Leave Leningrad to me

Leave Leningrad to me.

>Leave Murmansk railway to me

Leave Stalingrad to me

Leave Moscow to me.

Leave North Africa to me.

The Finnish army did not actually participate in the siege of Leningrad and stopped at its outer suburbs.

Leave Russian to me.

Nah they left a pretty big no man's land that was actually used as a staging ground by the Soviets.

Why did these dudes fuck up so royally?

They had to follow orders from a sperg.

because germany went to war with the whole world alone


You'd think they'd learn their lesson the first 17 times.

this is obviously the jewish people's fault

>17 times
Say what? I can think of a handful tops.

If Germany had simmered down from the Munich Agreement to 1944, everything would have gone perfectly for the Wehraboo imagination.
Honestly its not a bad vision.

Nazi Germany can't "settle down." A conquest economy only works if you're conquering more land on a regular basis.

Leave the Austrians to me


To be honest only one batallion of finns were in that operation and most of the stories from Petsamo consist of german crying about how much forest there is and how they can't operate like in the open lands of central and eastern europe.

Erwin "logistics is someone else's problem" Rommel tried to mount an offensive with forced which were barely adequate to defend the area, which was what his actual mission. The problem with being a gambler is that you inevitably lose. Doubly so when you keep betting everything you have.

> Germans try to invade Rome, master of the known world x 20

> Germans destroy Rome

> Germans declare new type of Christianity, war everyone over it for 150 years

> "Nice balance of power you got there and century of peace, shame if someone Franco-Prussian warred it and unified Germany."



> Turning EU into German dominated autocracy.

They don't stop...

*Leave the Italians to me

youre French arent you?
>Germans invading Rome
after Rome invades Germany
>hurch was corrupt as fuck, it was needed
>balance of powers, century of peace
Who is Napoleon? Also the French emperor sperged out and declared war
>Germany didnt start the war, but accelerated it. So youre partly right.
Hey the first time I actually agree
>Turning EU into German dominated autocracy
Who forced the EU on them in the first place?

Im not a German fanboy but you are as French as garlic baguette

You're right; they had to prop up Italy and Romania, and then Hungary and Bulgaria AGAIN.

Napoleon was liberating Europe from monarchism.

France has more culture in it's pinky toe than all of Germany.


Austria and Prussia attacked France during the Revolution.

In WW1 Germany attacked a neutral country and tried to sneak attack us and we still BTFOd them at the Marne.

... said no Finnish general or politician at any point during WW2, but for whatever reason it keeps getting brought up by wehraboos, like a few hundred thousand troops from a tiny, poor ass country equipped mostly with Czarist era gear were all that the Germans lacked from taking Leningrad.