Stox ico almost over only 24k eth left. Bancbros we gonna make it
>Tfw 1k stox and 3k bancs
I want to up that number to 5k bancs and let my crypto gains ride out for the entire next year.
fuck off with your disgusting pajeet coin and your spam.
noice stack
Whoa, that girl is pretty hot dudes
Nice got 6k bancs and 3k stx
Target is 10k bancs in either bancor based tokens or raw bnt.
What colour lambo should I get lads?
I only have half the amount :(
You might have to settle for a porsche in that case m8. Just keep trying to accumulate whilst it's moving sideways, I don't expect a major pop for months.
It's habbening bancbros
>jewish coin
>jewish token
haha nice portfolio retard. bancor hit another all time low today again? keep throwing good money after bad.
whats bancbros?
people who like to lose money by holding something that goes down all the time
very likely the same people who believe
>muh jews aren't bad people they're just repressed
and then see a kike deployed coin as a positive, as they watch their money vanish. sad really.
>He thinks he can make me sell
Sorry friendo, simply because you sold Eth at $13 doesn't mean you still can't get on board the banc train
>comparing kike coin to eth
fuck off nigger lover.
that low level kikey smug shaming stopped working when King Dr President Trump got elected
>went up on light volume a couple times
>immediately dumped on higher volume
This coin is dead. Enjoy your trip to 50k and below jew loving bagholder.
NO reply? Is it because you're the bagholder with that 15 BTC sell wall waiting to dump to 66k if this shill thread doesn't kick up some buyers?
>increasingly nervous nobanc
The only reason you won't invest is because da joos. Luckily some people on this board are not ideologised morons and will buy coins that are literally unstoppable. You are free to stay poor though pajeet
>be consistently untrustworthy kikes
>people dont trust you
funny how that works.
oy veyy dey dindu nuffin mayne
Them being from Israel has nothing to do with whether the coin will make us rich or not.
Considering that the team can only make money if BNT goes up, if you believe jews always win you should buy BNT anyway you fucking moron
>he's down 50% on BNT
>still says not all jews are bad
If you losing money directly to their outright scam does nothing to your perception then you deserve whatever fate your addiction to the idea of equality brings.
they have to try and pass laws that prevent people from choosing not to do business with them, the audacity of these kikes.
>Them being from Israel has nothing to do with whether the coin will make us rich or not
But it does, I and many others do not trust jews. ESPECIALLY with shekels.
It is a long term coin. The more it goes down the more I can accumulate. With this attitude of "today the price is low so I don't buy" you will always stay poor. Not my problem though NEET-kun
You don't have to trust them, you have to trust the technology and the marketability.
>The more it goes down the more I can accumulate.
oh boy
>he buys high and sells low
And you wonder you fail at trading cryptos?
wow a non retarded comment on biz
>he buys
>just trust the jew marketers
yeah no
Why there are never pink wojacks in the bancor threads?
Strong delusions
>Nobancs coping
pink wojack posters sell low. bancs hold for next year.
>he doesn't buy
nobancs confirmed for poorfag communists
>marketability = marketing
nobancs confirmed for illiterate
I'm not poor as I didnt buy bancor
Nobancs are the kinda people who invest money they need next week.
keep telling yourself that pajeet
>kikes cant even give a reason to buy just hurrrr buy buy buy
you want the benefit of the doubt while also being jewish and having poor shill techniques? get fucked
I think you're forgetting about that sweet ETH they took from you
No point. None of you listen if we do. I post this thread so when the time comes, all nobancs here remember being told everyday.
a little goes a long way
posting shekikes does nothing to help your cause
how much did you lose in the ICO?
do your own research. like draper, taas and blockchain capital.
the reason to buy is that it's literally unstoppable. What more do you want?
I could have sold and got back the exact same amount of ETH I put in, if not more. I won't do it because it is much safer to hold and sell on a 100x
>What more do you want?
an actual reason
>hurrr we da best cant stop us
literally worldstarhiphop level discourse.
>an actual reason
that is an actual reason though
>literally worldstarhiphop level discourse.
there is plenty of material you can read by yourself to learn about the technology and the vision user.
Is your enlightened mind capable of literacy?
>selling low
>that is an actual reason though
>there is plenty of material
prove it
my research on jews has taught me that they cant be trusted, especially in business ventures.
Not wrong
>prove it
is mr.enlightened mind incapable of going to and then click on the many sections of the menu?
these kikes only hope is that the "anti boycott" law goes through and you arent allowed to not give money to the chosen ones
look how fast the jidf responds
still not buying your scamcoin
go back to your containment board
dear pajeets, as I have already said you are free not to buy, but when your only argument is "da joos" you only humiliate yourself, thats all I'm saying
The thought crossed my mind this morning at breakfast. Could Bancor be stopped? I paniced and went in a cold sweat. I used every ounce of my will to get to the computer and check for OP's thread. Thanks for the daily reminder OP. You provide a a great service.
Hi I like Bancor
Welcome home
did you faggots buy into the stox ico?
I got 2k stox and 8k bancs.
Now please tell me what lambo color to pick
pink. just like your face, wojak
Didn't get a chance to buy Stox, but I am holding 2,000 Banca. Stox is great, but there are 200 ICO's using varying amounts of Bancor due to come out. I feel like the real money is still in Bancor. If just one of those ICOs go huge, bancor, with its tiny market cap will fucking explode, regardless of incremental float expansion. Excited to see the Stox app though, it will give us a taste of what the other apps will be like.
Exactly, I have many Jewish run stocks that are performing well. Stay on their side and as long as the developers can create more value for Bancor with ICO's and apps, the will be holding Bancor as well. Once the devs have created much more value, it would be a time to consider selling off. Selling off now is small potatoes for them.
>didnt get a chance
its still going user, if you dont want to be a nostox