How did Germanic tribes go from nobodies to kangz in only a few short centuries?
How did Germanic tribes go from nobodies to kangz in only a few short centuries?
Rome was Christianized degenerate pussies at the time, so it was a walk in the park for the more war spirited Germanics.
What about all the Gauls and Scythians and Huns and Thracians and Dacians?
>large section of your army is Germanic mercenaries
>get tired of the half Vandal controlling your emperor
>kill him and all the Germanic mercenaries women and children while you are at it
>every single Germanic mercenary change their allegiance to the Gothich tribe camping just north of you
something like that
>only a few short centuries
The civilization process took a millennium.
The romans formed into larger and larger tribal federations. Though both mercenary service and osmosis they learned the tactics of roman warfare.
As the roman empire economically decayed and came to rely on them they entered into roman politics. We the Romans couldn't pay or mistreated them they retaliated, gaining more and more power until they simply did away with the roman political system, first in part and then in total.
the germans formed*
Every bond event the nordcucks chimp out.
Also adopting Roman technology helped a little.
basically they ignored everything except soldiering/war and kept on the move. They didn't bother with much more then subsistence farming and built timber houses and halls they could easily collapse when time came to move on. The biggest tribal confederation the suebi, didn't bother building more then small huts at one point for a long time because they were basically on one massive campaign to cover as much ground as quickly as possible. To get close to rome and gaul taking as much territory as they could along the way. They beleived that war was the only noble profession / pursuit in their society and they were right, it ended up paying off massively. Ironic because the romans considered them primitive and backwards because of that, but thats the reason why they ended up taking over the reigns of civilisation. They were smart but they hid it from civilised people on purpose. Basically once they started learning about rome their entire culture became a blitzkreig tactic. Even prior to that they would get in bands of lightly armed and armoured warriors and go raid other clans / tribes, pretty much just for the sake of adventure, glory and loot.
6ft platinum blond grey eyed germanian terminators picked up fully armoured manlet roman soldiers and chucked them around while literally naked. Manlet roman soldiers couldnt compete so germans were hired for the job instead, and the rest is history
Go home Varg
gauls too sedentary / docile. The rest not enough brain matter
>peak snowniggotry achieved
Economic and civilizational decline combined with germanic demographic explosion leading to the crushing defeat at the hands of the Goths at Adrianople. The roman military never recovered from this and was forced to abandon the Legion system for a combination of small units led by a frontier Dux assisted by auxiliari troops that could be gathered from the region as a rapid response force. The insufficient precursor of the feudal system. And then of course large numbers of mercenaries further draining the treasury. Few years later a big gang of vandals, suebi and alans crossed the Rhine and devastated the Gaul for years further damaging the economy and setting another example of roman vulnerability; the romans are weak, go get them, everyone!.
But the better question is didn't the Eastern part of the Empire fall. Was it just the high walls of Constantinople and the geographic location of most, and best, part of the Empire -Asia, Egypt- being geographically unreacheable? What if Constantinople hadn't had those high walls to fend off the Visigoths?
Gibbon please leave.
Germanic became the most important component of the western Roman empire army as the other parts of the Roman state began to fall apart. Those Germanic kingdoms have more in common with the late Western Roman Empire than they would with the more eastern Germanic tribes. They were a part of the Roman system that survived the fall of the state. Now this is not universally applicable. The vandals in particular are unique in their outsideness of the Roman system, but the kingdom they founded was very Roman.
they turtled for 500 years
>tfw no army of Aryan superhumans to btfo fire-worshippers and horsefags and recreate Alexander's Empire.
Why is the world so cruel?
The East was much richer and had many more towns from which the state could survive. Most of of the West was marginal poor land more important for.defense Turkey Syria and Egypt were incredibly productive.
Also, remember that the army of the Visogoths by the time of the sack of Rome could be thoight of as hybrid Roman and Germanic army.
It was wealthier, it was more urbanized, more populated and so on. And in spite of all that the entire european part of the ERE was utterly invaded and ransacked x10 harder than any WRE province was.
So the question remains. Was it geography what saved the ERE? What if Constantinople had fallen to the Visigoths? Assuming geographical allowance, could the roman military in the Asian and Egyptian provinces prevent and/or defeat waves of mid/large scale barbarian raids and invasions like the ones the WRE was openly exposed to?
Well to a degree yes it was geography, but it was also the fact that when the east was ravaged it still had a large base of resources to fall back to. The asian provinces never stopped providing funds for the government. So even with the ravages the eastern empire had resources to protect itself.
Geography played a part even without it's great walls the Goths couldn't take constinople because the romans always controled the seas.
But I don't think geography was the only factor. I think that the Roman state in the West was less able to protect itself because it was poorer and couldn't pay it's soldiers enough to keep them from revolting. It lead to a viscous cycle of revolting soldiers and ravaged provinces and lowering defenses that overtook the empire.
Roman Empire was a decaying shithole by that time.
Well i would say that in 400 the Roman state could.have survived in some fashion in the West.
Roman empire lasted another thousand years. Only a section of it was decaying.
Odoacer could have been crowned western emperor if not for the Arian controversy. Look up the Isaurian dynasty, the east had barbarian emperors before, there's no reason Rome couldn't have done the same.
>invading Britain
What was their Angle?
Oh no my 476 the state had fallen apart regardless of title. Their was longer a Roman government to control. I am saying that Rome was not destined to fall after Theodosius even if he did alot to help.
genetic superiority.
>people actually believe this madeup bullshit
Thanks for the laughs.