Why is human history filled with so much violence? How do we stop violence and create a better world for everybody on Earth?
Why is human history filled with so much violence...
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You start by making countries be friends, not enemies
We don't.
easy. just kill all the [insert race of your choice here]
Human history (from the time we started to write) is far less violent than human prehistory. It was typical for hunter-gatherers males to have a 25-50% chance of dying violently.
You make the cost of violence too high.
For example, Iraq should have been nuked during the first Gulf War.
Afghanistan should have been nuked after 9/11.
At some point, people would get the point that violence has too high of a cost.
wars are getting smaller and less violent
People are simply shit.
I like this guy's approach
Already been tried.
Human's are inherently violent
Don't fight nature
Violence is part of the human codition.
We just keep on changing the principles that justify it.
(King, Nation State, Ideology, Religion, Race, etc. etc.)
We can stop violence the only way we know how - with more violence
This will just make more countries try to get nukes.
>Let's be friends
>Invades neutral countries
Thus raising the cost of violence. MAD isn't as insane as it sounds.
>implying violence is bad
>inb4 Veeky Forums's signature "well if it isn't so bad why don't you try to survive a day in the wilderness and go wrestle a ravenous bear" strawman
Uniting Earth through force of arms.
As a side note- you ever watch one of those documentaries with the baboons or whatever where they'd engage in tribal skirmishes and fuck each other up? That's pretty much been us for the greater part of human history but on a larger-scale.
we start a global commie revolution
Just because it's often a lesser evil doesn't mean violence isn't bad.
Unironically its spreading democracy and encouraging free trade.
An education system that promotes self-reflection, historical perspective, critical literacy, and an empathetic understanding of human psychology.
Because without violence we wouldn't have cool ass shit like the Aegis Cruiser and lorica segmentata and artillery barrages.
>free trade
you mean free slavery
I've all that and what I've gleaned from it is that shit is shit and will always be shit so ultimately if I have to fight to survive I will in fact do so.
We are animals and animals naturally kill and eat each other, both in intra-species (within the same species) and inter-species (in competition with other species) competition. The main difference is that humans are quite smart and have good memories and can imagine/project themselves into other people's inner lives. It's from all of this, taken together, that the golden rule started to crop up, because people started to realize that there's diminishing returns on fucking with other people if there's a real risk that they could come back and kill/rape your family if they remember how you mistreated them and are left free to take revenge later. So to a point, people started to figure out not to fuck with each other too much, not out of goodness, but expediency of animal behavior. This is the crude beginning of morality, and insofar as the meme atheists sketch something like the above, then they are absolutely right.
Happily we hate being animals and we have a rightful contempt for being stuck in this way, so that the more imaginative among us have at least made life a bit easier in certain ways (technology, medicine) albeit again at costs to certain humans. We no longer have significant inter-species concerns (notice how the OP never asks why we fight with mosquitos, or hippos, despite the fact that they do kill us regularly), so all our problems are focused on intra-species concerns, which are basically access to resources amongst ourselves - water, food, medicine, sexual access, weapons, and more abstractly, money.
I am of the opinion that the human tendencies to alternately co-operate and compete with others, between and across species lines, are ultimately irreconcilable contradictions for which no good and satisfying answer is available. I reject "adult" normie pragmatism which would pretend to reconcile these obviously opposed impulses. The animal is itself contradictory as a result of its improved mental factulties.
Read an economic textbook. Protectionism doesnt do shit for economic growth.
>>Invades neutral countries
If you arent an ally to the führer that means you don't want to be friends
>this level of naivety
Op wanted peace not global gulag
>It is only due to a predominance of influences that are not only entirely morally indifferent, but indeed — from a human perspective — indescribably cruel, that nature has been capable of constructive action. Specifically, it is solely by way of the relentless, brutal culling of populations that any complex or adaptive traits have been sieved — with torturous inefficiency — from the chaos of natural existence. All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)
>Crucially, any attempt to escape this fatality — or, more realistically, any mere accidental and temporary reprieve from it — leads inexorably to the undoing of its work. Malthusian relaxation is the whole of mercy, and it is the greatest engine of destruction our universe is able to bring about. To the precise extent that we are spared, even for a moment, we degenerate — and this Iron Law applies to every dimension and scale of existence: phylogenetic and ontogenetic, individual, social, and institutional, genomic, cellular, organic, and cultural. There is no machinery extant, or even rigorously imaginable, that can sustain a single iota of attained value outside the forges of Hell.
Fucking right dude? I hate that college underclassmen/reddit perspective.
They haven't realized that people are monsters yet.
>invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, fuck up Syria, Yemen, Egypt
Neoliberal please leave.
Human rights and democracy promotion is modern day crusades
It does though.
And so does free trade.
Things aren't so simple.
Dafuq dude?
By that same logic Kiev, or for that matter some other bumfuck city in East Russia should be a smoldering crater righr about now.
>modern day crusades
Sauce? Is this one of those NRx meme tier blog posts?
Pseudos not welcome.
Not an argument. The reason why you're not arguing is not because you're smart and tired of trying to convince stupid people, but rather because you can't actually refute the above, or even point to the refutation, in a straightforward post.
You're so wrong and at the same time so full of yourself it isn't worth it.
I have no obligation to try to correct you.
Because if we ever do that the demiurge would fuck everything up for us anyway.
Democracy is only peacefull if the people that vote are peacefull and the ones that get voted too, if not a democracy is violent. Think of what happened to Socrates.
yeah, it's Nick Land.
And so you lose the argument by default.
Favor us with another smug cryptic statement pretending superior knowledge, you're just triggered enough by this point that we can wheedle one more of of these out of you, though you refuse to adopt one of several opposing views and present any sort of argument, thus abdicating any sort of position. On the contrary, I have no obligation to suppose that you have anything worth saying. And my lack of obligation is more important than yours because mine proceeds from evidence - the evidence of this exchange.
Can't lose if i don't play.
Ah, but you've been playing and you know it. You wrote posts, however slight, taking a position.
But it was never my intention to argue, just insult your intelligence.
Containing the kernels of argumentation, your posts demonstrate otherwise.
ok senpai
>implying that has any meaning in relation to the future
>implying big wars aren't intervaled by relative periods of peace where "wars are getting smaller and less violent"
All of Russia should burn
advanced industrial societies have reduced normalised violence, only to re-organise violence on a much larger scale.
The nature of war never changes, the scale and the way it is waged does.
Should America have been nuked after nuking Japan? What about their horrible interventions during the Cold War?
imagine minecraft or gta5 multiplayer was real life
You can't be friends with bullies. Bullies need to be necked first.
I think the real miracle is, why is there so little violence in human societies? You don't find packs of wolves, or troupes of baboons, or even the other great apes, forming peaceful ties with other groups, much less finding non-violent means to settle disputes between one another. Humans only look violent if you think of us as fallen angels, but when you realize we're actually risen apes, the picture looks very different.
Because war is what se are good at as a specie. We have over 40 thousand years of experiences afterall. We will never be able to get rid of violence, we can only get rid of violence between people.
and yet there are suicide bombings in Iraq on the scale of the Paris attacks every single week
>Why is human history filled with so much violence? How do we stop violence and create a better world for everybody on Earth?
Devil worship has a lot to do with it...
>Pythagoras viewed vegetarianism as a key factor in peaceful human co-existence, putting forward the view that slaughtering animals brutalised the human soul.
Really fires up the neurons
its not violent, you just read more about violence since that a sudden impact
a battle with losses of 25% is considered brutal, 5-10% is avarage, we are one of the most peaceful species on earth, if we were chimps, we wouldnt have been able to populate earth, since they eradicate competitition and have no other means to solve conflict, while we can negotiate with eachother
I would say we have too little violence at the moment
Its about time we start another european war
>we are one of the most peaceful species on earth
not true honestly
a lot of herbivores i'd say are much more "peaceful" and engage in far less in species fighting, heck even bonobos are considered quite peaceful. humans and chimps just fairly violent by nature.
Make everyone equal through socialism so there's no reason for conflict
>Devil worship has a lot to do with it...
Except it doesn't
The answer is toxic masculinity.
Don't worry Africans would not be exterminated. Their numbers would be lowered and they would go back to pre colonial times. We would put them in fenced natural reserves protected from technology.
Power hungry elite..the end
Imagine the technology africans would be able to invent if they were left alone?
This is a reddit tier answer. So full of hand-wavings and non-sequiturs.
ok, selling nukes to north korea is a bad idea, but 99% of the time it is that simple
Violence is like crack to humans, empathy stops us from attacking random people for fun.
We are in a period of respite from the game due to the disruption caused by new technology, but gradually it will return, it will only postpone the inevitable. Malthus was right all along, he just couldn't predict how far technology would go.
Already we are seeing the effects of overpopulation, people will compete with each other once again. The dream is that everyone can enjoy modern standards of living, but it can't be everyone.
If you don't want to be reduced to an animal at the mercy of nature you need to control others to stop them tearing you apart and control yourself so you do not squander what you have gained and let them overtake you. You exert your will so the universe does not exert its will on you.
"I'd rather betray others, than have others betray me."
-Cao Cao
and they would betray you, you altruistically share your power with them to achieve some ideal that you believe they share with you only for them to see it as an opportunity to usurp you and punish you, they will come up with some excuse, some bullshit about how you are the bad guy and they fooled you into letting your guard down and now they've defeated you, they'll make you scream to give themselves a sense of catharsis, confusing you with daddy who used to beat them, or maybe just laugh at you for being so naive as they torture you, if you are lucky they will be more rational and not interested in such things and will just quietly and conveniently despatch you