working class with the working class?

Yes, imperialism is extortion.

>America is 2nd behind china

I am Chinese and I can't stop laughing


it also "grows" the economy and tax base. By adding consumers and maybe adding net tax payers.

While you are technically right, the socialist alliance with neo-liberal policies (at least in Blair era Britain) had disastrous effects for the socialist left, who were seen by the european working class as little better from the neo-liberal social democrats. Sure you might say that the labour unions are labor aristocracy, but the new european precariat is anything but a privileged working class.

The abandonment of the new left in europe of old hard line stances in how the working class ought to gain power by extorting the ruling capitalist class, was a disaster all around and cemented the victory of the neo-liberal regime.

Marxists are mentally ill trannies/homosexuals/schizophrenics/losers/virgins/neckbeards/bourgeois layabouts who should be confined into asylums for their anti-Human misanthropic ideology that kills tens of millions for its retarded codified pathology.

nice ad hominem, decrying the mental health of your opponent, no different from msn saying all Trump supporters are alt-right, virgins who watch anime.

>They will return to their shitholes when the war would be over.
Some of them, mostly syrians the nigerian, somalis and other will continue to stay


Huh so European countries are being invaded by people with imperial ambitions, well at least it's being admitted these days.

I am actually a National Bolshevist, not an anarchist, but nice try.

You're a meme.

is there any difference? lel, i guess no. both are anti-whire sons of cuck.

I might be talking or of my ass here, but the American "left" (which is not Marxist by any real length, but isn't exactly "right wing") gained political capital by supporting the Civil Rights movement. This worked, they saw success from it, and now all it's initial goals are essentially fulfilled.

But they don't want to let go of that advantage they had. So they keep pushing.

Pushing beyond reasonability, so now it's BLM and not MLK. Now it's workplace gender quotas and not equality under the law. And it's open borders instead of giving minorities equality under the law.

They do this because the second they admit "and now we're in a good place" they lose their appeal as the revolutionaries, and they stop getting as much support so they CAN'T stop.

The rest of the Western Left followed suit because of American Influence in setting the trend. It makes no sense in a Marxist context.

>I am actually a National Bolshevist

socialism is no meme dear sir

The only anti-white people here are far-rightists who divide the european working class by ethnic interest, leaving them vulnarable to the powers of international capital. All far-right movements have been abysmal failures for playing directly into the hands of the ruling class by divide and conquer and for turning against their fellow europeans brother workers.

>immigrants on welfare help the economy

oh lordy

>They will return to their shitholes when the war would be over.
Very few of them will leave willingly. But it's not like it matters because the EU and the UN don't want them to leave anyway.

The difference is that the democrat party was never pro-working class.

In fact the Roosevelt "new-deal" was a massive compromise for both sides, but which in the end proved in the long run that the workers got the short end of the deal after the post-war boom. In fact many historians debate that socialism had the real momentum in the US in the 1930's and would have created enormous problems for the American capitalist class.

The other stuff you mention, has nothing to do with socialism but was an added "paint-job" by the Democrats to add the sign of "progressiveness" with regards to minority rights, it is entirely an internal American issue. That the American social democrat left followed suit is because in reality, both entities are pro-corporate neo-liberals.

Yes, the illegal ayys with no proper paperwork and fake Social security numbers leech your welfare.

We're not in disagreement here, you just restated what I said, and that was that the American Left simply isn't Socialist and that the reason you see European Socialists copying America is only because of American cultural influence.

modern western economies are consumption based, not production based.

Unlike what most right-wingers say, immigration with regards to labor makes perfect sense for western economies (or at least in favor of the western capitalists). For example the German state gives a monthly welfare benefit for a Syrian family in the prospects that the children of those Syrians will start in all probability a retail job,or work in a car factory, and that in turn pay taxes etc.

It is a perfect system if you still have a middle-class and a native working class that is able to rise to more comfortable levels of wealth.

Illegals overconsume services with emergency room visits and welfare for their children who are legals. And let's not even get into all of the social security and welfare fraud they pull outright (though to be fair they sometimes pay into the system with fraudulent ss numbers as well).

Technically, every ideology ever is a meme.