What's the greatest painting from 2000 bc? This one is the negros personal favorite
What's the greatest painting from 2000 bc? This one is the negros personal favorite
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OP is a fag
This is now a bronze age artwork thread.
t.nigger faggot
Why are you obsessed with black people?
Ugh sweetie, blacks are obsessed with whites now run along
no u
did yall know hannibal was black?
he's the guy that destroyed rome
That's cute but there very little race mixing with Africans and Carthaginian men.
His bust is white. He's white.
The Egyptians had a surprisingly good grasp of faces.
You don't really expect to see that kind of sculpture out of the bronze age.
I wonder how much the Greeks were influenced by the Egyptians.
Could it be that they may have had some Berber admixture since they were in North Africa?
And yea, people thinking he was a sub saharan is fucking retarded
Those comments are amazing
Looks Slavic
So many butthurt whiteys in the comments lol. Look at his coin, he was clearly black
>his bust is white so he's white
Hannibal wasn't black african (he wasnt aryan either) but this is such a hilariously stupid way to "prove" he's white
>Hannibal wasn't black african
He wasn't you flaming retard. He, like 90%of Carthage (homeland Lebanon-Israel), looked like a Jew or an Arab.
ethiopian jews are older than white jews. think about what u just said. chances are he was black
Looks Slavic
yeah every non-white just want to leech of the inventions and civilization we made that we definitely contributed to
Is this the current state of american education?
It's worse look up Everton
What countries have good schools in the western world anyway?
Finland is pretty good because there's no sunlight, or social interaction, or joy to distract the children.
I hate that people actually take this meme seriously, because it used to be pretty funny
Why are some people so insecure they literally rewrite history?
i have no idea
Berbers aren't black though, not the ones that live near Carthage.
Cus white people and their fucked up fetishes
That is not Hannibal
No we aren't shut up
It's people like you who intentionally seek to misdirect and miseducate these people who are truly vile.
It's literally white kids on /pol/ making a bunch of fact shit and spreading it all around undereducated black internet spaces for laughs.
My fucking next door neighbor literally does this for fun and is an annoying shit posting alt right tranny who does this with her boyfriend and a bunch of other people.
t.literal chink