What is wrong with a eugenics program? Why don't people realize mentally retarded people are a burden to their own family as well as society as well? Why should they suffer as society tells them to keep them alive? Why should government programs waste their resource on them? Why cannot they peacefully be euthanize? Have you wondered about the mentally retarded who appeared in your schools from kindergarten to high school? Do you think they had any chance to make it to the real world on their own? What do they contribute to the world other than scientific research? Why is abortion accepted but not euthanization or a eugenics program pushing for healthy people, thus a healthy society?
What is wrong with a eugenics program...
>Why don't people realize mentally retarded people are a burden to their own family as well as society as well?
Blame Christfags
Some of these people unironically believe downies are angels.
It's not just Christfags either. Even some atheists believe we should keep these subhumans alive, even though they will never amount to anything in life. They'll be drooling and gurgling and pissing their pants for their entire lives. Maybe if they're lucky they'll be able to stack shelves at Walmart.
A lot of them manage to get jobs as shills on the internet.
What you don't realize is that the majority of pregnancies where a severe developmental disorder is caught in utero are terminated. People already practice eugenics at an individual level. What people are against is a government telling everyone prying into their private affairs and restricting their personal freedom.
I chuckled
The reason Eugenics programs get pushback is because everybody's a bit insecure that they wouldn't make the cut. And whoever does get to set the rules would have to be completely just and wise, plus have the foresight to keep certain levels of genetic diversity, etc.
It is unwise to grant any government the right to forcibly exterminate undesirables on the basis that they aren't fit to exist for an arbitrary reason. You might be able to make a eugenics-oriented culture, but the government shouldn't have that power.
there are plenty of non retarded idiots around who would deserve it, but to answer quickly, you cant kill everything you dont like/find useful
You must know speaking from experience.
If it starts, where does it stop?
It doesn't stop. That's the beauty of evolution.
Only a shill would take offense to that statement. How does it feel having less value than the developmentally disabled?
The same way you responded to this thread. Did I strike a (lack of) nerve, retard?
I can accept eugenics in terms of things like genetic engineering and voluntarily aborting children that are predicted to be fucked, but I have trouble reaching the edge of culling or sterilizing people against their will. My philosophy in terms of government power remains "If the idea of the people I hate having the power to do it to me / my 'group' disgusts me, it's better off not being accessible to a government." Especially not a democratically electable one where tables turn so fucking easily. Besides, if you can advocate for a thing to be done to others that chills you when you think about it being used against you, you might want to look into your values.
Still, I think there is a point where people with debilitating inheritable diseases insisting on reproducing becomes incredibly selfish, given that they know what they could potentially inflict on their child. I'd be glad to see eugenics get a bit of a cultural revival where it's not just pinned onto "thats the thing the nazis did right?", if it was instead a product of improving education, prenatal screening, and eugenics by consent, I can deal. As soon as you start forcing people it gets fucked up fast and leaves itself open to abuse by retarded governments.
>eugenics always ends with Ricky the retard being pried from his loving mother's arms and ending up in a gas chamber
Why can't we just give away birth control and abortions to the low iq segments of the population for free and give massive tax cuts to the high iq to incentivize breeding? Would that be so horrible?
Isn't birth control like liberal eugenics?
I do know that birth control pills fucks women's hormones up but it seems to me the only way not to have lots of humans.
Notice how they do one but not the another. Higher iq is not in the interest of the ruling elite. More competitors.
i think the difference is that you block any kind of offspring, instead of picking the ones that are considered superior
Most folks with Down syndrome are born to normal folks. Indeed, most folks with down syndrome can't have children, and even among those that can, the fertility rates are terrible. Downs is epigenetic - so eugenics doesn't help you here.
Further, as I say every time some retard brings this up: Watch "The Masterpiece Society".
A great deal of our advancements in the educational method came about as a result of what we learned trying to educate the retarded, as yes, working with the mentally handicapped does indeed let you get a much better grasp on what the lowest common denominator of the human population will most readily digest and retain. Do you "sing" your ABC's? Well guess what started us teaching them that way. That's right, it was first shown to work on retards.
And it's not just retards, but a host of other genetic disorders, both epigenetic and commonly inherited. Those individuals have provided us with more technological and medical advancements than nearly anything else, short of war. Necessity is the mother of invention, and working folks with disabilities into your society leads to a whole lot of necessities.
So the retards themselves are a crucial resource. Further, there's so few of them per million, any society that's so rigid and so short on resources that it can't adapt to deal with them, probably is not only not worth saving, but beyond saving. Thus, they also make a good canary in the proverbial civilization coal mine, in that if it starts killing them off, you know you're right fucked.
How about we start with euthenics and then worry about the people who still can't do even simple manual labor? Or let them get taken care of by people who enjoy taking care of them, in the same way that many people genuinely enjoy taking care of children:
There are many more villages that copied this model, some of them voluntary/humanitarian projects, other acting more like adult care institutions. Just one more example:
>First they came for the retards, and I did not speak out - for I was not a retard.
Plot this out and it becomes self contradictory, but I suppose intelligence and wisdom are not always bedfellows.
Faggots, it stopped in WWI when the superior folk killed each other
Imagine being this triggered by someone you think should be euthanized. You've probably actually deluded yourself into thinking that in a "healthy society" people like you would thrive when the reality is that you do what you do because you know there are no good alternatives for you. No self respecting person would be a shill unless they truly believed it was the best they could do.
"It's a tough job but somebody's gotta keep these retards in line, if we could just get rid of them they'd probably send me to work for NASA and I'd finally be able to devote my energy to something productive."
That's you.
In your perfect society once they got rid of the retards you'd be the next in the gas chamber because the only role you're capable of fulfilling is that of a retard-minder
This type of autistic ranting from your butt hurt is glorious.
This is the only reason. Never give that kind of power to anybody because you never know when you or your kind will be considered useless/undesirables.
if we killed all the people who never made a positive contribution to society there would be like 3 people ever
because most people with down syndrome are friendly, happy go lucky, taxpaying hard workers at menial jobs and dont cause trouble to society.
autism and assbergers on the other hand...
>What is wrong with a eugenics program?
Right now, basically nothing.
The problem is that eugenics was first practiced in a time when understanding of genetics was extremely limited and much of the driving force behind it was racist pseudoscience. People were getting forcibly sterilized due to non-heritable conditions, aesthetic reasons, and even just anti-social behaviors. Between that and the Nazi war crimes, eugenics developed a bad reputation and is basically synonymous with the Holocaust for most people these days.
Just by shitting on the dirt you're already contributing to the ecosystem and in turn society
Shoulda hanged yourself cunt.
Waste of fucking oxygen
Aw, did I offend a fellow retard?
Because people take it up of their own accord indirectly or not and with modern medicine and tech you'd be dumb not to make use of it.
No need to enforce it, If a family discovers that their kid has a high chance of Tay-Sachs disease maybe adoption is the way to go, if they decide to have a kid they'll have to accept the high probability of a suffering child but at least they made that choice with modern screening and all the info they could get.