What virtue is most important one?
What is your greatest virtue, user?
What virtue is most important one?
I think most important one is discipline.
Discipline can be used for good as well as evil, so no it can´t be discipline. It is subordinate.to justice, equity, fairness, justness or however you wanna call it.
Humility ez
Pursuit of Truth/Honesty
The greatest is combination of these.
As a semi-virtuous person, my ranking is humility > discipline > pursuit of truth > integrity
I am unsure if one is more important than the other, other than the truth. The truth seems to be the basis. If it wasn't true that virtues are good, how could we believe they are?
I think they're all important, and I like a lot. Humility seems a big one to me. The worst of all the vices seems to be pride. I'd like the opposite of that.
strength is the most important virtue because strength makes it possible to protect and carry out the other virtues. without strength you die or get conquered and are unable to make the world virtuous.
ends beat means
easy peezy
anyone saying that the most important virtue is truth or discipline or one of the other ones is an idiot
Intelligence, cunning beats strength unless you wanna call intelligence the strength of the mind. And strength can be used for good and for evil, so no strength can´t be the most important virtue. It is needed, but just as a tool of a greater virtue. And calling anyone who believes otherwise an idiot is like saying: "I don´t want to think about it anymore." Learn to doubt your own opinion.
Lack of humility leads to over-inflated egos hence creates delusions instead of truths.
prime example
Good and evil are such vague concepts, it's best to leave them out of the discussion.
It seems that you don´t know what virtue means. To leave it out of the discussion would mean to have no discussion about virtue at all.
You are right, but too much humility leads to believing any shit that another one says. "Being moderate is the best" Not to much ego and not to less.
shit, i mean not too much and not too less
I'm pretty chill.
industry and productivity
Wisdom and patience
One cannot arrive at moral behavior through the use of any particular virtue, because all of them may be twisted to evil.
The only good is goodwill, which some will practice without temperance, humility, courage, or discipline. These things point towards the moral good but are not in fact good-in-themselves, without qualification.
Industry is not a virtue at all and to produce thousands of bombs doesn´t seem very good to me, but i guess you haven´t meant that kind of productivity, so in a way yes.
Prots out
t. virgin neckbeard
A good will alone can not lead to something good, you need to know how to do something good or otherwise your actions can produce something bad, that´s not intended.
For women it is virginity.
For men it is masculinity.
Think of a murderer that confesses his crimes. The whole human must be good not just parts of him.
My greatest virtue is virginity
Truth is the highest virtue of all.
You know it's the highest truth because you risk insanity or otherwise endanger yourself when you seek it. The dragon guards the gold in the underworld.
So a married woman with children is not good anymore, that is ridiculous.
Truth is not a virtue, but seeking, wanting to know the truth is one. A terrorist wants to know how to build a bomb, so seeking truth is not enough.
God/logos/lord/yaweh/yeshua/allah/zues/baal whoever you wanna call him...
thruthfulness is the most consistently useful virtue. willpower would be my other candidate.
What that terrorist truly wanted to know what how to come to terms with his own mortality and find meaning and purpose in his life. It was a twisted ideologue that led him astray.
are you trolling or what? Every single virtue can be used for or result in evil, so what you're doing is just stupid
Faith, Hope and Charity.
When what you hope for and have faith in is realized, when it is grasped, when you have it in your hands, there is no more need for faith and hope.
So charity, love, is the greatest virtue because it never ends.
he's trying to be Socrates, don't discourage him
Tell me you want yo come up with examples.
why did this murderer kill?
You are implying alot about the nature of good and evil.
Since this guy wants to play socratese to everyones virtue
Then it must be moderation.
Or possibly compassion or empathy.
Being able to understand where everything else is coming from.
t. Aristotle
All virtues combined will not lead to evil, so seeking just one virtue is not good at all. Asking for the best virtue is pointless, all are as good as the others, but alone they will never lead to any good.
It is presocratic.
Like a sadist hoping for pain of others and Eva Braun loving Hitler.
Why do you write "or", can´t it be all of it?
Yes, that's what love is.
(Seek professional help.)
Why? I have not intended to offend anybody i have just concluded consequences.
Your answer to what love is is textbook psychosis, and you're likely a sociopath.
Which school did you get your Psychiatry PhD from?
Psychosis is a preamble not a concrete diagnosis, mr. Freud. I am not a sociopath i am an empath.
You should be shopping for a shrink with these questions, not wasting your time here.
You already know you're nuts.
Do something about it.
>t. virgin
Generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty and laughter :^) .
I'm pretty generous myself, it's more that i'm just impulsive and like spending money though.
Fascistic nationalism.
>What virtue is most important one?
being virtuous?