>T-There was no other choice but to trust in good intentions of uncle joe
>h-hindsight blah blah
Are there more pathetic excuses for FDR's puppet government?
>T-There was no other choice but to trust in good intentions of uncle joe
>h-hindsight blah blah
Are there more pathetic excuses for FDR's puppet government?
FDR himself would reappraise his view of Stalin before his death, but even if he viewed "Uncle Joe" with outright cynicism from the beginning how much would have realistically changed?
FDR chose not to raise a fuss about the sovereignty of Eastern Europe at their meetings because the USSR already occupied them and wouldn't be dislodged without a war more costly than the one that was just about to end. The US wasn't prepared to go to such lengths, potentially millions of dead Americans, for the sake of countries most Americans didn't give a hoot in a rain barrel about.
A couple weeks before his death.
He was an idiot who had not so hidden sympathy for socialism and disregard for people living in Eastern Europe.
But how could FDR stand up to Stalin when his legs didn't work?
What I'm asking you, is realistically what difference could have been made? Eastern Europe was already a defacto part of the USSR by virtue of occupation whether FDR liked it or not. He decided not to press the issue in hopes of better post-war cooperation between the two superpowers instead of aggravating them over something that there was no reasonable hope of affecting change.
>World War II started because of Hitler's attack on Poland
>lmao, let's just leave them to soviets haha, pls don't attack us Stalin
I have mad respect for Churchill because he knew that communist threat needed to be stopped but FDR was a cuckold cripple.
So what you're recommending is Truman to try and sell a new war to the American people against erstwhile allies where one could reasonably expect MILLIONS of casualties with uncertain prospects of victory over some states that the vast majority of citizens didn't care about?
I actually wrote a paper about who retarded FDR was concerning Stalin. I can email it to you if you want.
Teheran happened way earlier so no. Roosevelt was actively helping Stalin making it easier for him to conquer Europe like promising to remove Allied troops from Europe as soons as the war was finished (this remark surprised his advisor and Churchill and Stalin immediately agreed before he could take it back). There are lots of stories like this and it all comes from the fact that FDR was such an ignorant that he didn't even know that Stalin would gladly spread his revolution to Western Europe if he had the leverage (and he nearly did).
Everything we know about the diplomacy during WWII suggests that FDR didn't care in the slightest about what was going on there genocide or not.
Now that I think about it since Germany and USSR were already fighting without any hope of ceasefire until one of them was defeated USA and Britain only needed Stalin's alliance so that he wouldn't attack France next. If they were tougher with him a lot more could've been achieved.
I'm still thankful that Stalin died weeks before he could get the hydrogen bomb. But then again if there was WWIII it might've been for the better for the entire eastern block.
>If they were tougher with him a lot more could've been achieved.
What exactly? I see a much more likely result being antagonizing the most important partner in securing the stability of the new post-war order. Despite the antipathy between the USSR & the West after the war, there was still a great deal of cooperation between the two powers that was invaluable for preventing a new and even greater outbreak of hostilities.
You really overestimate the soviets chances. Allies could easily gain air superiority and bomb the Soviet logistics at will. Soviets were already exhausted by the war with Germans and wouldn't last a year if the Allies attacked. That way we avoid Cold War all together.
I think you're underestimating the difficulty of running what would be to that point the most extensive military operation in all of history when most of your war material has to be shipped from halfway across the world.
The West decided not to wage war on the Soviets because Germany was closer and thus more immediate threat. Doesn't change the fact that they started the war side by side with Germany having similar plans of conquest. And that there was an actual anti-Soviet uprising in Europe after the war that laster for more than a decade and was followed by civilian protests until the 80s and 90s. It was a prison camp for nations. The fact that it was allowed to exist is a disgrace no matter how many excuses people make. Churchill wanted to attack the Balkans first.
>an user has done actual research on the topic and is willing to share it
>completely ignored
This board was a mistake.
It's easy to make statements like that outside of the decisive seat of action. You miss the gravity of what you're actually suggesting. Millions of fathers, sons, and brothers being killed in a war that our history has shown us to have been avoidable.
>who retarded
>'actual research'
i'm willing to be it's from a highschool or 100 level college course
So sorry senpai we're all on the edge of our seats for an unpublished college level 6 page essay
FDR made it easier for Stalin to conquer half of Europe and endangering the other because he had a soft spot for him and was more concerned with the existance of the British Empire. He made sure to support Stalin's in his every demand even if it meant opposing Churchill like with his plan to attack the Balkans instead of France.
He realized his mistakes shortly before his death. He should've died much earlier.
I'm the guy who posted , it was for my European seminar, a 700 level course. Not sure why got so bitchy.
>implying being liberated by americans would be better
poland should thank stalin for making them 100% homogeneous nation
You know what they should at least make sure to free Poland and Czechoslovakia the two countries that actually fought on their side. Fought and died for them. Churchill had more honor than FDR (who had none) but still had to become Neville Chamberlain only for Stalin instead of Hitler. And it's not like everybody agreed with this betrayal. Alec Douglas Home, future PM called Churchill out on his bullshit.
>The US wasn't prepared to go to such lengths, potentially millions of dead Americans, for the sake of countries most Americans didn't give a hoot in a rain barrel about.
But they wre prepared to die by hundreds of thousnads against nazis only to propping their benevolent ally, uncle joe.
>I see a much more likely result being antagonizing the most important partner in securing the stability of the new post-war order.
pick one lmao
>You miss the gravity of what you're actually suggesting. Millions of fathers, sons, and brothers being killed in a war that our history has shown us to have been avoidable.
Americans from this era are some greatest dumbfucks in the planet, what with choosing closet commie for 4 terms. Little anti-soviet turn in propaganda and they would be very willing to fight with Soviets just like against nazis. After all this wasn't so hard during first years of cold war. Of course pro-soviet propaganda in FDR's America was necessary to begin with because otherwise common yanks wouldn't be so willing to uncle joe.