Meanwhile in Bizarro-Bizarro /biz
Bizarro- Bizarro /biz
Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says.
this thread is going to screw up the sentiment analysis bots that scan Veeky Forums
weather I'm serious about this or just Veeky Forumsarro posting, I'll leave up to the reader to decide
Bad,just sold -100k
wir sind die digimarines (:
Hehe I see what you did there
>Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin are too speculative for my taste. I am not interested in get-rich-quick ponzi schemes.
nice just bought 100k digibyte
I don't know what to do with all these lambos.
>Meanwhile in Bizarro-Bizarro /biz
OP really gives BTC:
hey my fellow Veeky Forumsraelis - espers keeps mooning on yobit, is there still time to get on the rocket? when do you think it will dip?
buy low sell high
Bancor is stoppable
>buying at ATH
Regarding my decision to invest in Bancor; I arrived at it after reading their whitepaper and countless hours weighing options, finally deciding that it would make a good addition to an already well-balanced portforlio. My decision was certainly not based on anything as trivial as the ethnicity of the CEO. Nor am I under any illusion that this will be the cryptocurrency that turns me into an overnight millionaire.
Why are you investing in a Nazi coin? The fact that it's lead by a white aryan male was enough for me to avoid it.
I love Bancor!!!!
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
BCC has no chance of crashing
Satoshi is (((them))).
Cryptocurrency was created so jews can distribute their wealth and share it with non-jews by giving away free money to anyone with a degree in computer science
.i'm poor and afraiD