
Is Chess the greatest, most enduring game invented by humans that is still widely played?

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No, that would be Dota.

>widely played

League of Legends is the greatest game ever invented.
>Played by more people every year than have ever played chess throughout history
>Combines the best aspects of teamwork and individual skill
>Strategy that hasn't been completely solved by computers.
>Doesn't take 5 hours to play 1 game.


While pretty damn old, nobody gives a shit about Go besides Japs and Weebs.

They don't give a shit about chess either. There's a reason there aren't any famous japanese chess players

You're absolutely wrong. What chess match have you played or watched that lasts 5 hours? Most of the matches people play these days are fifteen to 20 mins. Chess has not been completely solved by computers and they still aren't close. Maybe do your research before you shill for the shite that is MOBA gaming.

>nobody gives a shit about Go except for races with superior intelligence

True. I don't see blacks hustling Go in chinatown

>chess match
>fifteen to 20 mins
>chess match
>fifteen to 20 mins
>chess match
>fifteen to 20 mins
>chess match
>fifteen to 20 mins
>chess match
>fifteen to 20 mins
Burgers can't possibly be this stupid.

According to chess websites the most popular chess time control is actually blitz. Whats your argument here?

That a proper game of chess takes hours to play. Obviously the shorter games get played more, they are shorter so you can play them more plus you actually have to a functioning brain to play a proper game with proper strategy, not some fucking meme low attention span burger shit.

Hikaru Nakamura is currently ranked 9th in the world.

Its been proven that longer time control does not necessarily lead to better play among those that have some understanding of the game. That's a misconception. By that logic, wouldn't DOTA, LOL, Civilization, Go, etc. all be subjected to that same conclusion?

the oldest board game still widely played today is Backgammon, with the setup and rules we know today coming from the Roman board game Tabula, or Tavli in Byzantine Greek.

but the basic idea and board setup goes back to ancient Persia where it was called Nard.

LOL, DOTA are live games. Obviously if you could pause at any point and asses the situation it would improve your outcomes if your opponents had no other opportunity. Its pretty obvious that giving more time to research and think about things raises levels of play, its common sense, that effect obviously falls off after a certain point but what that point is is highly debatable and varies from person to person.

League is just warcraft 3 but the maximum team size is 5 and everyone controls one unit.

In contrast warcraft 3 allows team sizes up to 6 and lets people control dozens of units.

It's the equivelent of saying that a new version of chess that only gives 4 pieces to each player and halves the board size is the best game ever.

The lack of ability to perform research in the middle of play is standard in chess except in correspondence play. Just because it is turn based doesn't mean what you're saying is true. The game of chess is intended to be played as you would take a test in school: no outside help.

nakamura is american

That doesn't refute the basic point that if I gave you 1 minute to think about a problem your solution wouldn't be as good as if I gave you 10 minutes. It takes along time to asses a chess board, decide on your strategy taking into account what your opponents want to do and going through the countless possible moves, counter-moves, counter-counter-moves etc.
I literally don't understand how you are arguing this point.

Yeah and if we put 100 people versus a hundred that would obviously make the game better. That's what they should do for football, hat would improve the game drastically. Everyone knows adding unnecessary complexity improves games for everyone involved

Because every time you make a point about chess, its apparent you have no idea what you're talking about. Chess is about making the best possible move with the puzzle/position given to you. Strategy in chess is not 10 moves deep.

It also appears you're arguing in a Veeky Forums thread for a game that isnt even 15 years old yet (DOTA). The question was not "Is chess superior to modern gaming?"

You only know what the best possible move is if you consider the future state of the board you utter mong.
Strategy in chess can absolutely be 10 moves long it happens in pretty much every fucking game, you take a strategic position that will allow you take take advantage of your opponent in the future.
I'd honestly prefer if you were trolling at this point, the thought that this is the type of people i listen to talk about history is unsettling.

You have devolved this into a discussion that isn't even about history anymore, but gameplay. Let's talk history then.

>Is chess the greatest... game invented by humans...
>The question was not "Is chess superior to modern gaming?"
What did he mean by this?

Per the board rules: "For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago."

Indians invented chess

What's your ELO? I'm 1900.

damn nigger that's pretty high. how do i git gud?

Practice? I've been playing since I was young.

So what's your point? You think going from 5 to 6 players and from controlling 1 unit to more than 1 unit is too complex?

yeah but at a certain level you have to basically learn all the openings and shit no?

Well yeah but memorizing openings is part of the basics. You won't get far just winging every game on intuition unless you're just a freak genius.

He lives in America now. He was born in Osaka.

No, that would be Age of Empires II HD: Kings and Shieet edition

are you the same guy that posts the indian>europeans pic in every thread

No, that would be Project Mirai.

> Chess has not been completely solved by computers and they still aren't close.

It's pretty close.

Nowadays Chess strategy is discovered by having 2 neural networks play against each other over and over again. Humans are only brought in for analysis after the computers verify that a new way of playing is optimal.

The game may not be solved yet, or ever, but the future of Chess will not be pioneered by humans.

Chess is nowhere close to being solved in the literal sense of what solving a game actually means. This is totally different from the topic of whether you can make programs that will effectively win at chess against any human opponent. Short cut pragmatism works extremely well, but it isn't the same as proving you have the entire game deterministically figured out.

there are 120 million possible games after three moves each and hundred of billions after 4. How do you think it will ever get solved when the number of games is de facto infinite?

There's a finite number of board states. And computer power is constantly doubling. We will probably eventually get to the point where a computer will have a 100% win rate as white.

>the point where a computer will have a 100% win rate as white

That's not what solving is.

>A two-player game can be "solved" on several levels
>Strong: Provide an algorithm that can produce perfect moves from any position, even if mistakes have already been made on one or both sides

I'm not that guy, and I may be stupid, but wouldn't the player who go first always win if their play is perfect?

>a computer will have a 100% win rate as white

why are you already assuming perfect play results in a win for white? It could very easily be a draw, or even a loss for white if tempo ends up in favor of black in the endgame.

There is literally no reason to assume this.

>wouldn't the player who go first always win if their play is perfect?

Your logic mistake here is all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. Perfectly solved play could always win (it's also possible though that two perfectly solved players would always draw; we don't know whether white would end up winning or not post- true chess solving, but for the sake of discussion let's say white always wins with perfect play), but that doesn't mean a program or player who always wins has solved the game.

wtf I hate chess now

I love how people automatically assume perfect play couldn't possibly be a win for black.

I never said it could't be a win for black. I simply didn't mention that possibility. I didn't even want to go into the possibility of a draw with solved play because it wasn't relevant to the point I was arguing. You're the one making assumptions.

Not really, just look at the draw rates at the highest level. Even Carlsen said that he believes perfect play results in a draw

>a proper game of chess takes hours to play

between grandmasters. Trust me, you're not on their level.

Possibly, but the I think Go/Baduk has a lot of things going on. Korea/Jap/China has a strong go culture.

Only lived in Japan for first 2 years. Nakamura is American and born to an American parent, raised in America.

Fischer 960 should be mainstream by now. Chess should be a representation of war, but wars are never the same. Studying for chess principles, tactics, and strategy is totally fine, but memorizing opening lines is mundane and kills the game. But the chess "geniuses" who study opening variations 27 moves long would never let this happen.
