Is the missing link real or a myth?

Is the missing link real or a myth?

If real, what are some explanations for the gap?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

We simply descended from a common ancestor

>what are some explanations for the gap?
The "gap" has been filled several times already. The thing is, everytime we discover something that came inbetween two previously known species, two new gaps reveal themselves between the newly discovered specimen and the two older ones.

It is more complex than that and science doesn't have all the answers

Ooa theorist would put a black man at that question ark. Multi-regionalist know better.

>what are some explanations for the gap?

Fossil evidence doesn't come pre-packaged just waiting to be found.

The missing link is the negro

These, plus the fact that the vast, vast majority of organic matter never gets preserved.

For example we will probably never know about a good portion of dinosaurs, especially the smaller ones.

not anymore, user, the negroids are on their own. Europeans come from Europe, read it in the news last week so it must be true.

Marocco is not Europe

fuck the guardian, and fuck you for reading it. thi isn't /r/eddit

>earliest homonid in Europe 7 million years ago
>Some human found in Morocco 100,000 years ago
The went down from Europe into Morocco.

Until we make time machines.

The "missing link" is a figure of speech. Anyone who has a basic understanding of the process of evolution, knows, that there isn't any ONE missing link. Evolution is a continuum of microevolution. It's not pokemon.


>Homo Sapiens

that's why Allah gave us Islam

>It's not pokemon

>Anyone who has a basic understanding of the process of evolution
You'd be surprised. I once met a stoner who was convinced that evolution couldn't possibly be real because "monkeys can't just turn into birds."

Earth was a Joint Colonization.

[Blacks had/have/claimed Africa]

[Whites had/have/claimed Europe]

[Asians had/have/claimed Asia] bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Look up "punctuated equilibrium"

That pictures not accurate, first of all

Secondly every missing link found means there's two new ones in between, we'll probably never have every transitional form because fossilization is a rare thing

there is no gap. The gap is a myth. There's just a continuous trend of groups of populations splitting apart and becoming more genetically distant.

>what is the missing link between 0 and 1
>oh yeah? then what is the missing link between 0,5 and 1?
>oh yeah then what is the missing link between 0,75 and 1?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this goes on forever
