Opiant pharmaceuticals

Opiant pharmaceuticals stock price increased from around $5.00 a share to $15.00 because they are developing a heroine vaccination. Might take off. Some people got out cause they tripled their money but it's at $13.00 now. Peace

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Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard of

So they sell morphine? Jee

You a fucking retard? I just made $18,000 in 3 days. I bet you live in a fucking shack and work at the gas station next to it. How dare you.

Should've know better from fucking Veeky Forums loser.. You probably don't even have a trading account.

>bought the tip
>buy my bags
classic Veeky Forums

talk pussy

>vaccinated against heroine

That literally doesn't make sense.

Veeky Forums has no problems with heroines
try posting this on some chad discussion board


Also naloxone is a thing

I work in the medical field. Even if it was possible to make a vaccine, it would need to be reversed at some point which makes it impractical. What if you have a traumatic injury, MI, or cancer related pain? You're going to need morphine at some point

wow why is OP so retarded?

it would be a nerve poison or irreversible ligand which just makes more relevant

Naloxone is used for overdose, not a long term solution

I don't understand you people. I am not even going to attempt to explain how you make money in the stock market to a simpleton like you who deserves to rot at an office job until his dick stops working and his wife leaves him. Then he'll need some help with addiction before he kills himself by rope or by dope.

They could be making fucking teddy bears for all i care. You try to share some insight and you get shafted. Get a life motherfucker.

hahahaha wow ok DUMBO

damn son turn off the computer. step away from the computer. You're going full retard. Never go full retard.

what a dumb LARPer

Right? I bet he doesn't even trade, LMAO.

Keep dressing up in your fucking monkey suit every day and do your monkey dance for your slave master.

oaktreecapital.com/docs/default-source/memos/there-they-go-again-again.pdf Good luck everybody with money in anything.

when can we just execute the boomers already?

He's right though.


>omg they're not real!
email isn't real
online banking isn't real
how can we be real if our eyes aren't real?

He's a guy who built an empire on the idea that he wouldn't hold any bags. In his memo he's advising his buddies to not hold any bags. Considering the amount of bagholders on Veeky Forums I don't see any problem with his advice.

>They're not real!!!!!!!!!
yeah, definitely taking this fucking boomer's advice

You didn't answer my question

I actually can't believe people are that unintelligent that they don't understand the stock market. happened to have money in it because pharma can blow up anytime. Read the article.