Is it time to kill myself? Mother fucking G*rmans
DNA results thread? Yes
>When you are so insecure and filled with /pol/ memes that you give your genetic information to a private company
Americans really are a mongrel race
>private companies are eeeeeevvvviiiillllll
>implying /pol/ hates germans
They will own your dna. Information is a powerful thing to control, they will use it against you eventually. Governments are just pawns of companies but at least you can elect your governments.
what is the ((unassigned))
>DNA test comes back
>15% Ashkenazi
we're all gonna make it bros
/pol/ is so contrarian that they started hating germans
>implying we need to be contrarian to hate Germans
they literally ruined Europe like half a dozen times
i know goyim that have more jewish blood than you
Ashkenazis are literally nothing more than white Europeans who converted to Judaism. You have no Hebrew blood in you.
They are White European converts mixed with Levantine Jews thousands of years ago.
I guess the 'everyone is a jew' is just a meme after all
No idea how this happened maternal grandma was from Portugal, maternal grandpa and grandpa were both from Sicily, and maternal grandpa was an American Franco-Scottish-Irish mutt. No idea how I got these numbers.
Literally all boards hate germans. There was some thread on Veeky Forums where a ketchup thread turned into german hate thread.
hey at least you're not Br-
>British and Irish 7.9%
ready the noose boy
Hello hybrid mutt
>50% Asian
And you think being a kraut is bad
Does this surprise literally anything? The only difference between Brazilians and Americans is that Brazil is hotter and has more African admixture.
The eternal anglo is real
These websites don't guarantee 100% accuracy. They should specify error bars for those numbers.
You dumb motherfucker. If you wanted to give money away you could have found better recipients.
You people a wrong. OP is an anomaly from an American standpoint.
>With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.
It's funny how those tests done by youtubers are: "Americans play the game where they see how their colour coded races break down into subcategories"
>I'm black but I've got 30 per cent norf yuropean white or whatever and some other shit in there, also, what is sud samaran african
>I'm like the whitest person ever, like- WHAT! 3 percent middle east and 4 percent sum saharam african? Whaaaaat? Also, what is Serbia? I thought I was 10 percent Native American!
What are these tests called and what's the best place to get them?
I don't care about diseases and to a lesser extend relatives.
I'm 100% 3/4 British and 1/4 Dutch as far back as my family history goes so these genetic results were odd and surprising. It's a high amount of med but the West Asian (Assuming arab?) is odd.
It's given me a new view that anyway who claims they're 100% nordic or whatever is a fucking moron though.
well done dickhead you killed the thread
Then why is this the DNA result of an Samaritan? Why are they so similar in DNA that Samaritans show up as Ashkenazi even though there is a 0% they are because they are considered Palestinians and never actually left the hills of Samaria? How do you write off the fact that Samaritans are closer related to Ashkenazim then Palestinian Arabs? How?
>They are White European converts mixed with Levantine Jews thousands of years ago.
Please stop insulting indigenous Europeans and pretending Jews are from Europe. They are an Asiatic horde and they've been referred to it ever since they invaded Europe. Ashkenazim are dark as fuck when they aren't half-breeds. They have more Middle Eastern blood than European blood, and are closer related to other Jews than Europeans. They are a race if anything.
Holy fuck, were you born in a secluded village in the English/Irish countryside or something? How is that purity possible?