They've got a point you know... ball is in your court, white guys.
They've got a point you know... ball is in your court, white guys
try harder. this kind of weak bait might work on /pol/, but not here.
Actually, the ball is in your court. Please define precisely how being white or male is a "privilege' in a culture where "white male" is increasingly an epiphet, rather than a description.
The point isn't that white males aren't privileged because they might sometimes feel sad; the point is that in the 21st Century the zeitgeist in the corporate world, the media, and academia is to push women and POC to the front of the line, even if it means disregarding objective measurements of achievement.
My position is that I don't have privilege because I don't have privilege. My moods aren't relevant.
There is literally nothing wrong with being privileged and defending your privilege from the jealous hordes that would steal it from you for their own gain.
Why should I give up my privilege to people who hate whites? If anything I should try and acquire more privilege to defend my family.
Liberal here, what's the sauce on the pic? I want to take them to the rural rust belt and "wake" them....this is how you say it? wake them?
White people don't exist. Race is a social construct. White privilege is reactionary.
White Privilege is literally just the White Man's burden reiterated in a negative light.
It's honestly farcical
>belong to a far more oppressed and despised minority than people of color
>can't even play it for the pity because even the SJWs will oppress me
It sure sucks getting stuck in a turf war between two slightly different flavors of fascist. How do we encourage the rise of popular freedom-loving movements?
Wrong board
Okay bud lol
>posting klansmen in blackface
Probably the simple fact that having a white name is more likely to get you a job, than a non-white name. Or that there is less chance for your car to get searched if you're a white person, as opposed to a black person
This is just the surface of it, it doesn't take into account that you treat a random black person on the street differently than you treat a random white person.
>but crime sta-
yes, that's the point. All blacks are lumped together, even ones that have never committed a crime, doesn't mean they're not unfairly discriminated against. That's something white people have no worries about. If an innocent random black person is treated like a thug or criminal, while an innocent random white person is not, it's white privilege, sorry babe.
>Probably etc.
>My entire position rests on assumptions
Great but do you have any sort of data to corroborate this? Or are you just speculating with no base?
This is just the surface of it, it doesn't take into account that you treat a random black person on the street differently than you treat a random white person.
Except for the fact I don't do that you nitwit.
>white name
What did he mean by this? Is O'Neal a white or black name?
Your a racist you fucking retard
this thread is stupid
>Car insurance costs more for me because I'm a male in my 20s even though I've never had an accident
>Health insurance won't cover me because I have a history of heart problems in my family even though I've never had a problem and healthcare is a basic right
That's how the fucking world works you nitwit. The difference is that women and minorities, especially blacks whine at autistic levels about it non-fucking stop
Probably my favourite example ever of how retarded this method of thinking is is BLM
>Stop treating all blacks like thugs
*Are a fucking thug organization*
It's kind of funny that you act like those very basic and unimportant (in the big picture) things have to be fake, white privilege much?
oh, because you don't do that, it doesn't exist, got it! Doesn't matter that study after study show institutional racism still exist in many avenues of our society, if you have a black friend, its all good
There was no difference between "white names" and "black names" in the 1960s. Do "Martin King", "Malcolm Little", "Rosa Parks", and "Cassius Clay" sound "black" to you?
Blacks are far more likely to do drugs than whites (look at hospital ER records for drug overdoses), hence the the more frequent car searches.
Considering how blacks treat whites, is it any wonder that whites don't trust blacks? Black privilege is being allowed to commit crimes at these rates without whites calling for mass black sterilization/deportation.
White or black? Is the suffix "stein" white or nonwhite? Please define "white name" and explain why people from Europe anglicized their names upon arrival.
You wanna see white male privilege? Here it is
Fucking disgraceful how much white men have sacrificed for Western society and how they're treated for it
>Fought and died for your freedoms
>Use those freedoms to bash the people who got them for you
do you have reading comprehension problems?
>1. a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.
If two people with the exact same variables (criminal history, wealth, education) exist, but one person gets treated negatively, while the other person does not, it's privilege. Why don't you start using that IQ of yours? You're saying privilege doesn't exist, yet at the same time saying it's completely justified that people who are the exact same, save for race, are treated completely differently, solely BECAUSE of race, and the stereotypical connotations with race
I honestly don't think I can break this down any further, this isn't /b/ or /pol/, right? You should be intelligent enough to get what im saying?
Care to elaborate?
Why is this thread still up? Do ypur goddamn jobs, janis.
I never denied that in some areas I have greater privileges than other people.
Life isn't fair and trying to make it so is an exercise in absurdity.
Agreed, all tumblrthreads should be ovened. This isn't history or humanities.
>posts staged propaganda photo as evidence
Typical whitewashing of history that ignores the massive contributions made by POC. At least modern media is correcting these misconceptions with games like Battlefield giving a more authentic view of history.
>Race also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes receive 30 percent more callbacks than Whites with lower quality resumes, a statistically significant difference. On the other hand, having a higher quality resume has a much smaller effect for African Americans. In other words, the gap between White and African-Americans widens with resume quality. While one may have expected that improved credentials may alleviate employers’ fear that African American applicants are deficient in some unobservable skills, this is not the case in our data.4 Discrimination therefore appears to bite twice, making it harder not only for African Americans to find a job but also to improve their employability.
Im not going to spoonfeed more, it's all in the article. If you disagree with it feel free to post your own evidence suggesting otherwise, but discrimination regarding names and the workplace has been a pretty obvious phenomenon for a while now
>what niggers literally believe
>>>/whyteboi caves/
Do we even have janitors?!?!
And I'm not going to give up my privilege to people who will just use it against me and my family. Why should I care about blacks? Blacks clearly don't care about whites.
Yea lemme just use my fucking super x-ray mind reading to look at any person off the street and identify their criminal history, wealth or economic status, or education level. Oh wait I can't do that? Guess I gotta resort to general statistics before I can get additional information by talking to the person. Until they fill in the blanks it is 100% logical to assume they fit the general average of whatever group they belong to.
>Blacks commit more crimes
>Blacks have lower raw IQs and complete less schooling than white counterparts or other ethnicities
>Blacks are less wealthy than other ethnicities
My example about auto insurance and healthcare is to set a precedent. Society treats you like the average of what group you belong to, and that makes fucking sense. Race is not the only example, gender religion, ethnic origins are all factors that classify for this grouping.
You should be intelligent enough to understand that right? I mean this isn't /pol or /b
One parting note.... cops wouldn't pull over blacks and search their cars more often if it wasn't statistically fruitful to do so. Do they get treated differently based on factors outside their control? Sure, but it's justified and can be observed in literally every other facet of society.
Just come to terms with the fact that we're all better off adhering to our homogenous groups... It's how we evolved. It's what we're built to do. And if you are white, stop being so fucking cucked.
>b-b-but muh black soldiers
Let's see those percentages eh? Or would that be propaganda too
Numbers a straight white male Christian construct.
Privilege exists it just doesn't exist in the sense that Marxists and useful idiots like you argue it does. That, being something that should be undermined out of a misplaced sense of fairness.
In group people are supposed to be privileged over out group people, and we were idiots for ever believeing otherwise.
woke af
>And humanities
This doesn't even count as humanities for fuck sake.
what's your point?? I responded to the person that said white privilege doesn't exist, explaining that it clearly does. I don't care if you want to treat black people differently, when im out late I do as well, that's not the point
White privilege DOES exist, regardless of the mental gymnastics you use to justify it. Yeah, we know, crime statistics. Doesn't mean tyrone who is a virgin and goes to school to be a math teacher doesn't get treated like a gangbanger for the "collective crime" of his race. John doesn't deal with that.
It seems like you're arguing just to argue, you've already proven yourself that certain races get treated differently in the US, the reasoning for that is irrelevant because it has the same effect: Innocent bystanders are negatively impacted, because of their race alone. I don't know if it's because you think "white privilege" is some magical super power that makes your life perfect, it's not. It's just the name, "privilege"
What amuses me is the majority of these threads are /pol/lacks arguing with other /pol/lacks who are pretending to be what they think an SJW is for (you)s.
>Doesn't mean tyrone who is a virgin and goes to school to be a math teacher doesn't get treated like a gangbanger for the "collective crime" of his race.
That depends mainly on how Tyrone dresses and speaks
>John doesn't deal with that.
If John rocks the neck tattoo/wife-beater look he will be more discriminated against than Tyrone in a cardigan.
Hmm. Okay, I'm willing to concede that privilege does exist I think that we're beyond denying that now.
My point is that it is justified, there is societal precedent, and it exists for valid reasons. Privilege is not some inherently evil construct made by da white man.
Tyrone can go to school and make his own impression on the people there. Anyone who gets to know Tyrone as a genuinely good person and still discriminates against him is a racist. And that is wrong.
But until that point, Tyrone is statistically more likely than John to rape murder steal and commit whatever other crimes.
Does that mean Tyrone will commit a crime, or John won't, or both? No. That's how stats work. There are percentage likelihoods of things but anything is possible to some degree.
My main argument and belief is that sure, these things exists, but they aren't wrong. They exist for reasons and those reasons are fair, valid, and proven by time.
Humans just aren't made to live in perfect equality and harmony. Being born a white male is dope and I'm happy about it but am I going to toss away with both hands the evolutionary advantages that have been bestowed on me because BLM or SJWs told me to? Not a fucking chance.
I think that was that guy's original point, or maybe I was looking at someone else's post.
Ok reread the original comment you were responding to and I agree with that as well to a degree. Because the privilege that me and you are talking about exists, socially if not on an institutional level, white men are increasingly discriminated against. Will I get pulled over by a cop? Nah, but I will be disliked or even hated and repressed by groups that resent their lot in life or believe that I'm the enemy simply because of how I look.
Oh wait, that sounds familiar right? White men are discriminated against for the sins of the collective as well. There's some racist rednecks in Texas who said nigger in front of you or refused to acknowledge that you identify as a pony? Guess all white men are evil
I love how class is never a thing with SJWs. Probably because they're all upper middle class.
I don't understand why these mongrels are too stupid to understand that the only real, tangible privilege that exists in this world is money.
>which ethnicity is known for hoarding lots of money?
>White privilege DOES exist
The more important issue is, why should we care?
See here's the problem.
There was never a cultural debate over whether or not "privilege" was a negative or positive value, the Left just unilaterally categorized "privilege" as something that should be attacked, and attacked it.
>the left: Ha! Your epidermis is showing!
>"privileged" people: What? No it isn't!
The Left used obfuscating language to transform a normal thing into a mark of shame. The "privileged" people on the other hand had only the vaguest idea why they were being attacked and so immediately denied possessing the "negative" quality they are accused of possessing without understanding what it was exactly they were denying.
That wasn't the point I was getting at.
However, it is kind of a valid point.
Eh, that's not as fucked up as being trated like a thug by policemen, or having your resumees sistematically discarded because your name sounds "black".
You're equating discrimination, both financial and physical, with being shittalked by dumb people on tumblr.
Not him, but something like whites have all the power and wealth, and it is thier duty to rightly give it to POC who are incapable of gaining any through thier own agency.
How many whites are there in the NBA? How many whites are there on BET? How many men win custody of their children in a divorce? Where are the domestic violence shelters for men?
Maybe they get discarded cause you sound dumb as fuck
>Fought and died for your freedoms
>When White people literally killed to keep Africans enslaved.
>implying white males don't have their resumes systematically passed over because HR wants more diversity in the workplace
a job interviewer literally told me HR instructed him to look for candidates that would "increase diversity"
>Life isn't fair and trying to make it so is an exercise in absurdity
>it's another clickbait thread
Veeky Forums here, I'll take the bait.
White people are less likely to be racially discriminated against, the problem is how it is turned into a meme buzzword by extremists seeking to take advantage of your fears of racism. They want you to attribute something as mundane as someone with autism failing to maintain eye contact as evidence of white power and privilege in society bla bla, they want you to get emotional over every pet peeve and attribute it to their theories, sometimes creating new peeves for you to look out for and get angry with. If you do you will become obsessed, click their bait, consume their media, vote for them, whatever they are after.
The "altright" have a similar psychology.
If you read history books you can see all sorts of examples of demagogues like this.
No blacks were involved in the D-Day landings.
No women either.
I guess this andcdote totally discards the studies that have been posted here earlier.
Sorry for the typos. Now you should apologize for your lack of actual arguments.
Not thinking there's white privilege shows that you dont know shit about history. The dominant race in any society is always treated better, subconsciously or no, than "others"
You think an Egyptian living in ancient Rome would be treated the same as a true Roman? Even if he was a citizen and "equal before the law", he didnt have a roman name, he looks different than Romans, and bottom line people are going to treat him differently. If he was looking for work, who do you think theyd hire first, the funny egyptian (who speaks fluent Latin but just looks and acts different), or good ol Titus Silvius.
Im not saying its a "bad thing" in terms of it being the fault of white folks, but to deny it exists is just retarded in the extreme.
>The other side fought to free them
>White men died to free subhuman blacks
>At this point in history blacks are so dumb and primally violent they're barely worth saving
>This side won and formed our current society
I'd hesitate to even call that a privilege really.
Wait, really?
Both can be true you ignoramus. I live in a big coastal city so as a white male I'm more likely to face discrimination from SJW-types who occupy positions of power in liberal areas. The inverse applies in Mississippi or wherever.
>Wait, really?
Not in the actual landings. The US military was segregated, and women obviously were not in any combat roles.
After the fighting, they had blacks unloading ships and driving trucks, and there were probably women in the medical facilities and rear echelon offices. I don't know whether the British and Canadian forces were racially segregated or not.
Huh, I always figured that some black units would have particilated in the landings.
The white mans burden is his own doing.
If he hadnt gone around the world acting like a pezzanovante everywhere he went, he wouldnt be in this position.
When you have a wolf by the ears, its stupid to let it go and consider the snarling beast a friend. If you have subjugated all these peoples, why the fuck would you let them go when they would ALL gladly eat you raw?
So, here it is. Whites fuck people from all over the world, then when they finally start to get a conscience about it, they let everyone go and now all the peoples theyve fucked over for centuries are just supposed to fall in line and be cool with it? Are you COMPLETELY mad?
tldr White people deserve everything theyre currently getting and more. Its just funny to see white virgins on the internet so assruffled over it in other words RaHoWa?
But why the fuck do people who had nothing to do with any of that shit, people who didn't even exist at that time, have to pay for it? Fucking Sins of the Father bullshit.
Contributions? You mean rapes and murders? Or peanut butter, which is actually an Aztec invention?
There's no need.
White people are genociding themselves. The ones who see this and speak out about it are marginalized and called crazy and racist. We don't have to beat them, we just have to wait till they hammer themselves into their own coffin and fade away.
Incidentally, I find the whole thing fucking hilarious.
cuz u reapin de benefits honkey so u guilty too
Can you read? That was just an example put into historical terms.
Privilege is just original sin rebranded. Rather than actually helping people, liberals want to create an artificial standard that makes their chosen victims look better.
Well, blacks have to pay for the sins of each other like they are the Borg Collective and all speak and act with the same mind. Think about it, if youre black youre hardly ever seen as an individual, everything you do is scrutinized and the minute you do something someone doesnt like, youre a "typical nigger".
Who could live like that? Imagine the pressure? The self consciousness everytime you go into public? Youre not seen for who you are, youre just seen as a crime waiting to happen.
When the gods conspire to make a situation like this come about, both sides suffer.
Aren't blacks technically genociding themselves by breeding outside of their race?
>White people deserve everything theyre currently getting and more.
Yep, that's totally historical, amirite?
You forget what we've done in the past. Two world wars, splitting the atom, mass genocide. Push us people far, and you will feel the boot.
Well, whites have to pay for the sins of each other like they are the Borg Collective and all speak and act with the same mind. Think about it, if youre white youre hardly ever seen as an individual, everything you do is scrutinized and the minute you do something someone doesnt like, youre a "typical bigot".
Who could live like that? Imagine the pressure? The self consciousness everytime you go into public? Youre not seen for who you are, youre just seen as a hate crime waiting to happen.
When the gods conspire to make a situation like this come about, both sides suffer.
that's only true for USA though.
Nice trips Satan.
But I agree with you, that was the point of my post. It's unfair and detrimental to everyone.
If this was 50 years ago, I'd agree with you.
But modern whites are timid, conflict-avoiding eunuchs. They vie with one another over who can gladly self-flagellate the hardest.
But thats bullshit, because whites are the ones running everything and doing the judging. You cant compare yourself to a small percentage of the population because you are the largest percent of the population. You have all the cards and youre STILL dropping the ball. Imagine? A white man comparing himself to blacks to garner sympathy for his perceived persecution, when in reality he holds all the cards!
Such delicious foolishness!
Well USA is the only place that matters.
I agree, friend
>whites are the ones running everything and doing the judging.
>sincerely believing this in the post-Obama era
>destroy Iraq
>destroy Afghanistan
>destroy Libya
We're just going through a rough patch.
>believing this in the Trump era
That wasnt "whites", though, that was America, a country composed, as we are so often told, of people from everywhere.
>white name
>non-white name
>not realizing this is an inherently racist position
Seriously, fucking off yourself
>This is just the surface of it, it doesn't take into account that you treat a random black person on the street differently than you treat a random white person.
Holy shit kek
Is there anyone actually stupid enough to believe that only white people do this?
Of course not, but to their mind it takes on a different tone when its done by the dominant race of the society.
>white name
Then maybe niggers should stop calling their children Je'Marqus and Shaniqua
White people are born with the special power of civilization, and need to advance the lesser races, because they can't do it themselves.
Replace lesser races with oppressed races
Yes whites obviously still have a lot of influence (in a white majority country it's shocking I know) but to play the victim card about how de poor powerless black folk still bein enslaved by whitey is just ridiculous after having a black president. You lost this time around so now you take a seat and wait for the next one instead of hooting and hollering about how Amerikkka is literally Hitler.