How great of an effect did woman have on the course and outcome of WWI?
How great of an effect did woman have on the course and outcome of WWI?
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As soldiers?
Fucking none.
Very great. Many women fought fiercely on every front and several prominent generals where women.
But of course you never read of this since the patriarchy buried it.
>Called into action against the Germans during the Kerensky Offensive, they were assigned to the 525th Kiuruk-Darinski Regiment and occupied a trench near Smorgon. Ordered to go over the top, the soldiers of the war weary men's battalions hesitated. The women, however, decided to go with or without them. Eventually they pushed past three trenches into German territory, where soldiers discovered a stash of vodka, which the women tried to break before they could be drunk. In his report, the commander of the regiment praised the women's battalion's initiative and courage.[8] However, relief units never arrived and they were eventually forced to retreat, losing all the ground gained in the offensive
Not enough to matter at that point
I'm going to get lynched for saying that considering I'm on Veeky Forums but anyway
Female role in ww1 is quite underrated
In France and Great Britain most young men were consripted into the army and sent to the front. It caused many positions in factories be replaced by women. Fighting armies required constant supplies of equipment and ammunition, what made factory effort even more important. Many women got sick or exhausted from chemicals and physical effort in their workplaces, but if they wouldn't took up the job, Allies would have more troubles to win the war
Let's also remember female role in nursing wounded
I think he means in combat, judging by the image anyway
>actually no
This. In ww2 majority of the red army were women but you never hear about this either.
They never formed more than 3% of the military
he's shitposting faggot
>DLC is called in the name of the Tsar
>The character on the cover is a female from a female battalion which was crated after the February Revolution
Fucking Swedes don't know history
>being this new
Maybe they're going for a Bocharevka thing where she's the only female in the unit or some shit, fucked if I know
putting aside the retarded liberalism and shitposting /pol/sters
the French and German governments actually hired legal prostitutes to raise morale.
They could also monitor the womans health to make sure no unsightly STDS spread throughout the army
its shame they don't do this today
Anyone denying that would just be a frustrated faggot, but they're so much on this site
Nobody here denies the fact that women had supporting roles in logistics, manufacturing and nursing. This is about inserting women into the frontline.
>what's humor
Who gives a shit! You can impale people in the game now!
Why not?
NO its not you spa. The question was how much of an effect did women have on the outcome of WW1. This is a history board, no one care that you have to play as a black man or a women in your completely ahistoric video game
1st feminist wave
I wonder if we'll ever be allowed to enjoy history again without having female and ethnicities rammed down our throats to compensate for some sort of weird white/male guilt bullshit.
Probably not.
>I wonder if we'll ever be allowed to openly discriminate in order to appeal to my white male worldview
There were women that served in espionage, such as Mata Hari. Women also played a role in things such as logistics and manufacturing no doubt, But as soldiers, none.
She is probably gonna be Fatima Tyroneova
>black russian soldiers
You can just ignore it instead of searching for it, tbqh.
Chicks white, the lighting just makes her look like a PoC
Probably done intentionally