____________ is the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln.
Fill in the blank
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Andrew Johnson. Since Lincoln was a bad president who caused the Civil War.
Harry Truman.
Charles II
Nobody else triggers so many idiots.
JFK :)
Donald Trump
G w b
William G. Harding
hurr durr lets secede from the articles of confederation
-90 years later-
hurr durr lets secede from the constitution
*the north burns the south*
secession is not forbidden in the constitution, so it should have been left up to the states.
particularly because some of them had it in their state constitutions to begin with
Lincoln was a mistake
What self-respecting state would allow part of its country to unilaterally secede?
Not because of policies or effectiveness or legacy or any of that pussy shit, though.
Because he had a huge swinging set of balls and did whatever the FUCK he wanted. All he wanted, though, was to have badass cowboy adventures and inspire the rest of America to do so. This is a guy who gave an hour+ log speech with a bullet in his chest because he knew the would-be assassin didn't do his job right. This is a guy who single-handedly built the most impressive engineering feat of his time with a carpenter's hammer and a can-do attitude. This is a guy who bitch slapped Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln with one mighty swipe for "stinking up my mountain with your powdered wigs and dumb beard", then let them stay because that's the kind of gentleman he was.
Pic unrelated.
a state who's whole premise and founding document were based on popular sovereignty and the consent of the govern
Most of them. As the shitposting neighbour to the north, it really seems odd that anyone could consider this man a good president. All the baiting aside, how do people justify his clear and indiscriminate circumventing and disregard for the constitution?
To answer the question, Roosevelt.
Calvin Coolidge
>how do people justify his clear and indiscriminate circumventing and disregard for the constitution?
winners write history so it all just gets handwaved
The Articles of Confederation state the Union is perpetual and the Constitution defines itself as an even more perfect union than the Articles of Confederation, the Supreme Court upheld this interpretation of the Constitution during the Nullification Crisis and again in Texas v. White.
>how do people justify his clear and indiscriminate circumventing and disregard for the constitution?
I really don't think most people care about their constitution, democracy or laws as long as their guy is in charge. Lincoln certainly isn't the only president you could accuse of violating the constitution either.
I'm a noob so could you explain how he violated the constitution?
so the articles of confederation got retconned to be imperfect and no longer in force after the fact?
what gave the founders the right to do this?
why did the CSA not have the same right to do this to the constitution?
Why do you hate your country so much.
Donald J Trump the ONLY president to be in the WWE hall of fame
>consent of the governed
>slavery is legal
Fair enough lads, it just seems really odd that he broke a lot of rules in the constitution.
I'm a half Native Canadian and I love Canada. This is, of all the places I've lived, the best of the best.
>tfw look like my Slavic dad with blonde hair blue eyes
If TR got elected in 1912, America would have been so much better off
>environmentally conscious
>actively strong military
>Quick end to WWI due to early US intervention
>No two-party stranglehold on the electorate
>national healthcare system
>a more sustainable form of social security
>proposed measures that would have given citizens more voice in the government
>Lobbyists would have basically been banned
>Political contributions would have been severely restricted
>8 hour work week, among others various regulations which would have kept both businesses and labor strike-happy unions in check
it's a shame
Lincoln was a shitty president
>let country get divided
>let a crisis that should've lasted 1 month last 5 years
they were property though
>so the articles of confederation got retconned to be imperfect and no longer in force after the fact?
The articles of confederation were immediately ratified in 1787, the founding fathers recognized the laws as imperfect and highly variable due to the ever changing relationships between the states and foreign powers, Washington knew this and knew the laws had to change with the changing dynamics. Virginia was the first state to broach the secession idea in the 1790s over tariffs so the articles of confederation were clearly flawed.
>what gave the founders the right to do this?
See above
>why did the CSA not have the same right to do this to the constitution?
Quite honestly if they had won the civil war they could have justified their secession by saying secession was never defined in the Constitution.
>Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”
Do tell. How would you have solved that crisis in a month?
>If I were Lincoln: The1 Simple Move that would've Freed the Slaves, Avoided War, Cured Cancer, and Permanently Ended Human Suffering.
>by: Veeky Forums
Sounds like a best seller to me.
donald trump
This, but wholly unironically
Unironically this.
Carpet baggers get out reeeeeeee
FDR is considered as one of the three greats alongside Washington and Lincoln yet he's not nearly as iconic in the public eye as those other two. What gives?
my boi Teddy
If you think the New Deal was an evil socialist program you're not going to put FDR on the same pedestal as Lincoln and Washington.
Time. FDR hasn't had as long to grow his legend, and he lived in an era with much greater access to information,meaning his life is more completely documented and therefore less "romantic" than the often mysterious lives of the early POTUS (POTI? POTUSes?)
Noone else got played as hard by stalin
But Lincoln was at least as hated as FDR, the reason we idolize him today is that the people who loved him won and they wrote the history books. Same thing will happen to FDR, the left has achieved a near total stranglehold on academia and you can be sure they won't be teaching the "FDR was a Nazi-Gommie" view.
>butthurt neocons will eventually be extirpated from our society
I can only pray.
Donald Trump is unironically the new Lincoln Tbh
Josip broz tito desu
>Donald Trump is unironically the new Lincoln
Are you retarded? Trump is a fucking incompetent clown.
Teddy Roosevelt or Richard Nixon.
Not that retarded faggot but Trump is like Lincoln in one way, in that no-one since Lincoln has so divided the country.
>Trump is a fucking incompetent clown.
You do realize that, albeit true, that line is just as subversive as 'Trump is a megalomaniacal racist', right?
At least use different words next time you post bruh, and maybe it wouldn't bother me so much.
it's just a continuation of the same political polarization that there was at the beginning of Obama's term except the establishment has switched
Lincoln, Teddy, hell every last one of the founding fathers wouldn't give Trump the time of day, and you know it.
You don't know that
Neither do I
Woodrow Wilson
The same was true for Lincoln, he didn't create the tensions between the states, he merely served as the lightning rod for the crisis those tensions lead to.
They'd think he was a faggot for not loving America enough.
Teddy was literally an unironic Imperialist
I in fact do. You really think Madison or Jefferson would think he had anything useful say?
He's medically incapable of loving anything but himself.
Unironically Richard Nixon.
Yes, Watergate was retarded, but Nixon's foreign policy was brilliant, he was able to transfer the dollar off gold with minimal fuckups, the War on Drugs has had a substantial impact on violent crime, he created the EPA, and Warren Burger was one of our greatest Chief Justices.
FDR was garbage. And a cripple.
Fuck that nigger.
Lincoln was not a good president. He unsuccessfully sent niggers back to Africa.
>War on Drugs
You mean prohibition 2.0? aka the most disastrous government policy? The only thing it was good for was making us the nation with the highest prison population and dictating police budgets.
Protecting the environment is a Jewish plot to extend our lifespans so they can sell more medicine to old people.
Stop making the false equivalence between outlawing beer and outlawing heroin.
The fact that other nations under-incarcerate is not my problem.
inb4 "it's my right to sell heroin to children"
No, that's a false narrative.
The EPA is a Jewish conspiracy because it limits production of goods, services, and hinders property use.
You do realize such crime rates exist because there's a black market to peddle these substances in the first place, right?
And I would absolutely put alcohol alongside heroin in terms of the danger it presents. You have ZERO ground to justify the legal sale of booze comapred to other drugs, especially fairly harmless substances like marijuana or LSD.
I don't like Trump but that's legitimately impressive
Trump will probably go down in history as one of the most popular people to be elected; whether he stays popular after the election and presidency is another issue
I loved him on the Apprentice and other hijinks, but his presidency is just nonstop cringe
No one cares what you think, faggot.
This man gets it