*unzips my civilization*
Well, this thing aint gonna suck itself
*unzips my civilization*
Well, this thing aint gonna suck itself
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Why did people stop identifying as Phoenicians?
>tfw 20 Phoenician colonies in Sardinia but no Phoenician DNA
They surely weren't good at replacing the natives
You're the one calling them Phoenicians. Outside of traders and mercenaries, who would have travelled from Lebanon to southern Spain? Why would they understand themselves as a single coherent group?
Cicero called Sardinians Phoenicians/Africans
The Phoenicians were benevolent colonizers
>Why would they understand themselves as a single coherent group?
They spoke the same language
I've always thought it was interesting that Hebrew and Phoenician were both sister languages and were mutually intelligible with each other. It explains why Lebanese have so much Jewish DNA.
Because they were both Canaanites
Philistines too used a Phoenician like language
>It explains why Lebanese have so much Jewish DNA.
Hezbollah is on suicide watch.
44% Arab? That's a lot more than I would have guessed.
Shut the fuck up. The Greeks saw themselves as Hellenes no matter where they lived, Syracuse, Athens, Alexandria, didn't matter. Why wouldn't the Phoenecians? You dense fucker. Kys.
I know it's kind of weird. What blows my mind is how little Arab DNA Egyptians have. They are as Arab as Lebanese are Jewish
Cartago delenda est
post more phoenicians
this makes clear how laughable it is when black americans claim to have egyptian ancestors
*teleports behind yoy*
heh, delenda est...
Cause they never really did
The Old Testament talks about both David and Solomon being allied with Tyre. I'm willing to believe that some version of those stories is accurate.
They referred to themselves as Canaanites. And the answer is filthy Arabs
>mfw I have a great grandfather from Lebanon
I am allahu akbar and jew
What does this have to do with Phoenicians?
Who the fuck were the Phoenicians? I hear people talk about them as great colonizers all the time but the only one I ever hear about is Carthage.
Carthage, Utica, Motia, Ziz, Marion, Kition, Caralis, Solky, Malaga, Gadir, Nora, Bithia, Tharros, Nabui, Soluntum, Hippo, Sirai, Onoba, Sexi, Arambys, Lixus, Oea, Maleth, Ibossim, Callista
the Phoenicians are the fathers of carthage and the Carthaginians
No shit Sherlock
Autism: the post
We're the Phoenicians the Sea People?
No, Egyptians ruled over Phoenicians when they got invaded by the sea peoples.
Phoenicians were known as FENKHU bu the Egyptians, nothing to do with the sea people who were mostly made up of unidentified ethnicities barely known by the Egyptians, while the Fenkhu were well known by the Egyptians since the old kingdom.
Not true. The Carthaginians were African. The Romans said it themselves.
>They referred to themselves as Canaanites
Citation needed
Any source on the Carthaginians will confirm this. It's why the Phoenicians wouldn't help Cambyses attack the Carthaginians.
They colonized the southern Mediterranean, Iberian peninsula, circumvented Africa, and traded all the way to the British isles. They gave the alphabet to the Greeks and Etruscans. They were pretty influencias overall. It's a true shame Rome destroyed their libraries
>it's a black warrior episode
I like this post
I have never met nor seen any black person ever claim this. If they did it would for the most part be absurd unless they were recent immigrants.
I literally find retarded afrocentric bullshit almost every time I search for ancient artefacts on google images
I thought /pol/ was exaggerating the issue too until afrocentric bullshit started popping up almost every time on google images
then could you give one? the only references to canaanites as an ethnic marker than I know of is in the bible. think I've also seen it used in new kingdom texts but not in the sense of a specific ethnic group but as general term for the people inhabiting the region of canaan
How do solve the Sea-People hoax?
Philistinescame from somewhere between Cyprus and the Aegean
Lukka were Lycians
The rest is guessowork
Phoenicians were invaded by them, the cities which survived later on became major powers a few centuries later and started giving the middle finger to Egypt who ruled them before
Pretty sure the Phoenicians only had a small presence in Cyprus on the south, the rest of the island was colonised by Greeks
It was conquered by Assyrians and their Phoenician vassals
I don't think Assyrian conquest means that the population changes immediately, otherwise it would've lost its Greek identity a long time ago
The native inhabitants didn't speak Greek initial, Cypro Minoan didn't encode Greek, and Cypro Syllabic contained both Greek and the native Cypriot language, only around the time of Alexander Greek alphabet and language became preponderant
I don't think they had a Greek identity
I know they weren't Greek originally, but Greeks have been settling in Cyprus way before the Assyrians came, which is why they were also allied with the Greeks and rebelled against the Persians during the Ionian revolt. They definitely had a strong Greek element, even though it wasn't still fully there
I am Phoenician
Patrick Hunt's lectures on Hannibal is the most recent I've experienced, but honestly pick any major book on Carthage. I have yet to find a source arguing they referred to themselves to anything but this. I'm sorry for not giving a specific book, but really this appears almost everywhere I've read.
Phoenicians had control of it much earlier. They named the island after copper because it was a major copper source to them. Keep in mind Phoenician expansion happened before the Greeks and then the Greeks overlapped once the Phoenicians weakened.
*unsheathes falcata*
*colonised yoy*
>Implying Phoenicians colonized thanks to their military prowess
What's so funny?
>we was rais
So then who the fuck were the Sea People, really? Early Romans or Turks?
Turks, Cypriots, Greeks, maybe Sards and Italics too
>That Chi-Rho on his helmet
partly caused the fall of the bronze age trade empires wich allowed the phoenicians to flourish
Absolutely no Turks.
>no colonies in egypt
Can't Touch dis phoenicunts
They gave the middlefinger to Egypt though
Well with the puny amount of immigration from arabs to our country (14000 in a span of over 300 years ) the Arabs got absorbed into our population and not the opposite.not really surprised
that's really just a Black nationalist thing. I live in Chicago, and everyone I've met who believes that shit is deep into black power and has some crazy African name
The Sardinians have a solid claim to being some of the sea people, since Cypriot bronze ingots have been found in Sardinia
Greek became dominant long before Alexander. The Arcado-Cypriot language was the last remnant of Mycenaean Greece. IIRC the island was settled by Greeks around the same time Crete was conquered
Yes, the largest concentration of cypriot ingots was found in bronze age sardinia.
Sardinian pottery, both imported and locally made was also found both in Cyprus, Crete and Tyrins and in other sites in the Central Mediterranean
Keep in mind that pottery was found in a layer which is contemporary to the sea peoples invasion of the Near East and Alashiya (Cyprus)
Actually Cyprus was indipendent at least until the 14th century bc, we know that because Alashiya was a kingdom on Cyprus and it's well known by near eastern sources, and Hittites mention that Greeks tried to invade Cyprus but were expelled by the Hittite army.
Later the report of Wenamun mentions Cyprus as Alashiya and as ruled by a queen so it seems to have stayed independent, but it's difficult to say whether Alashiya encompassed all of Cyprus of just part of it (Enkomi probably)
While there was certainly Aegean presence in Cyprus in the late bronze age it's difficult to say if it was preponderant or if they were a minority.
Most recent publications I've read have a minimalist approach and talk of "influence" and "migration/mixing of cultures"
>Spain cut-off the picture
>Oldest city still "alive" in Europe
>oldest city still alive in Europe
Yeah, no.
The foundation date isn't older than the 8th century bc, Carthage, Utica in North Africa, Sulci (still inhabited) in Sardinia and Motya in Sicily are as old if not older.
Oh yeah, also Huelva in Spain itself is probably older than Cadiz, there are Pre Phoenician materials both local and imported from elsewhere.
1100 bc is a meme pushed by Spanish wewuzzers, someone started it because he read that an ancient Roman historian said it was 1100 bc, but that's a myth and if we go by Greek myths there are older cities in Western Europe.