>Parents are considering kicking me out because they refuse to believe or understand the value of cryptocurrencies
This might not turn out very well fellas
>Parents are considering kicking me out because they refuse to believe or understand the value of cryptocurrencies
This might not turn out very well fellas
I hope you're all in on NEO, OP.
and OMG
Gedda jaab
you can still do crypto, just don't touch that money
then move out and be rich and laugh at them when you retire in 10 years while they wagecuck to death
if you're so crypto rich just get your own apartment
>because they refuse to believe or understand the value of cryptocurrencies
Sure it's not just because you're a lazy NEET?
That's a part of it i suppose
I think the problem is that OP only has shitcoins like NEO,RED,DGB,BNT,XBY,BITB,SIGT etc
>they refuse to believe or understand the value of cryptocurrencies
Then just start paying them 600$ a month for food and rent, problem solved
>part of it
sounds to me more like 100%
This.OP needs to be greatful to his parents for not kicking him out.
OP,I hope you financially support your parents when they get old since judging from your post,they are really great parents who care about you
>just pay ur parents money bro, it's not like they birthed you or anything
fucking boomers man i swear to god. When did the average age of this board jump up 40-50 years?
So you think your parents have an obligation to give you all the free shit you want until they die?
There's that lazy neet again.
Your argument only works if you're
Your parents raised you up you ungrateful piece of shit
How many hundreds of thousands do you think they could save without spending >20 years worth of food,education cost,insurance,holidays etc
Also,I'm not a boomer,I'm gen X
Boomers are way older than 50
>So you think your parents have an obligation to give you all the free shit you want until they die?
Yes, precisely you dumb boomer. For the way they've treated me for 21 years I deserve to get at least a quarter of their after-tax income.
OH WOW I should be so THANKFUL that my parents decided to have a child and then did the oh-so merciful thing of spending the bare minimum that they have to in order to not get in trouble with CPS. What a great honour
>So you think your parents have an obligation to give you all the free shit you want until they die?
I don't need to say anything else
Yes. As long as I'm not a piece of shit, they should continue to support me. I didn't ask to be born lmao. Also, if you were not lower class scum, you might see the value in living with your parents instead of rebelling to impress your friends and keep Mr. Goldstein's wallet thick with 2 mortgage payments, 2 property tax bills, 2 of each utility bill, 2 internet connections, 2 home insurance policies, 2 car insurance policies, etc..
The list goes on...
I live with my parents and not only do I save 95%+ of my after tax income, but they give me money every few weeks without me asking because they know I'll use it wisely.
>I deserve a quarter of my parents money even though I'm a lazy NEET
>My parents are good enough to me that they let me stay in their house for free for over 20 years,yet they are shit
If I knew where you were I'll whoop your ass to high heaven
If you were a teen,I would understand since hormones make everything harder,but you are literally a manchild
Yes, they do in fact have an obligation to prepare me for life until I'm ready to start my own family and move out you boomer apoligist.
You wouldn't be able to "whoop" anything, I'd literally beat you until you were unconscious then I would continue kicking you in the head until you entered a coma and then eventually died.
>not realizing that I'll get everything after they die anyways so it's all the same
Stay poor, I'll continue to grow my businesses and investment income with my parents money, while you pay rent like a common slave. At least you're not a manchild though, heh.
Hi I'm 24.
If you're living in their house for free, getting free meals and all, you play by their rules.
Kinda sounds like you need them in order to not be homeless. That's not their fault, it's yours. You're an adult
kinda sad
also pretty sad
At some point, it's not their responsibility. Go out there and learn to live you dumb cunt. Blaming other people for your NEETness isn't going to get you anywhere. Go change your situation, you're the only one that can do it.
Nah. You're either 5'6 manlet 110 lbs or 400lbs.
it's not fair why do you get to enjoy such a luxorious life
typical normie. i refuse to move out or work. im not going to do it, if they kick me out ill think of some way to never have to work through crime
Sure, do that. Do something. Sitting around and doing nothing is eventually going to make you one of those people asks me for money while walking to lunch.
Lol,I'm betting your parents will donate their inheritance to charity
You say you are not a manchild,but you have the mentality of a spoilt 8 year old who thinks his parents owe him everything
Probably because I didn't fall for memes like being a strong independent yuppie and worked for the family business (medical device manufacturer) since 16.
lol you're a fag. Get a job loser
Unlikely. My dad doesn't believe in charity since he had to work his way out of a communist country.
my parents are retarded wagecucks though they don't know shit about starting a business
That doesn't change the fact you can live with them and start your own. Much easier to get a business off the ground when parents can pay for food and shelter.
Most "self made" guys even the greats like Bill Gates, had middle/upper middle class parents and went to great schools. But their success was primarily through self education.
The truth is as long as your parents aren't pieces of shit and supportive I don't see how they wouldn't let you live at home and get a running start in life. Feel sorry for guys like you who have lifelong wagecucks as parents, maybe chip in a few hundred a month once they start complaining? Wagecucks can't resist extra money to spend each month.
As said in previous posts,this manchild that you are replying to expects his parents to give him 1/4 of their income
I can't because they want to kick me out now, now i have to give my money away to mr shekelbaumberg.
I'll never fucking make it like this, i can understand why black people commit crimes now. life really is impossible when you don't have a family to support you
they wanted like $400/month or some shit but i just refused to work for over a year ever since they started asking for it. i refuse to pay them even a dime.
$400 a month is nothing for rent.
>I refuse to work.
Pls don't commit crime OP. I don't want to pay for your meals in prison.
you're going to have to, normie.
prison life can't be much different than normie life, in canada they might even give us internet access by the time i get charged and then sentenced
Veeky Forums here, just want to figure out how I can look as sharp as the edge in this post
I'm unemployed. Living off penny stock gains, and going to school. Not quite the normie you want me to be.
Oh, you're from maplelland. Thank god.
Weight over 200 lbs,Be human trash and have little emperor syndrome
then how the fuck would you ever pay for my meals?
We both know you're only losing money with those memestocks
lol. Made 150% YTD with about 40 hours of "work". I haven't touched it in a few moths. Been living like you, except on my own.
oh wow very nice made a $35 dollar return by gambling
So your dad had to work his way out of a communist country and you're just an entitled NEET. Does it feel good to be sedentary trash?
t. guy who pissed off his parents so much he's written out of the will
Investing in your parents, is investing in your future inheritance friend, don't fuck it up.
not the same poster you stupid idiotic ape
Ever heard of IDs or has posting about what "fits" to "cop" atrophied your brain entirely?
how can i get written back in the will?
You've got plenty of time. If you live in a house then paying rent to your parents helps fund maintenance and paying off the mortgage. If you're a leech and keep wasting your parents time and money, you're actually fucking over not just your parents, but yourself too.
I tried bringing up the inheritance subltly and my mom literally asked why i should get it when i dont do anything
her exact words pretty much, i don't think it's a good sign....
That's exactly it man, you're not thinking long term. All it takes is a few words in the will and everything your parents own will go to a cousin you've never heard of, all because you were such a whiny faggot.
im starting to wonder if it's too late though
What if I pay them rent and treat them perfectly... and they STILL don't give me shit? then ill have done it all for nothing, the ultimate slap in the face.
Asking his mother about inheritance, how about you respect her for bringing you to life you little piece of shit
how about you mind your own business faggot normie
>What if I pay them rent and treat them perfectly... and they STILL don't give me shit? then ill have done it all for nothing, the ultimate slap in the face.
What's the alternative? Paying rent to a landlord with a 0% chance of inheriting the property, or paying rent to your parents with a nonzero chance of inheriting the property? However, if you think there is no chance of inheritance, then why not just move out?
>they wanted like $400/month or some shit but i just refused to work for over a year ever since they started asking for it. i refuse to pay them even a dime.
Such an odd thing, why refuse to work? Why screw yourself over just so you can spite your parents?
> Be boomer
> Buy houses with a year's worth of savings
> Jack up housing prices
> Makes it impossible to buy a house unless you take a loan from the jews
> Keeps you paying the jews for at least a decade just to have a roof above your head
Man. I wonder why this generation is so adverse to moving out.
because i dont want to be just another slave like everyone else
How about I don't little shit
>I pay them rent and treat them perfectly
You're talking like they're gonna die in a year or two. Treating them perfectly means stop being a fucking NEET and grow up.
>then ill have done it all for nothing
if having a good relationship with your parents is worth "nothing" to you, then yeah, why would they give you anything?
see >i just refused to work for over a year
>because i dont want to be just another slave like everyone else
Seems like a rationalization to excuse your lack of self-sufficiency. Are you gonna play this game for the rest of your life? Always trying to guilt others into supporting you?
Tell them to join steemit and upvote them
Remember, every hour you refuse to work is a lost hour of earnings you could've invested in crypto. You could go from NEET to riches if you just lived frugal and invested all your wageslave income into crypto. But because you wanted to be a angry whiny baby, you denied yourself this opportunity.
Think back to when you refused to start working and consider what would have happened if you invested your extra earnings into ETH if you started working back then. How much would you have now?
0 because I'm retarded and didn't invest all my wage into ETH when it was $20