If Saudis do that...

If Saudis do that, you'll start hearing about "chemical attacks" and "uprisings" against the evil establishment in Saudi Arabia, followed by no fly zones and Hillary laughing about people being bombed by jets.

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Colombia is a shithole, kys spic

>Oh wow, it's another zerohedge article telling me how the world is going to end

>they don't know american GDP is 70% consumption

Saudi Arabia accounts for 10.4% of US oil imports

except OPEC exporters would rather sell their oil in something backed by gold than dollars.

they want in on China's impending Great Depression?

americans are printing dollars like zimbawe.
do you think the rest of the world is happy with that?

Sauce? I know the debt-based fiat creates "value" out of thin air, but is the USA actually ramping up its currency production? Imma need that sauce, user...

they simply use diferent names for quantitative easing.
they never stopped.


good luck doing business with the chinks

protip: you end up getting fucked and cheated

the FED prints 20 billion a quarter and has been since obamers wanted to "rejuvenate the economy"

in turn this borrows from your future by creating massive inflation

jesus christ people

except nigbobway didn't enforce the use of the clickclackdollar by the threat of total annihilation. everyone knows if they leave the dollar they'll get a lesson in freedom. MURICA!

I hate how much shit Obama has gotten away with as far as fucking over our future because 1. no one knows how anything works and 2. he's a friendly black man who says good things

americans only had fucked some small countries.
China is a diferent beast.

Obama =/= FED.
The fed is a private institution with a checking account that can not be overdrawn. The person the blame here are the last 2 people to run the FED and their "method" of managing the US Dollar. They've been printing trillions and buying US T-Bills for years, among other things like property. Essentially they're stealing from the future to make stocks and asset prices inflated.

Holy fucking shit. I'm a poorfag, should I just wait for the USA to go bankrupt and adopt crypto, or buy land now? I pity the fools that have contributed to CDs and bonds in the past 9 years....aaaannnnd its gone.

if you're american = buy a farm, food and guns.
It will be ugly once this shit explodes.

fed doesnt print money, try again dumbass

>he really believes that

by the way, read a little of this if you think China is going to take over the world


literally the biggest ponzi ever

Right, the US Treasury prints the money.
The FED is able to create credit, out of nothing. Basically the same thing.
"Federal Reserve has control of the money supply through its power to create credit with interest rates and reserve requirements. Since credit is the largest component of the money supply by far, colloquially people talk about the Federal Reserve increasing the money supply as printing money."

I see your digits, but I have juvenile diabetes, which keeps me a poorfag.
If things get disaster-esque and I can't buy/hodl insulin, I'm toast. I've had this disease since I was 14, nothing I can do about it...

A farm would be nice though...I love herding animals and digging in the dirt. Tell your post-ww3 offspring to enjoy it, some of us never got so lucky :..)

Fun fact. If shit gets disaster-esque, 50% of america's adult population would be dead in 30 days, because of no meds/insulin.

>China going to fuck over the one country that keeps it's country afloat

Yeah okay

USA is a bubble
China is an even bigger bubble
The whole world is a bubble
When it all pops literally everything is going to be fucked, so at this point if you base your life around the entire system collapsing you might as well just kill yourself now.

you chose to get diabeetus, fat bitch.

>china has a surplus trade
>africa, latinoamerica and non western countries has no debt

the system will collapse in any form, China is simply securing his shit.

Neck yourself, who learned the lesson in Vietnam?

i would assume the gooks did. they're still living in shacks made from squashed coke cans. haha you don't think they won the war do you, rebecca?


anyone who listened to zerohedge missed the biggest equity rise in history

You don't think the US won the war do you? At least they were able to use Jane Fonda as a scapegoat for some deaths, and not the people who sent them there in the first place. KEK

If Saudis did that you can bet your ass PC culture will be kill, colonialism and manifest destiny ideals will come back and Africa and Middle East will feel the big dick of the western war machine.

Saudis aren't that dumb

russia and china are no longer communist and weren't able to spread into southeast asia. obviously the US won the war, dumb dumb.

Standard oil was the backbone of that country after the British. And by that I mean the Al Saud family.

>How long until saudis sell oil exclusivelly in yuans?

Never in their entire fucking lives unless they want to get blown the fuck up and replaced by another family